Hey all! This is an idea I've had banging around in my head for awhile. I'm hoping that you like reading it as much as I like writing it. If you feel like it, leave a review, they're my favorite : )

Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds.

"Spencer!" Jack cried, running out of Hotch's office and down the stairs, crossing the bullpen in record time before throwing his six year old self into Reid's arms. "Spencer!" he yelled again, right into Reid's face.

Reid blinked in surprise and then smiled. "Hi Jack."

Jack grinned. For whatever reason, the "Reid Effect" didn't seem to affect him at all; Reid was one of his favorite people on the planet. At least, he had been for the last year or so ever since one of Reid's film canister rockets nailed Hotch in the forehead. Jack had seen the whole thing and found it hilarious and had immediately asked Reid to show him the trick, much to everyone else's bemusement.

Reid set Jack on his feet and grabbed his hand, leading him to his desk. "I've got a new one to show you." He whispered conspiratorially.

Jack smiled wider than he had in a long time and happily pulled Reid over to his desk, climbing in his chair as he had so many times before. Reid knelt down next to him and began talking softly.

Hotch watched the scene unfold from the doorway of his office, unaware of the smile on his face. Seeing Jack happy and smiling was his absolute favorite thing in the world, especially after he'd lost his mom. Seeing Jack act like the spunky six year old he was gave Hotch the feeling that things could eventually regain some semblance of being normal. Though he was as amused as everyone else by the odd pairing, he was happy for it.

"Whoa! How did you do that?" an ecstatic Jack yelled from Reid's desk. "Show me!" he commanded.

"A magician never reveals his secrets." Reid said, leaning in closer to Jack. "But I'll make an exception for you." And as he patiently explained every detail of the trick, Hotch could see only a flash of the red ball Reid was making disappear and reappear. Jack was completely focused on Reid, trying to learn every aspect of the trick, and he didn't hear Morgan sneak up behind him.

"What are you doing here little man?" Morgan asked, ruffling Jack's hair.

"I'm learning magic." He said seriously, pointing to the ball sitting on Reid's desk.

"Magic, huh?" Morgan teased. "Well, let's see you get out of this one!" He picked Jack up and spun him around, switching his grip so he was holding his ankle. Jack dangled from Morgan's right hand while his left incessantly tickled Jack's stomach. Jack squirmed and twisted but couldn't get free.

"Put me down right now." He ordered, finally giving up and crossing his arms, a very Hotch-like expression on his face even though the hint of a smile was still there.

Morgan complied, setting Jack gently on his feet and tousling his hair. "You got it kid." Morgan said. "Better get back to your magic." He added, walking to his desk and settling in for what was certainly going to be a long night of paperwork.

Reid leaned in close to Jack. "Ready for the next trick?"

Jack nodded excitedly.

"Okay. This one is called 'Hit Derek in the head with the little red ball'. Ready?"

Jack snickered and nodded, watching as Reid picked up the ball and, with surprising accuracy, lobbed it at the back of Morgan's head, hitting it with a soft thunk and bouncing to the floor. The sound of Jack's giddy laughter greeted Garcia and Prentiss as they walked in the door.

"What's going on here?" Prentiss asked, eyebrows raised.

"Magic!" Jack cried, running to give her a hug.

"Target practice." Morgan specified, rubbing the back of his head.

Prentiss laughed. "Please. With your hard head, I'm surprised you felt that at all." She teased.

"Hey, don't be making fun of my boy's head." Garcia chided affectionately. She grabbed Jack's hand and walked him back to Reid's desk, pulling a candy bar out from behind her back. "Dinner is served!" She announced.

Jack's smile faltered. "I haven't had dinner yet. I don't think my daddy will let me…" He raised his head to Hotch's office, catching his dad's eye.

"Oh go on. Get corrupted. Get cavities. Eat dessert first." Hotch said in an exasperated tone. He softened it with a wink that let Jack know he was only joking. Jack grinned.

"You're the best daddy in the world!" he yelled, grabbing the candy bar out of Garcia's hand, just as JJ was leaving her office for the night.

"Remind me to never let you near Henry." She joked, hitching her bag up higher on her shoulder.

"Henry loves me Jayje. You couldn't keep us apart if you tried." Penelope joked back.

"JJ! Where is Henry? Is he here? Can I hold him?" Jack pleaded; his mouth still full of chocolate.

JJ laughed. "He's not here Jack, but I'll bring him in sometime so you guys can play, okay?"

"Yay!" Jack yelled, stuffing the rest of his candy bar in his mouth.

Everyone in the bullpen laughed at the glee-filled expression on his face, distorted by the mounds of chocolate he had in his mouth. Hotch was so intent that he didn't even hear Rossi approach.

"I can't tell who's having more fun down there," he joked. "Jack or the rest of them."

Hotch smiled. "I think it's a tie."

"How's he doing Aaron?"

"Things are getting better. Kind of. I found him watching home videos of Haley again yesterday. He'd fallen asleep watching them."

"It's part of the healing process. You know that."

"I do. I know that. I just wish I knew how to fix it all for him." Hotch sighed. It was true. He wanted that more than anything; he wanted to be able to bring Haley back, if only for Jack's sake. For Jack's sake, and his own.

"It'll take time. You're doing everything right." Rossi assured him. "And that's got to be a good sign." He laughed and indicated the goings-on in the bullpen below.

Hotch laughed too, as Jack had just thrown the ball at Morgan's head, imitating Reid. The ball bounced off Morgan's forehead and Jack laughed and ran as Morgan sprinted toward him. He ran behind Emily, who quickly linked elbows with JJ and Garcia on either side of her, shielding Jack.

"Don't even think about it." JJ told Morgan.

"You're not going to get past us hunksicle." Garcia said.

Jack peeked out from behind Garcia's legs. "What's a hunkysuckle?" he asked.

And that was too much for Hotch, who immediately burst into laughter that was louder than anyone thought he was capable of.

"Thanks for enriching my son's vocabulary Garcia." he said loud enough for her to hear. "Thanks a lot."

That Sunday, Hotch found himself standing next to Rossi on a soccer field cheering on the small boys running up and down aimlessly. He'd gotten roped into coaching Jack's soccer team for the season and had in turn convinced Rossi to help him. After a few quips about the Italian soccer team, Rossi was in.

Hotch watched his son with pride, once again reveling in the fact that we was a mostly well-adjusted kid. The ball headed his way and he kicked it just a little too far in front of him. He put on a burst of speed that made his short little legs look like a blur from the sidelines. He caught up to the ball and kicked it again sending it streaking down the field in a blur of black and white. Hotch watched as a boy on the opposing team tripped over the ball headed his way; the kid landed flat on his back as the rest of the boys took off. Jack, who had been leading the pack that was running to catch up to the ball, stopped and turned around. He helped the boy off the ground and patted him on his back before they both ran off toward the ball side by side.

Rossi shook his head. "That is quite some kid you've got there Aaron."

Hotch nodded. "I know."

"Why don't you take a late morning tomorrow? Spend some quality time with him."

"Is that your subtle way of telling me that I don't spend enough time with my son?"

"No, that's my way of telling you that you should take a late morning and spend some quality time with your son." Rossi repeated.

Hotch smiled. As out of character as it was, the idea was tempting.

As he tucked Jack into bed that night Hotch couldn't resist asking his son about the game.

"Jack, I'm really proud of what you did at the game today."

"But I didn't score anything." Jack answered.

Hotch smiled. "I'm not talking about that buddy. I'm talking about when you helped that boy up off the ground. You could have scored then, but you decided to help him instead."

Jack regarded his father seriously. "I wanted to be like you Daddy. You always help people. I want to help people too."

Hotch ruffled Jack's hair. "I'm glad to hear that buddy. Okay, time for sleep." He kissed Jack's forehead as the child settled into bed.

"Night Daddy."

"Goodnight Jack."

Hotch was halfway to the door when he heard Jack's tentative voice. "Daddy?"

Hotch turned.

"Can I say good night to Mommy?"

"Of course you can buddy. You can talk to Mom anytime you want."

Jack smiled. "Goodnight Mommy. I love you." He looked at Hotch. "I love you too Daddy."

"And I love you too Jack." Hotch flipped the light switch so that Jack's bedroom was illuminated only by the soft glow of his night light. He paused in the doorway and regarded the small sleeping form of his son. For a fleeting moment the thought crossed his mind that he didn't know what he would do if he ever lost him. He was so lost in thought that he didn't sense the intruder walk softly up behind him. By the time he realized someone was behind him, the intruder had hit him on the side of the head and Hotch fell to the floor.