Canada looked out his window at the rapidly falling snow. It had been snowing like this for hours now. He had errands to run... he had to get maple syrup and he was completely out of pancake ingredients. He heard some moving behind him, it was probably Kumagahra. When the noises stopped he became curious and turned around then jumped at the sudden presence in front of him. There stood his lover, Russia, with arm fulls of maple syrup. Confused he looked up at the Russian and saw a look in eyes he was almost too scared to acknowledge."Lets play in the snow, da?" Canada knowing he had no choice in the matter grabbed his coats, gloves and hats wordlessly and headed out the door with Russia. As they walked Canada couldn't help but wonder what the maple was for. They arrived at the near by park and stopped when Russia stopped.

"Lets build a snowman, da?" Canada giggled and nodded and started collecting snow but was stopped. "Nyet, you will be the snowman, da. You are a country so you wont get frostbite." Very confused the Canadian gave a very hesitant nod.

"Why? That kind of... weird..." Canada looked around at the other people that were also playing in the snow.

"Da, da, you'll see..." Shrugging, Canada stood still as his lover began piling the snow around him. After chatting and a few scolding of to 'stay still' and a ' You try standing this long!' it was going around his neck and the Russian stopped, Canada was surprised at how round the whole thing was and how... tight it was. Ivan then bent down and picked up some maple bottles and started pouring it all over the snow that was covering him.

"R-Rusisia? What are you doing?" This was the most bizarre thing ever and it wasn't making too much sense. After the last bottle was emptied the Russian got really close to him, bent down to where the snow with maple was touching his neck and he stuck his tongue out and slowly licked upwards till his tongue just barely brushed over the Canadians neck. "What are you doing? There are people watching!" Canada squeaked out as a blushed formed over his cheeks. Russia laughed, "Da, I know. This is for not letting me do this in bed."


^/^ I cant believe I wrote that. Short story is short.

In my Word dictionary "Kimagahra" is not a misspelled word.

This is from a meme I did on deviant art.

Ok so my computer got infected with this System Fix virus and it took me a whole day to get it off... then you know what? I deleted the next chapter of: "My Earth" ._. I'mma need inspiration and motivation to write it again.