Hello all :)

Just getting in the spirit of the Holidays, this is a little story I came up with. It's complete fiction so I changed the way the show did things. In this, Kathy left when the kids were young. Olivia and Elliot are still working together and they have feelings for each other but won't admit it. It's two years after Kathy left and Elliot is struggling to find a way to give his kids a good Christmas and of course Olivia is there to help him.

Maureen notices the connection between her father and Olivia and decides to find a way to get them together before Christmas. But will it work?

Just so you know, for the purpose of this story Maureen is 13, Kathleen is 10 and Lizzie and Dickie are 6.

Christmas had always been his favorite time of the year. As a kid he had lamented over what to ask Santa for every year. He usually started his first draft of his letter to Santa the day after Halloween and each year it got long and longer. Of course when he was old enough to know that Santa wasn't real, it didn't make him love Christmas any less.

Now that he was a father, he loved seeing the joy on his kid's faces on Christmas morning when they saw their gifts under the tree. But the last two years had been different…Kathy had left and he was left with the kids alone. He hadn't heard from his ex-wife since the day she left the house saying she couldn't take living with him anymore.

He devoted his life to taking care of his kids, but this year money was tight. It was December 1st and he still had no idea what he was going to buy any of them for Christmas. He sighed, staring at the picture of his four children on his desk and worried that once again they were going to have a disappointing Christmas.

He was so lost in thought, he didn't hear his partner walk up beside him and place a cup of coffee beside him. "El?"

He finally snapped out of his daze and looked over at her. "Oh. Hey Liv…thanks for the coffee."

Olivia stared at him for a moment. "You okay? You looked like you were thinking about something pretty hard…"

Elliot smiled. "Yeah. I'm fine…"

She walked around to her desk and sat down before looking back over at him. "Are you taking the kids to the Christmas Tree lighting at Rockefeller Center this year? It's your big tradition isn't it?"

Elliot smiled and nodded his head. "It is…but I don't know if we'll go this year. Last year…it just wasn't the same."

Olivia smiled sadly. "You mean because Kathy wasn't there?"

Elliot nodded. "The kids didn't have as much fun…our hearts weren't in it really."

"It was the first year without her though." Olivia said shrugging. "Maybe this year will be better? I think you should go…you always say you want to keep things as normal as possible for the kids. This is your favorite time of the year El…"

He sighed and shuffled some papers on his desk. "It used to be…"

Olivia frowned; she hated seeing him like this. Ever since she had known him, whenever Christmas had rolled around a little bit of his macho exterior had melted away. She had never been a big fan of Christmas; she never got any presents on Christmas morning. And her Mom had ruined the illusion of Santa by the time she was four.

To her Christmas had always been a lonely holiday filled with broken promises and thoughts of hope that didn't exist. But once she met Elliot, some of his spirit had begun to rub off on her. She didn't have a relationship of her own and she didn't have any kids, but she had to admit there was something about the spirit of Christmas that made everything just a little brighter.

It was hard being partners with Elliot sometimes, because the fact of the matter was she had been in love with him since the day she met him. He of course had been married and she never would have done anything to ruin that. But he and Kathy had been divorced for over two years and she had to admit that she had hoped that he would ask her out on a date.

She would never ask him, she was too shy and she didn't think she could take it if he rejected her. But right now it didn't matter if he never looked at her the way she wanted him too. For the past two years she had seen him working his ass off here at the precinct and then going home to take care of his four kids. They meant the world to him.

He looked so tired and defeated sitting across from her. She couldn't even remember the last time she had seen him smile. She had hoped that since it was Christmas time again a little bit of the old Elliot would return. However, it was becoming painfully clear that she was going to have too search for that Elliot. Her Elliot.

She was in need of a Christmas miracle to make him smile again, and she was going to do whatever it took to make that happen this year.

"Elliot…" She whispered softly, he was still looking down at his desk so she tried again. "El?"

He looked up at her and tried to smile. "What?"

"I know that Kathy broke your heart when she left…" She paused; this was always a sore subject for him. "But…it's been two years El. It's time to move on…not just for you but for the kids too."

He nodded his head. "I know you're right. And I am over Kathy…that's not the problem. I just feel like I failed my kids, they need a Mom in their life. I can only do so much…"

"They have your Mom though…" Olivia whispered.

Elliot nodded again. "True. But it's not the same…"

She sighed. "I know you are stubborn…but I've been telling you for two years to call me for anything you needed. And you never call me…I'm not their Mom…I could never be their Mom but you know I'd do anything for your kids El. Or you…"

Elliot stared at her for a moment and smiled softly. "I know. I appreciate that…and you have been so helpful. I guess I just don't want to burden you…"

Olivia rolled her eyes. "You could never be a burden to me El." She stood up and smiled before walking back to his desk. "Come on. Let's get out of here."

Elliot stared up at her feeling very confused. "Go? Go where?"

"We can finish this paper work tomorrow." She said shrugging. "You look like you need a break, a little fresh air to help you clear your head."

"Where are we going?" Elliot asked he stood up.

"We are going for a walk. They've already put up lights and all the stores have their displays. Let's go walk around a little…check it out. You used to love doing that!" She said grabbing their coats and throwing his to him. "You in?"

Elliot caught his coat and smiled before standing up and slipping it on. "Sure. Why not?"

"Good." Olivia slipped her own coat on and grabbed her coffee. "Let's go."

Twenty minutes later they were walking through the crowded streets of New York City. Elliot's Mom had moved in with him after Kathy left so he could help her look after the kids, it was a big help especially since he worked late often. It was a little past 8:30 at night so the city was lit up with all the beautiful lights and Elliot couldn't help but feel a little better.

Olivia looked over at him and noticed that he had a small smile growing on his lips, she nudged him gently. "See! I told you this would make you feel better."

Elliot chuckled. "You always know how to cheer me up Liv. Thanks…"

She shrugged. "Don't mention it." They came up to a toy store and Olivia stopped to look in the window. "Any idea what you're getting the kids this year?"

Elliot sighed. "Not a clue…"

Olivia smiled as the train set in the window chugged along between the dolls, toy soldiers and teddy bears. "Did they write their letters to Santa yet?"

Elliot smiled and nodded. "Dickie gave me his last week. It was three pages long."

Olivia laughed. "Well at least he knows what he wants."

Elliot nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Yeah…I just wish I could afford everything they wanted. With just one income and four kids to feed plus my Mom…I just don't know what I'll be able to get this year."

Olivia saw the happiness fading from his face again. "Kathy still hasn't called or sent any money?"

Elliot shook his head. "Nope. Once the divorce was finalized I didn't hear from her again…if she doesn't want to be with me that's fine but I wish she hadn't ditched the kids like that."

"Do they still ask about her?" Olivia asked curiously.

Elliot shook his head. "Not anymore. I think it's just to hard for them to talk about it. Maureen and Kathleen are older…they know she isn't coming back. But deep down I think Lizzie and Dickie think she will come back someday…"

Olivia turned her attention back to the store window and whispered softly. "You never know…maybe she will."

Elliot laughed sadly. "I highly doubt it. She made it pretty clear that she didn't want this life anymore. And even if she did…" He shook his head. "I'm not sure they would forgive her…at least not Maureen and Kathleen."

Olivia linked her arm with his and tried to smile. "You are a terrific father Elliot…you have done so much for those kids and no matter what happens they will understand that someday. They don't have a Mom…but they pretty much have the greatest father in the world."

Elliot smiled down at her and he felt his heart skip a beat. He would be lying if he denied he was attracted to Olivia and he couldn't pretend he didn't have feelings for her. She was his best friend, and his biggest supporter through his whole mess of a marriage. His kids adored her, and even though he didn't call often for help Olivia always seemed to sense when he needed her.

Sometimes she'd show up at the house during the middle of a hectic night. Elliot would ask what she was doing there and she'd reply that she felt like he needed an extra hand. It was like she could sense it, it always amazed him.

She had a way of calming the kids down when they were upset, making them laugh and giving them advice when they needed it. She was especially helpful with Maureen and Kathleen as they were getting older, he didn't feel comfortable talking about sex with them and puberty and Olivia stepped in without hesitation.

He didn't know where he would be without her, but something had always held him back from pursing a romantic relationship with her. He knew it was probably for selfish reasons, he was afraid to lose her. Hell, he didn't even know if Olivia felt the same but he knew that if she did and they got together and eventually something went wrong…he would never be able to handle it if she left.

He also wanted to protect his kids from getting hurt again, so he just decided to keep their relationship strictly work and friendship related.

"Thanks Liv…that means a lot." Elliot said smiling at her softy.

"Well its true El…I mean most people in your situation would have given up ya know? But you work so hard at the precinct and even harder when you get home. Those kids…they adore you. I know it isn't easy…but it's worth it to see them smile right?" Olivia asked.

Elliot nodded and looked sadly back at the store window. "Yeah…it is. I just wish I could make their Christmas happy…"

Olivia frowned and looked at the toys again. "Well…it's still early. You have the whole month to figure something out Elliot. Just…try not to stress about it too much okay?"

He sighed and started to pull her away from the window. "I'll try…"

"Good." She said squeezing his arm tighter. "Now let's go and get some coffee…"

Two days later was the lighting of the tree at Rockefeller Center. Elliot and Olivia were finishing up some work at their desks when Bernie walked in with Elliot's four kids.

"Olivia!" Six year old Dickie said running over to her desk with his twin sister Lizzie in tow.

Olivia smiled and put her pen down before scooping the young boy up and pulling Lizzie to her side. "Hey guys! Are you excited to go see them light the big tree?"

"I can't wait!" Lizzie said jumping up and down. "It's always so pretty!"

Olivia laughed and smiled at the girl. "It is very pretty, and very big!"

"I wish we could have a tree that big at our house!" Dickie said. "Think of all the presents Santa could fit under it!"

Olivia laughed. "Yes well I don't think a tree that big would fit in your house…but I'm sure you will have a great tree this year like you always do."

"Hey Liv." Maureen said walking over to her Dad, she kissed his cheek. "Hey Dad."

"Hey guys." Elliot said putting his papers in his desk. "I'm almost ready."

"Olivia are you coming with us?" Kathleen asked hopefully.

Olivia looked at her desk. "Oh no honey…I don't think so. This is your family tradition, I don't want to intrude. And I have a lot of work to finish up anyway."

"You wouldn't be intruding." Maureen said rolling his eyes. "We'd love it if you came with us. Right Dad?"

Elliot nodded. "Yeah Liv why don't you come with us? We've been working on this case for days…the paper work will still be here in the morning."

"Are you sure?" Olivia asked looking at him skeptically. "I don't-"

"Please come Livvie." Lizzie said pouting. "Please?"

Olivia smiled and felt her heart melt looking at Elliot's youngest daughter. "Well how can I say no to a face like that?"

"Yes!" Lizzie said leaning in to hug her.

Dickie jumped off of Olivia's lap and Olivia slipped on her coat. She smiled at Elliot's mother who leaned in to give her a hug.

"Olivia! Look at you, all skin and bones! You need to eat more!" Bernie said shaking her head as she pulled away.

Olivia laughed. "I eat plenty Bernie…don't worry."

The older woman shook her head. "Clearly you don't. You need to come over for dinner more often so I can put some meat on those bones of yours. You work too hard…just like my son."

Olivia smiled. "Well…someone has to keep the streets clean of the scum right?"

Bernie laughed. "I supposed so."

"Dad can we go now?" Dickie asked pulling at his fathers arm. "I don't want to miss the countdown! You know it's my favorite part!"

Elliot smiled and reached for his coat. "Yeah buddy. Let's go." He scooped up his son and they all walked towards the elevators to make their way to Rockefeller Center.

Thirty minutes later, they were standing among the large crowd watching the performers sing Christmas songs. Elliot was holding both Lizzie and Dickie in his arms so they could see over the crowd. Kathleen was standing next to Bernie singing along to one of the songs and Maureen and Olivia were arm in arm on the other side of Bernie.

"So how's school going?" Olivia asked.

Maureen shrugged. "Oh you know…it's alright. I have a lot of projects and stuff to do before Christmas break but I'll get it all done."

Olivia smiled. "You always do."

"I've been meaning to ask you…we're all in the Christmas pageant this year at church. It's on December 23rd…you probably have plans but if you don't…do you think you could come?" Maureen asked skeptically.

Olivia smiled. "I don't have plans. And I'd love to come see the pageant!"

Maureen relaxed and smiled happily. "Really?"

"Of course! Your Dad was telling me about it. He said you are the narrator this year." Olivia said. "That's pretty impressive!"

Maureen nodded. "Yeah…I'm really nervous. Dickie and Lizzie are angels and Kathleen is in the choir. It should be pretty good, don't feel like you have to come though."

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Oh don't be silly. There is nowhere else I'd rather be that night. Don't you worry…I'll be there."

Maureen smiled and held on to Olivia's arm more tightly. She loved spending time with Olivia. Ever since her Mom had left she had craved the Mother daughter bond she was missing and whenever she was with Olivia that void seemed to be filled. Olivia was always so compassionate and patient with her and her siblings. And Maureen knew that her father really cared for her too, he always seemed more relaxed and much happier when Olivia was around.

It was times like this when she wished that her Dad would just ask Olivia out on a date. She would be lying if she didn't wish that they would someday get married so that Olivia could be her Mom. She knew that her real Mom wasn't going to come back…when she had first left, Maureen thought maybe after she had calmed down a bit she would change her mind.

But it had been two years, and they still hadn't heard from her. And even if Kathy did come back, Maureen wasn't sure she could ever forgive her for walking out on her family the way she did.

"Hey Liv can I ask you something?" Maureen asked softly, not wanting her father to overhear them.

Olivia looked back at Maureen and smiled. "Sure. What's on your mind kid?"

"Well…what do you think of my Dad?" Maureen asked, her face flushing slightly.

Olivia considered the question for a moment before answering. "Well…your Dad is my best friend Maureen. We've been partners for a long time; I think he's great. But…why do you ask?"

Maureen shrugged and turned back to the stage before answering. "I don't know…I was just wondering I guess. Grandma wants him to start dating again…so I was just seeing if he was desirable or not."

Olivia let the words sink in, the idea of Elliot dating again cut through her like a knife. She knew he had been very lonely since Kathy had left and the kids deserved to have someone in their life like a Mother figure. But she couldn't deny the fact that she wanted that person to be her…

But more than anything, she didn't want to see Elliot or his children get hurt again. She couldn't think of anyone that could possibly be good enough for them, not even her.

"Oh really? Well…yes Maureen, any woman would be lucky to have your Dad in their life. I'm sure…" She paused and looked over at Elliot who was laughing as Dickie and Lizzie sang Jingle Bells at the top of his lungs, her heart jumped slightly in her chest. "I'm sure he'll find someone very special someday…"

Maureen caught the way that Olivia was looking at her father and she couldn't help but smile. "Yeah…I'm sure he will too."

Olivia turned back to the stage and bit her lip thinking hard about Elliot dating. "What did…what did your Dad say when your Grandma said he should start dating again?"

Maureen smirked but tried to hide it, she could tell that Olivia was jealous. "Oh you know Dad…he just pretended to be listening to her really. He says he doesn't have any time for a relationship anyway."

"Oh. So…he isn't dating anyone?" Olivia asked curiously.

Maureen shook her head. "Not that I know of. He's either with me us at home or with you at work so…unless you know something?"

Olivia shook her head and looked at Elliot out of the corner of her eyes. "No. He hasn't mentioned anyone…"

"Well the amount of time he spends with you, he might as well be dating you." Maureen teased, hoping to get a reaction out of Olivia.

Olivia blushed and shook her head. "No. No your Dad and I are just friends Maureen. We're just friends…"

Maureen smiled when she saw the sudden color in Olivia's cheeks. "Right. I know…just friends."

Olivia smiled at Maureen and then turned back to the stage as they began the countdown. She could hear Dickie and Lizzie shouting out the numbers in excitement, she turned to look at them just as Elliot turned to look at her.

She felt her heart start beating a mile a minute when he smiled at her. She smiled back just as the tree lit up, she felt Maureen tug at her arm and she looked back at the huge Christmas tree in front of her.

It was absolutely beautiful. "Doesn't it make you feel like anything is possible?" Maureen whispered to Olivia.

Olivia smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah. It really does…"

Fifteen minutes later they were walking back to their cars. Dickie and Lizzie were holding Bernie's hands as Maureen and Kathleen chatted about all the artists that had sung that night.

Elliot walked up beside Olivia and put a hand on her back, her face flushed at the contact. "Are you cold?" Elliot asked.

"Hm? Oh…um…" She felt flustered and confused as she thought about Maureen talking to her about Elliot dating again. "Yeah a little…"

He smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him making her feel even more confused and yet happy all at the same time. "You've lived in the City long enough…you should know how to dress in the winter."

Olivia laughed. "Well…to be fair I wasn't really planning on coming here tonight. I wasn't prepared…"

Elliot chuckled. "Fine. I guess that's acceptable. I'm glad you came though…the kids love spending time with you."

Olivia smiled. "I'm glad I came too. It was fun…you know I love spending time with your kids too."

"What about me? We spend so much time together you're probably totally sick of me." Elliot said laughing.

Olivia shook her head and said honestly. "No. Not really…I mean don't get me wrong you can be a pain in the ass sometimes but you could be worse I guess."

Elliot smirked. "Gee thanks…"

"Hey I don't hear you saying how much you love spending time with me everyday." Olivia said nudging him in the side.

Elliot rubbed her arm up and down. "Liv…if I didn't have you in my life I would not have been able to keep it together these last few years. You're like my savior…you keep my sane when I just want to give up."

Olivia felt a lump growing in her throat when she heard his words; he wasn't usually so open with her about things like his feelings. "Oh…well you're my best friend El. I just want to see you and your kids happy…you know that."

Elliot nodded slowly. "Yeah I do. But it doesn't mean I appreciate it any less…"

"Well like I said the other day, you have pretty amazing kids. Anything you need…don't be to stubborn to ask for it." Olivia said softly. "Especially right now with Christmas coming up…I know things are hard for you and if you-"

"I know where you are going with that sentence and I don't want you to finish it." Elliot said shaking his head. "I could never ask you to help me with the kids Christmas gifts."

Olivia shook her head. "But you didn't ask…I'm offering!"

Elliot pulled Olivia back just slightly once they reached their cars, his kids piled in his van parked next to Olivia's car. "Liv…"

She smiled at him. "Elliot…don't be so proud. There isn't anything wrong with asking for help…"

Elliot sighed and looked at his kids who were all in the car now singing Christmas songs. "There are certain things that I feel like I need to do on my own. I appreciate it but I would just not be able to live with that…I'd feel to guilty having you help me with that."

Olivia shrugged. "Alright. Well…just think about it okay? You still have time to change your mind…"

Elliot smiled at her. "You're relentless."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh please…it's not like I have anyone to buy gifts for anyway. It's not a big deal."

Elliot was quiet for a moment, he never really thought about the fact that Olivia didn't have any family to go to on Christmas. He wondered where she went or what she did on Christmas day. He had never thought to ask her to join them…especially when he was with Kathy because he knew how his wife felt about Olivia.

But he thought about last Christmas and he realized that Olivia had agreed to switch shifts with him so that he could be home with the kids on Christmas morning. That meant she worked all Christmas day and went home to an empty house…

The thought of her being alone on Christmas broke his heart. "It's getting late and I have to meet Alex tomorrow in court pretty early."

Elliot snapped out of his daze for a moment and nodded. "Oh yeah…right. Okay."

"Just…think about what I said alright?" Olivia said putting a hand on his arm as she smiled up at him. "I really wouldn't mind…I love your kids. I just want them to have a good Christmas."

Elliot smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah. I'll think about it. You'll be okay getting home?"

She rolled her eyes and walked over to her car. "I can hold my own Detective Stabler."

He laughed. "Trust me I know. But just humor me and text me when you get home alright? Just so I know you are safe."

Olivia smiled at him as she opened her car door. "You'll keep calling me until I do won't you?"

Elliot smirked. "Yep."

"Stubborn son of a bitch." She said as she slipped into the car and started it.

Elliot laughed and waved as she pulled out of her parking spot, he turned back to his car and slipped into the drivers seat. "Everyone have fun?"

"Yeah!" Dickie yelled. "This was the best tree yet! Did you see how big it was Dad? Did you?"

"Oh I saw it buddy." Elliot said smiling at him in the rearview mirror.

"When are we going to get our tree Daddy?" Lizzie asked from her seat.

"Well…I don't have to work on Sunday if you guys want to go pick one out." Elliot said as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.

"That would be good." Kathleen said. "I'm really glad Olivia could come with us tonight. I love hanging out with her."

Maureen watched her fathers face light up and she smirked. "Yeah. Liv is pretty awesome. Don't you think Dad?"

Elliot cleared his throat and nodded. "Yeah. Liv is pretty awesome. She loves you guys."

"You should invite her to come pick out a tree with us." Maureen said smirking.

"Yeah! Let's invite Livvie!" Lizzie said. "Will you ask her Dad?"

Bernie smiled at her son as he stopped at a traffic light and rubbed the back of his neck, something he always did when he was nervous. "Uh well…I'll ask her but you know Olivia has her own life guys. She might have plans…"

"She might…but you won't know until you ask her." Maureen said.

Elliot looked at his eldest daughter in the rearview mirror and laughed. "You seem to be pushing this…why do you want her to come so badly?"

Maureen shrugged. "I don't know. I just have a lot of fun with her…I like talking to her. She gets me…"

Elliot smiled. "Alright…well I'll ask her tomorrow at work okay? But if she has other plans we need to respect that, okay?"

"Sure." Maureen said smiling. "Of course."

Elliot wanted to change the subject, he was starting to feel nervous about talking about Olivia so much. "Why don't we see if there are any good Christmas songs on the radio, shall we?"

Maureen just laughed and turned to look out the window, already cooking up a plan on how to get her Father and Olivia together before Christmas. She just hoped that he didn't catch on to her plan before she could have it set in motion…

When they got home, Elliot got the kids all ready for bed and tucked them in with the help of his Mother. He went to his room got changed and brushed his teeth before he went to lie down on his bed, suddenly feeling very tired. He closed his eyes for a minute before he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He flipped it open and smiled when he saw Olivia's name on the screen as he read her text. "Home safe and sound Stabler. You can sleep easy now. See you tomorrow!"

He chuckled and typed back. "Glad to hear it Benson. Thanks again for coming, the kids loved spending time with you. Good luck in court tomorrow. Good night!"

He smiled and flipped his phone shut before putting in on the table beside his bed. He pulled the covers up over him and closed his eyes thinking about how much he couldn't wait to see Olivia tomorrow…

I hope you like it. Let me know what you think :)