"Child…you are truly sad."

The voice was low, taunting under the quiet guise of water dripping in the small, dark room, the musky smell of dirt and grime drifting around within the stone walls. Her head lifted slightly, chocolate eyes peering into the darkness around her before her head dropped once more, the strain of holding her skull up too great. The soft chuckle gently drifted on the foul air to where she was, cruel as the shadows slowly began to twist and turn as a figure formed.

"Here I have you, tortured and suffering, broken, and yet you have no help on the way."

She flinched away slightly as she felt the coarse fingers slowly pulling through the dirty, clumped strands that had once been beautiful blonde hair. There was no sign of a struggle from her, the ropes taught around her bloodied wrists, arms pulled back tightly around the wooden support. Her clothes were damp from the puddle of stagnant water in which she sat, legs tucked under her as if trying to protect what was still unscarred.

"They will come, eventually. Too bad they have not a suspicion, an inkling that you exist."

She could feel the whisper of breath on her neck, his presence behind her as he kneeled there.

"You're just daddy's little secret."

There was the feel of hot breath on her neck once more as he whispered those last words to her, their dark meaning lingering deep in the back of her mind. She flinched again, earning herself another dark chuckle as he slowly rose up once more.

As she listened to his slow steps across the patches of stone among the earthen floor, she saw the slightest flash in the shadows, the eyes of her tormenter for so many weeks now. Her head turned away, trying to act like there was no weakness inside of her, but still the memory remained.

Those eyes. Those strangely colored eyes.

The echo of the door being closed was the only sound she heard as she sat there bound with her nightmares.

Those eyes.

Those yellow eyes.

There ya go guys! Hope ya enjoyed reading it! Now, I know it's a bit short, but it is only the prologue after all. I will try to update as soon as possible, but for now, R&R please! ^^ Oh, and if you're wondering, this is probably set somewhere within season two since that's about as far as I've gotten so far. :P

~ Selena