Okay, hopefully this will turn out better than my last fic and I won't lose my characters' along the way (so annoying, you want to write something really dreamy but it's just NOT who they are...) Anyway, this is promising to be the complete opposite of a happy ending...(sorry tii-chan17, I just can't help myself) Reviews are always welcome... *begs on floor sobbing madly

Disclaimer: Do I look like CP to you? Good, don't sue me.

"I'm sorry. And I know you might never forgive me, but I need you to know that." Murtagh's eyes were cutting windows into my very soul, imploring me to believe him.

I did. The truth was, ever since he had first healed me in Uru'Baen, I had known I could forgive him. I had known just how sorry he was. How damaged he was inside. How much he loved me. Realising that had made me realise the truth I had locked away in my heart for so long, buried away after his betrayal. I loved him too.

Gently, I reached up and brushed the hair away from his face. For the first time in what seemed like forever, I smiled.

"Murtagh, I forgave you a long time ago. All I care about now is helping you. And I know the soldiers aren't going to accept you to begin with, but after they know everything, I'm sure they'll come around. I can help you, and you can help me. Don't worry." I spoke softly, quietly, trying with all ym heart to convince him that we could make it through this. For a moment, his eyes lit up, and he gave me the first smile I'd ever seen from him, making him look altogether handsome, and I thought he would accept; but then the old shadow came and snuffed out the flame.

"I'm glad you know I'm sorry." He said, nodding to himself, but his voice was different. Closed off. Distant. I'd lost him again. Biting my lip absentmindedly, I tried to make the smile come back onto his face.

"We can work it out together, I promise." Still no response.

"I need you."

He looked up at me at that. Searched my face for any hint that it might be true. I could see the wonder cross his face as he realised that I meant it. Abruptly, he hugged me close to him, before standing back as he realised I was still injured.

"Shall I-?" He barely got the words out before I nodded.

His hands took the fabric of my tunic and gently tore it, before muttering something in the Ancient Language. Moment by moment, I felt my pain shrinking away, and relief entered me. Past Murtagh, I saw Eragon with Saphira, his hand on his sword. When he was done, Murtagh looked at me again.

"Better?" he asked; a hint of something on his face. Remorse? Sadness? Hate? I realised just how hard it must have been to see what he had done to me, and I strove to reassure him. Nodding, I smiled back at him. He nodded back, and I would have kissed him there and then to take away the lines in his face. It certainly would have shocked him, I thought, but then he looked upwards, at Thorn, rapidly descending. Saddlebags lay on his back. Then I grasped what was about to happen.

"No!" I cried, desperation filling my voice. "No! You can't go! Not now, after everything! Please, Murtagh!"

He gave me a weak smile, but turned to face Thorn.

"I love you!"

Murtagh turned around. In a moment he was at my side, his arms around me as he whispered into my ear.

"And I you." Quickly, though, he stopped my next words with a finger. "Nasuada, you know I cannot stay. I know how hard you would try, and maybe they would accept me, but never with their hearts. And anyway, Thorn and I, we need time. Time to get over what Uru'Baen did to us. Time to let our hate go."

I was dangerously close to weeping at his speech, but he looked at me again with his beautiful gray blue eyes, and truly smiled.

"I promise you, I will return."

Then, with a parting kiss on my forehead, he went to Thorn. Dropping the bags onto the ground, he mounted him and turned to me.

"I promise."

Then he was gone. And I was alone. I felt my cheeks become wet as the tears fell down my face. I sensed Eragon behind me and turned.

"Where are Thorn and Murtagh?" he asked me, a look so like his brother's on his face.

"He's gone." I said, before walking away. It took me less than a minute to reach my tent, and then I let go and cried. Cried for my father, cried for all the soldiers, cried for Murtagh, and cried for myself. Once again, I was alone.

Okay... I hope that was alright, the next chapter will be up as soon as I finish my revision... which may be a while...
