A/N: I told you this wouldn't take very long, didn't I? This story is the sequel to Leg Wound, and is the 6th in my Reid/Morgan series. And since you guys would've read the story description, you would know that Morgan and Reid are going to Chicago and are going to come out to Morgan's family. I wonder how that's going to go, huh? :P Guess you should just read on and see!

Oh, and unfortunately, this chapter and probably most of the ones following it will be unbeta-ed, as Diamond Cobra left last Friday on a six-week trip around Europe. She will beta it when she returns and fix errors that there may be, so I apologise if there are any errors!

Warnings: Spoilers for 2x12 Profiler, Profiled, mentions of child abuse, possible future violence, and, ummm... oh yeah, Reid/Morgan slash! :P

Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds or any of its characters.


Chapter One: Returning Home

There were both good and bad things about being on crutches, Spencer Reid had decided. The bad were obvious: he couldn't walk, he couldn't go out in the field, and when he and Derek Morgan, his lover/boyfriend of five-and-a-half months, had sex, they had to be very, very careful not to jostle Reid's knee. What had surprised Reid, though, was that there were good things about being on crutches. One of those was that Garcia cooked for him; Reid had a very sweet tooth, and Garcia was amazing at cooking deserts. Another one of those good things was that, whenever they he and Morgan were home, Reid had free reign over the remote. He had managed this by telling Morgan that all he could do at home was read and watch TV, and since he had already read all the books in the house, TV was the only option so Reid didn't become incredibly bored and drive Morgan insane as a result.

There was one good thing about being on crutches that Reid would never, ever admit to Morgan that he liked. He knew if he did, he'd never be able to live it down. Reid actually secretly liked it whenever Morgan carried him bridal style, whether it be to the couch, to the bath, or especially to bed. Reid knew that if he told Morgan he liked this, Morgan would make jokes about how Reid was the 'damsel in distress', and he would never hear the end of it. Still, he suspected Morgan knew that he liked being carried that way, especially since he hadn't been able to help but smile the last few times.

Reid was already half-asleep when Morgan came to bed that night. His knee, while it was a lot better than before, still hurt sometimes and made him tired a lot quicker. He had tried to get to bed himself, but Morgan had lifted him before he'd gotten two steps across the room. He'd then laid Reid out on the bed gently, with a huge smile on his face, and told him he'd be back later.

Morgan had returned to the bedroom to find Reid curled up in the bed, his eyes closed, hugging the pillow close to him. "Pretty boy?" he whispered. "Are you awake?"

"Mmhmm," Reid mumbled into the pillow.

Morgan chuckled, moving towards the bed as he pulled his shirt off over his head. "Are you awake enough to talk?" he asked, climbing into the bed beside Reid.

"Yeah…" Reid rolled over slowly, his eyes flickering open.

"So I was thinking…" Morgan said, lightly stroking the side of Reid's face with the back of his hand, "I want to tell my family about us."

"You do?" said Reid, blinking furiously to try and wake himself up properly. "Really?"

"Yeah, really," said Morgan. "It's been nearly six months, Spencer. And I love you. I want them to know."

"I love you too," Reid replied instantly, without having to think.

"But I want to tell them in person," Morgan added. "So remember when we decided that we were going to go to Chicago, before you got shot in the knee? I think we should go to Hotch and ask for time off as soon as possible, so we can go."

"I like that idea," said Reid, smiling.

"Good. I'm glad," said Morgan, pressing a kiss to Reid's forehead. "Maybe my mum can get you to eat more. Put some meat on those bones."

Reid laughed, putting on a lock of mock hurt. "Hey! I do not need to put on weight, thank you very much!"

Morgan chuckled. "You are very skinny, pretty boy," he said. "But I don't think you even can put on weight."

"Not by eating," said Reid. "But I have been working out. Well, not so much after I got shot in the knee."

Morgan traced the contours of Reid's naked chest with one hand. "You know… I can feel muscle there," he whispered. "But my mum's still going to stuff you full of food."

"You're talking like you already know that she's going to like me," Reid commented.

"I do," said Morgan. "You are the most important person in my life. And I know that my mum will like you. I promise you."

Reid and Morgan had only been at the BAU for ten minutes the next morning when JJ came down into the bullpen. "We have a case, guys," she announced, to groans from Morgan and Prentiss.

"Where are we going?" Morgan asked as they followed JJ into the round table room, where Garcia, Hotch and Rossi were already waiting.

"You're going to be happy about this one, Derek," said Garcia. "You're going home, baby."

"What?" Reid gasped.

"Yeah, you're going to Chicago," said Garcia, confused by Reid's reaction.

"I am?" said Morgan.

"We are?" said Reid.

"This is the weirdest and scariest coincidence of my life," Morgan declared, as Reid nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I know I'm not the only one who's confused here," said Prentiss. "What on earth are you two talking about?"

"We literally only decided last night that the next chance we got, we were going to go to Chicago and tell my family about us," Morgan said. "I don't think either of us thought that that next chance would be today."

"I sure didn't," said Reid, who had gone white.

"Are you guys okay?" JJ asked.

Morgan looked at Reid, who nodded but didn't open his mouth. "Yeah. We're good. It's just shock, that's all."

"Are you sure you don't want to sit this one out?" Hotch asked.

"No," said Reid forcefully, stunning the others. "This case and the team shouldn't suffer because I'm scared about meeting my boyfriend's family. And like Derek said, I think it's just shock. I mean seriously, how would you react if you were in my shoes?"

Rossi chuckled. "I'd probably be reacting exactly the way you're doing right now," he said. "Should we get started then?"

"Of course," said Hotch, taking his seat and motioning to JJ.

"As you guys already know, Chicago needs our help," JJ began, as all the others took their seats. "Just over a month ago, twenty-year-old Carlie Grant was found on a park bench. She had been sexually assaulted, and stabbed multiple times. Two weeks ago, nineteen-year-old Cassidy Hopkins was also found in a park on a bench, and she had also been sexually assaulted and stabbed. Three days ago, Isabelle Munroe, twenty, was also found on a park bench, sexually assaulted and stabbed."

"He's gone from over two weeks between kills to only a week and a half," Prentiss noticed. "He's escalating."

"That's why they called us in," said Hotch. "They know they don't have very much time before the killer strikes again, and they're hoping we can find something they couldn't."

"Who's the lead agent on this?" Rossi asked.

Hotch and JJ looked at each other, their expressions making it clear that they really didn't want to say anything. "Hotch?" Morgan said, a sneaking suspicion growing in his mind. "Who's running point on the case?"

Hotch sighed, but he knew he wouldn't be able to get away with not telling Morgan. "Detective Stan Gordinski," he said.

Reid, Prentiss and Garcia looked between each other in shock and even a bit of horror. "Hotch, are you serious?" Reid gasped.

"They actually called us in after…" Prentiss trailed off, glancing at Morgan. They could all remember what happened the last time they'd been called in on a case when Detective Gordinski was the lead agent, and it wasn't good. All of them with the exception of Rossi, who hadn't been on the team during that previous case, and had fixed Morgan with one of his piercing stares.

"It's fine," Morgan promised them. "It's in the past. And he's obviously put it behind him as well if he's calling us in on this case. I've got too much else to think about to worry about how Gordinski might act, anyway." He and Reid looked at each other, both of them silently saying we need to talk later.

"Alright then," said Hotch. "Wheels up in thirty." He gathered up his files and left the room. The rest of the team slowly dispersed, leaving Reid and Morgan alone in the round table room.

Reid watched Morgan study the case files for a moment, before he moved to stand beside his seat. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

"I think I'm good," said Morgan. "I mean after… after what Gordinski found out about me last time, I think he'll at least treat me a little bit better."

"You know, you can say the word around me," Reid said. "I'm not going to judge you or anything. I'm pretty sure the last six months prove that."

"I know, Spencer," Morgan sighed. "It's still not easy for me to say."

Reid hesitated, not sure whether touching Morgan was a great idea right now, given the memories that had risen to the surface for him. "Maybe we should focus on something else, Derek. Like what we're going to tell your family, for example," he suggested.

Morgan chuckled. "You know, I almost forgot about that," he said. He rose from his seat and turned to face Reid, placing a hand on the younger man's waist. "I'm gonna call my mum after we land, okay? Let her know we're in town, and that we're going to come and visit as soon as we get a chance."

"Are you going to tell her that I'm coming with you?" Reid asked.

"Yeah, I am," Morgan replied. "I'm not going to tell her about us until we actually see her, though." Morgan glanced over Reid's shoulder, where he could see JJ beckoning to them. "Ah, damn. They're ready to board the jet. We'll talk about it while we're in the air, okay?" He squeezed Reid's shoulder, the most affectionate he could get at the office without attracting attention.

Reid nodded, knowing that now was definitely not the time or the place to be discussing this. "Of course," he agreed. "We'll talk on the jet." He flashed a smile at Morgan, before the two of them left the room.

Morgan and Reid sat together on the jet as they discussed the case. None of them mentioned Detective Gordinski again, although he was on all of their minds. All of them hoped that this case would go much better than the last time they worked with him.

After they had finished talking over the case and had begun moving around the jet, Rossi moved so he was sitting next to Hotch. "So, I'm curious," he said. "What exactly happened when you last worked with Detective Gordinski?"

Hotch glanced over towards Morgan, where he was talking with Reid, head bowed. "I really didn't want to have to tell you this," he sighed. "But the rest of the team knows. And I think Morgan knows that you were always going to find out eventually."

"Something happened between Morgan and Gordinski?" Rossi guessed.

Hotch nodded. "It was the year before you came back to the team; not long after Prentiss had joined," he began. "Morgan had headed back to Chicago for his mother's birthday, which he does every year. It couldn't have been any longer than a day before I got a call from the local PD. Morgan had been arrested."

"Morgan was arrested?" Rossi said in a hushed gasp, careful not to attract the attention of any of the others. "What for?"

"Multiple murders," Hotch replied shortly.

"They arrested Morgan for being a serial killer?" Rossi repeated. "I'm gathering that Gordinski was the one that arrested him, then."

"Yeah," said Hotch. "Gordinski and Morgan… they had a history. We found out that Morgan had a juvenile record that had been expunged. Gordinski arrested him the first time, and pretty much every time after that."

"I'm gathering Morgan didn't handle losing his father very well," Rossi surmised.

"No one would," Hotch said. "Morgan and both of his sisters agreed that Gordinski had it out for him. I have to say, I'm inclined to agree. He wouldn't listen to us when we tried to tell him why Morgan didn't fit the profile."

"So why did Gordinski arrest him, then?" Rossi asked. "I mean, besides the fact that he supposedly had it out for him?"

"There was evidence that pointed towards Morgan," Hotch said. "He found the first body, when he was only fifteen. And Morgan was hiding something."

Rossi looked over at Morgan, where he was still talking to Reid, squeezing the younger man's hand reassuringly. He could already tell that whatever Morgan's secret had been, it definitely wasn't good. "It had something to do with the case," he realised

Hotch nodded, letting out a long sigh. "We figured out that Morgan was being set up. By Carl Buford, a man who had been a mentor to Morgan and got him back on the right track," he said. "At least, we thought he had been Morgan's mentor." His expression became uncomfortable, like he really didn't want to say what he had to say.

Hotch didn't need to say anything, though; Rossi had put two and two together, and figured out what Hotch was trying to say. "Buford was no mentor to Morgan, was he?" Rossi said. "He… he molested him, didn't he?"

Hotch nodded. "Morgan never wanted us to know," he said. "He didn't want us to think any differently or any lesser of him."

"It looks like he needn't have worried about that," Rossi commented.

"No, he didn't," Hotch agreed. "Although I really hope I can handle this case. He and Reid both."

The first thing Morgan did when the team landed, before they climbed into the SUVs, was pull out his cell phone and call his mother. "Hello?" she answered.

"Hey, mama, it's me," Morgan said.

"Derek! Baby, it's good to hear from you!" Fran Morgan cried. "How are you?"

"I'm good, mama. I'm really good," said Morgan. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, baby," Fran said. "You really need to come and visit me more often."

"That's why I've called, actually," said Morgan. "The team's on a case in Chicago, and I want to come and visit you."

"Oh, Derek, I would love that!" Fran exclaimed. "So would Sarah and Desiree. We really don't get to see you often enough."

"I know, mama, I know," said Morgan. "I mean, I am going to be working today, but I'd love to come and see you tonight."

"That would be great," said Fran. "I'll make sure your sisters are here too. But there is one condition though."

"Oh? What's that?" Morgan asked, confused.

"You have to bring Dr Reid with you," Fran said. "That kid's too skinny- he really needs to get some food into him. Plus out of all of your team, I definitely like him the best."

Morgan chuckled. "I was actually going to ask you if I could bring him," he said. "I definitely agree with you about the food thing."

"Well, I'll see you and Dr Reid tonight, then, as soon as you get off work," said Fran. "Bye, baby. I love you."

"I love you too, mama," said Morgan. "See you later."

He hung up the phone and turned to Reid, who was standing at the SUV beside him, waiting. The others still hadn't left yet, but they were standing apart from the two men, out of earshot. "Well that was weird," he said.

"What was?" Reid asked.

"Mum asked me if I could bring you," Morgan said. "Not the other way around."

"You… you don't think she already knows about us, do you?" said Reid.

Morgan had to think about this for a moment. "Nah, I don't think so," he said finally. "I've always talked about you, and I don't think I've talked about you any differently since we got together. And besides, mum said she likes you the best out of the team anyway. She remembers you from last time. She just wants to see you again."

"She only likes me the best because she hasn't met Garcia yet," Reid joked as they rejoined the others.

"Who're you talking about?" Prentiss asked as they climbed into one of the SUVs, with Morgan driving.

"My mum," Morgan replied. "She pre-empted me, and asked me if I'd bring Reid to dinner tonight before I could ask her if I could bring him."

"Well, she really liked Reid last time," Prentiss mused. "Remember how his sisters already knew who you were, and then one of them said Morgan talks about you?"

"Yeah, and then I got them made because they thought I was accusing Morgan," Reid mumbled.

"I talked to them about that later, Spence," Morgan laughed. "They know that's just the way you are. It was just the whole context of the situation. They thought it was funny afterwards. And cute." He stopped the car, taking in a breath. "We're here."

The three agents climbed out of the car, as Hotch, Rossi and JJ climbed out of the one passed next to them. Taking a deep breath, and with one last passing glance at Reid, Morgan led the team into the building.

As soon as they walked into the bullpen, Stan Gordinski looked up from his desk and caught sight of them. He looked exactly the same as he had the last time; he hadn't changed a bit.

Gordinski rose from his seat and walked over to them, almost apprehensively. "Hello, Morgan," he said.

"Hello, Gordinski," Morgan replied.

A/N: Duh duh duh... so the team have to work with Gordinski again. Yeah, cos that's gonna go well... And does Morgan's mum really suspect about him and Reid, or is she just being nice and has no idea? Guess you'll just have to wait for the next chapter to find out! :P Anyways, what do you guys think of this story so far? Be sure review and let me know, I love hearing from you! :)