NOTE: Hi ya folks!, something no bueno has happened...Right as the new year started, like serioulsy at four or something, my laptop decided to stop working and no longer let me get into any programs at all. Which means, I can't get into my stories that I've been working. Don't worry, they are saved on a hard drive, but there is presently no way to open those files. :(

On the brightside (heh heh, see what I did there? No? Ok...), since I didn't start working on the second part of this story on my laptop, I could easily start it on my home computer! So, yay! :D

So, here is the second part of the Daikenru story, "Mr. Brightside." So, remember when I said that there will be only two parts? ...I lied. After you read this, you'll probably see why. Oh, and this is also Ken's POV. ;)

WARNING: This story is a slash fic, you know, boyXboy? So if you don't like, don't read.

DISCLAIMER: If I owned Digimon, there'd be no such thing as Sorato or Taiora. Just Taito. X( So obviously, I do not own it.

Mr. Brightside- Part 2

Something feels wrong… though I know it shouldn't. I mean, I've got a great boyfriend by my side, and I'm spending a whole weekend with him in his family's cabin. But ever since we got here, he's seemed a bit…off. Daisuke was quiet, and he never is quiet. Anytime I try confronting him about it, he'd suggest going off to do another activity or doing something to avoid the subject.

I sighed and snuggled up closer to him. It was getting close to midnight and we were cuddling on the couch, watching the fireplace die down. I wished he would just tell me what was wrong…he was never really good at keeping his emotions hidden very well. After a moment, he lowered his head and nuzzles his face against my hair. Well, that's a good sign I suppose…

"Daisuke?" I murmured.

"Hmm?" he responds.

"Is something bothering you?"

"…no, of course not," he obviously lies.

"You hesitated," I point out.

"I'm fine."

"I don't believe it…"

"What's not to believe?" I rolled my eyes and turn my attention back to the glowing embers. Finally, the fire dies down and we are left in darkness. I feel Daisuke's hand slowly lower from its place on my arm, and down to my waist. "…so?"

"Shall we go to bed now?" I offer. I feel Daisuke nod and so I stand up and start heading for the room. Suddenly, he grabbed my arm and pulls me back down. Before I have a chance to ask him what he's doing, he's kissing me. I was honestly a little stunned at first by his sudden action, but then I found myself liking it. Once I started kissing back is when he really started getting dominant.

Daisuke gently lowered me down on the couch and positioned himself on top of me. I pull his body closer to mine and he runs his hand up my shirt. I shivered when I felt his fingers tease my soft nipple and this pleases him. His other hand enters my shirt and slowly starts to lift it off my body. I lifted my pelvis up and gently rubbed them against his. He lets out a gasp of pleasure.

"T-Takeru," he groans.

I stopped what I was doing. …Did I just hear him right? Did he really just say Takeru's name? It takes Daisuke a minute to realize that I'm no longer responding to his touch.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"…You just called me Takeru," I muttered. His eyes go wide.

"I…I did?" I gently push him off of me and lower my shirt once again. "Oh shit…Ken, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I just—"

"Is he the reason that you're acting so weird?" I cut in. "Why you were so forceful just then?" Daisuke opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it. He looks down at his hands and I know now that I'm about to receive a confession.

"…he kissed me," he murmured. "It was really out of no where. I was just trying to figure out why he was so glum and the next thing I know, he's kissing me. Then he goes on and says how he was in love with me first and doesn't want me doing anything with you this weekend…you know, like what Miyako was teasing about?" I say nothing and wait for him to continue…which he doesn't.

"…Well, it was only a kiss," I smiled slightly. Daisuke doesn't look up at me. That wasn't a good sign.

"After he kissed me…everything seemed totally different. All I could think about afterwards was him and how he kissed me. I mean, at the time, I was so surprised that he kissed me, it was like my brain shut down or something. But now that I think about it…it almost feels like…it was right. Like…it feels like it sort of woke up a part of me that…has always loved him…"

I can feel my heart break when he admits that. All this time, I thought that I was the only one that he loved. That was part of the reason why I told Daisuke that I liked him before giving Takeru the chance…I honestly thought he wasn't interested…I guess I was wrong though. Suddenly realizing what he had just said, he snapped his head up and finally looks at me.

"But I'm still in love with you! Honest, I am! I mean, I even told Takeru that I did and to let me do what I want!" I chuckled softly and he holds my face in his hands. His lips gently brushed against mine and I wanted to do nothing more than to cry at that moment. Daisuke looks at me once again. "I love you Ken…"

"But you also love Takeru…right?" I try to smile. He doesn't say anything, but his eyes betray his emotion.

"I love you Ken," he whispers again.

"…I know you do," I muttered and kiss him softly. "'re in love Takeru with too."

"I can't help it."

"I know…there's nothing wrong with being in love with two people at once…But, you've just got to decide who you love more…"

"I don't want to choose…because then I'll end up hurting someone…" I smile at Daisuke. Underneath that soccer jock shell, laid a soft caring heart.

"Not choosing will hurt even worse though," I tell him. "It'll not only hurt us…but it will hurt you too." He frowns once he realizes I'm right. I kissed him once more and hugged him tightly. "I love you Daisuke…" I want to tell him how I hope he chooses me. How incredibly happy it would make me if he stayed with me and didn't go…but I can't bring myself to say anything else. I stand and walk to the spare bedroom. Once I closed the door, I fall on to the bed and start to cry.

A part of me hopes that he'll come in the room and tell me he has chosen me…but the other part knows that he is still trying to decide.


Cause I just can't look its killing me
And taking control…

Note to self: No more watching "Eclipse" before working on fanfiction. Hee hee hee...

So! You can clearly see that we need more to this story now and need to have Daisuke's POV on this whole mess (I think so anyways). So, that's why I decided to make it a three part thing. :D Daisuke will make his choice by then, so stay tuned!

Please feel free to leave a review and let me know what you think. I really appreciate the feed back.