This is not a completely original idea of mine. I noticed that a couple of people were doing this in the Doctor Who fanfic category and I wanted to do it for Kingdom Hearts. The premise of this kind of story is that it comes in the form of short letters from the canon to the fanfic authors to address the various memes and antics of fanfic authors that conflict with the canon in some way. The original part of this idea is having the fanfiction sector strike back with a letter of their own.

These are quite incidental and I'll upload as soon as I think of another one. They're also very, very short (microfics, really), so I'll start by uploading the first three all at once so that there's at least a little bit of content there.

Some of the fics may be followed by a short essay/note somewhat explaining the origin of the idea/point of the letter. Hopefully most of them should be self-explanatory, I don't want the author notes to swamp most of the page all the time.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts - which is part of the point of this fic. The credit goes to Tetsuya Nomura and his team at Square Enix and to Disney who don't actually seem to do anything except criticise any part of the series that isn't child-friendly enough.

Dear Fanfiction,

In case you hadn't realised, Sora is in love with Kairi. He is not gay nor is he interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with his best friend, his Nobody or that spiky-haired blond guy who he actually barely even knows.

Yours Sincerely,

Kingdom Hearts Canon


Dear Canon,

Well, then you should have been more specific.



Yeah, any one else feel that SoKai isn't properly explored in the canon, even though they're supposed to be the canon couple? I can't tell you just how awkward I felt in KH2 during all of those supposed SoKai moments. They were supposed to be romantic but every time they appeared they were unorchestrated, random, awkward and unromantic. Geez, I think the worst one was the partner dance with Kairi as he remembered her that Sora was imagining in Halloween Town. Open position! Are you kidding me? Do they really expect me to believe that this unorchestrated, open position dance in the snow is somehow romantic. First of all, an open position - especially when it's that wide - is completely unromantic and the lack of appropriate soundtracking drains this scene of its emotional value. Not to mention that it looks stupid.

The worst part is, they definitely could have done better. See nearly every Disney movie ever made. See Final Fantasy VIII, IX & X. Both contributors to this series have been able to portray romance beautifully in past productions, which is why this failing to portray SoKai as a romantic couple is so disappointing. You know you failed at romance when the reunion with the best friend is more emotionally charged than the reunion with the lover (BTW, I also found the SoKai reunion scene really awkward).