Sunny Day

Note- ::blah:: indicates thought

2nd Note- Edited for your personal reading pleasure.

Disclaimer: Never mine, never will be, not making money, so don't sue.

    Duo yawned and stretched, basking in the golden rays of light filtering through the translucent curtains on the large windows in his room. He looked around, and noticed that his room mate, who slept in the other bed, was not occupying the sleeping space... In fact, it barely seemed disturbed, as if only the tiniest amount of weight had disturbed it. He sighed dramatically, hoping to catch the attention of the other boy in the room, who, as always, was clacking away at his laptop.

    "Ah! Beautiful day today, hey Heero? Duo said, bouncing across the room after throwing on some black jeans and a t-shirt to peer out the window. The tip of his long braid whacked his silent companion as he typed. Duo kept going, only to feel a sharp tug through his braid, and suddenly he was sitting on the floor.

    "You know, this braid is rather annoying sometimes," Heero said, not looking at the figure looking quite stumped sitting on the floor, holding the braid in one hand and typing with the other. "But it's part of you, so I don't feel entitled to cut it off while you are sleeping quite yet."

    "Hmp," replied a sulky Duo, knowing that Heero was just fooling around. He had been close to the other former Gundam pilot even before the war was over, and he hoped even more so now.

    ::You pervert. Just because you can't admit to yourself that you are completely and utterly in love with Heero doesn't mean that he returns the feeling, or even knows about it.:: Duo grumbled to himself.

    "So Duo, how has it been going in your classes?" Heero inquired, actually showing some interest in his companion, now that he was at his mercy.

"Not bad, not bad.. You?" Duo replied cheerfully, while squirming in a vain attempt to escape from Heero's grasp.

    "Stop struggling, you'll only hurt yourself," Heero warned. "And I am doing just fine. These classes are rather easy compared to war strategies and stuff."

He addressed to Duo, who was sitting on the floor.

    ::Why is he so casual? So not like himself? He's acting weird...:: Duo leaned against the wall near him in the small dorm Heero and he shared together, by request for the sake of familiarity in the new unfamiliar world they had been introduced to. He closed his eyes, knowing that Heero wasn't going to let go until he was good and ready.

    Suddenly, he heard Heero move, and felt him let go of his braid. He cracked open one eye, and then both eyes went wide with surprise. Because what he saw was two large cobalt blue eyes gazing intensely into his.

    ::This can't be happening.. Heero is not three inches away from my face, studying me like a prize... I don't believe it.. what?:: Duo felt Heero's hand slide around his waist, and felt himself lifted to his feet.

    "No need to sit when you can be getting ready for the weekend," Heero said softly, his arm still lingering around Duo's waist, before slowly slipping it away.

    ::Oh god, oh god, oh god...:: Duo thought frantically. ::Don't show, don't show, don't show.::

    "Yup," said Duo through gritted teeth, attempting to keep his raging hormones under control. And achieved it… by the barest second.

    "Duo, is there something you are not telling me?" Heero said, smiling sweetly.

    "No, Heero, I tell you everything, remember? Part of our deal?" Duo said flatly, and winced internally at his tone of voice.

    "Hn," Heero said, looking disappointed. Well, at least to Duo, who could tell almost 100% of the time what the lone wolf had on his mind. To a normal person, Heero's face barely even twitched.

    ::Disappointed? Why in the world would Heero be disappointed?:: Duo thought, gazing at his companion intensely.

    Heero made a small noise (which would of been inaudible to anyone but Duo) and gazed into Duo's eyes, moving closer. Duo caught his breath, wondering what was going on. "Duo, there is something I..."

    Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door.

    "Yes?" Heero called, sounding aggravated.

    "Heero Yuy, sir, Miss Relena is here to see you... again," came the polite response from the other side of the door.

    Heero growled softly, moving away from Duo, and whispered to him "I'll tell you later... Come in!" he added louder, so that the attendant could here him, and slunk over to the door, awaiting the woman outside.

    "Heero-kun!" Relena's high-pitched voice was accompanied by the sound of a dress rustling, and heels clicking on the floor as she swayed into the room.

    ::Dressed up for the prospective future king, as usual.:: Duo thought wryly to himself.

    "Why Relena, what a... nice surprise," Heero hesitated, as if not sure of how to word it. Duo giggled silently.

    "Heero, it's been 3 whole days since I've seen you!" Relena gushed. "Actually, it was only 46 hours, 23 minutes and 9.2seconds, but that's irrelevant."

    "Stalker!" Duo stage whispered.

    Relena glared at him, and turned to the attendant. "You may depart as of now," she instructed him coldly, "I am perfectly safe here with my Heero-kun!" She finished passionately, turning to the one she named. And sagged with disappointment.

    Her Heero, HER precious Heero, was sitting at his laptop, talking to that... that... that longhaired, loud-mouthed FREAK who called himself Heero's roommate.

    ::Who cares if they shared life-or-death missions, secrets, and jobs with each other! That does not give Duo rights over MY Heero, especially since I am his one true love, AND a queen. Not just some low-class, loudmouthed, orphaned scum fished out of the gutters to be a SLAVE to some mad scientists!:: She sniffed loudly, hoping would Heero would talk to HER, instead of conferring inaudibly with Duo.

    Duo suddenly giggled, and glanced at Relena, making eye contact boldly, and smirking, before returning to his conversation with her Heero.

    ::Whoa! What was that all about? That cheeky little...:: Relena thought instantly, then her second thought came to mind. ::That gaze... those beautiful.., violet-blue eyes... so intense... they were so full of life, laughter, and mischief... How can that be? How can someone with so little be so happy...:: her thoughts trailed off as her love pushed his chair back, stood, tweaked Duo's braid, and walked in her direction.

    "Mission. Accepted." Heero said softly to Duo, trying to hide the humor in his eyes and voice. "But you owe me for this one." He walked towards Relena, who smiled sweetly and awaited him. "Relena, my dear, will you accompany me to the cafe? Duo would like to take his shower in private," he said to the blond-haired queen smiling at him.

    "Of course Heero. I would absolutely love to go to the cafe with you!" Relena gushed happily, dragging Heero out of the dorm room and down the stairs.


    Meanwhile, while Relena blabbered on and on, Duo prepared for his shower.

Ditching his black t-shirt and black pants, he walked over to the mirror wearing only his smiley face boxers. He then took out the elastic holding his long hair in a braid, and shook out his hair so that it cascaded freely about his body, coming to a stop in the mid-calf area.

    "Hm.. I need a trim..." said Duo sadly as he inspected his dead and tripled split-ends, leaning towards the mirror, to further investigate the state of his hair.

    Suddenly, Duo heard a loud thud outside his window, which was on the third floor next to a tree. He peered out the window and saw, to his deepest surprise, Wufei lying on the ground with a pair of binoculars.

    "Wu-man? What in the hell are you doing down there? Do you even attend this school? And why do you have binoculars? Don't tell me you were tryin' to spy on the girls down there, you pervert!" Duo rambled. "Besides.. the girls dorms start a wing over!" he yelled down helpfully.

    "Blah blah blah" Wufei's incomprehensible reply floated up to him.

    "Huh? Can you repeat that!?" Duo practically screamed out the window, attracting glances from passing couples in the garden, with several of the girls checking out Duo's lithe, scantily clad body. The young men glared at Duo, and gently led the goggling girls out of sight of Duo.

    "I'M NOT SPYING ON THE GIRLS YOU BAKA ONNA!!!" Wufei's voice blared up at him.

    "OH! OKAY! WHY DON'T YOU COME UP HERE AND JOIN ME THEN!!" Duo yelled back, after a few moments of pondering that.

    "No need to yell, O' Loud and Braided One," Wuefi said calmly. Duo jumped, and his eyes bugged out of his head seeing Wufei's face about a foot away from his outside the window, with the warrior seeming to float outside the window.

    "Dude, you fly?" Duo asked, bewildered by this turn of events.

    "No, Duo, I do not fly. I climb," Wufei said, pointing to the tree branch he was balancing on.

    "Oh. Okay. I see," Duo said, obviously disbelieving Wufei.




    Duo blinked, and shook his head, as if remembering something, "Well, come in, come in.." he stepped away from the window.

    "Thank you, Duo. I graciously accept your offer," Wufei said, and with cat-like grace, jumped into Duo's room.

    ::Mmm... Duo is SO delicious looking in his boxers. How I envy Heero... Damn that Perfect Soldier. I am always second to him. Second to Treize's respect, second to his deeds...:: Wufei sulked in the back of his head, eying Duo's lithe body appreciatively.

    ::Oh gods. Is Wufei... checking me out?!:: Duo thought, watching Wufei's eyes sweeping his body. Suddenly, he added two and two together. ::Binoculars, outside my room, just when I was going to take a shower.... Oh my god.. Wufei is GAY:: Duo almost burst into hysterical laughter at this notion.

    ::I wonder what he's thinking...::

    ::Yeah.. right.. Wu-man can't be gay.. can he?:: Duo searched through all his memories of his former comrade, and pieced the evidence together silently in his mind.

    Meanwhile, Wufei coughed loudly. Duo glanced up distractedly, and onyx eyes looked straight into his. Duo's heart almost stopped right there. There, in Wufei's eyes, he saw the last piece of the puzzle.

    ::Breath Duo, breath... you just hit something...:: Duo breathed in, trying to come to terms with what he had just discovered. ::Just because everything you knew about Wufei has been completely destroyed... He's GAY.. Oh. My. God. GAY! And in love with ME!:: Duo's breathing became more rapid.

    "Duo, is something the matter?" Wufei's voice interrupted the American's thoughts.

    "No... no.. nothing..." Duo said distractedly, playing with the ends of his hair nervously.

    Wufei glanced at him oddly, "Okay, if you say so..."

    "Yes, I say so," Duo snapped uncharacteristically, glancing sharply at the Chinese man across from him.

    ::Shit:: Wufei thought frantically. ::Do you think he suspects... he couldn't... could he? I'm not that obvious... am I?:: He tried to keep his eyes from straying from the violet eyes glaring into his to the lithe, tanned body that was clad merely in boxers.

    ::Wufei IS checking me out:: Duo gasped internally as he watched Wufei's eyes skim his body erratically. ::Wow. I must be cuter than I thought if I can turn Wufei on:: he giggled aloud, drawing a sharp glance from his onyxed-eyed companion.

    ::Must not think bad thoughts, must not think bad thoughts...:: Wufei was grateful he had worn baggier pants than usual, so he could hide his growing manhood. ::Damn Americans. Always have to be more beautiful then the rest of us don't they.::

    The two young men eyed each other warily, and Wufei instinctively leaned in, his face getting closer and closer to the violet eyes, the silky brown hair, and those plush lips...

     "And then Zechs said 'Relena, I cannot believe you! Running out like that' I felt quite naughty..." Relena's high pitched chatter was heard approaching down the hallway, through the closed door, and the two men sprang apart, Wufei scrambling into a nearby chair, and Duo bouncing onto his bed, and tried to appear to be relaxed.

    ::Oh Deathsythe, was Wufei about to KISS me??? ACK! And I was going to let him!:: Duo scrunched his nose. ::Ewww. I feel dirty.::

    The door swung open, and Relena pranced into the room, still chattering to a stone-faced Heero. She paused at the sight of Wufei lounging in a chair and Duo sprawled on the bed, his long hair fanned out and his slim body only clothed in boxers. Her eyes widened appreciatively at Duo's fit body before mentally slapping herself and reminding herself to be faithful to Heero. Heero's cobalt eyes widened as well, but having no such mental blocks as Relena did, openly scanned Duo's muscled body, and tried not to lick his lips.

    Wufei grunted a hello to the newcomers, and Duo bounded off the bed, past Relena to plant a kiss on a surprised Heero's cheek, and scurrying into the bathroom. The door shut, and the lock click was heard through the uncomfortable silence left in Duo's wake.

    "So...Wufei..." Relena said. "How have you been doing?"

    ::What the hell was that all about?:: Wufei growled mentally. ::Duo and way. Relena and Heero are SO together... aren't they?:: He ignored Relena's attempts to get his attention. The blonde huffed, and dragged Heero out of the room, muttering about rude Chinese warriors. Heero dragged his feet, wishing he could join Duo in the shower he could hear running, and mentally protesting the bet he'd made with Duo.