Burning Passion

Kag x George De Sand

Ch.1 – France meets Japan

"Now George, we know you love to pilot the gundam for Neo-France, but its time you found a wife."

"Mother, there is no girl out there who would accept my love for Gundam Rose. They would all have me here, making a family all the time. And I need to be able to train with my friends."

"I have sent out invitations to the court for a ball. You will at least find someone you might want to court."

"But Mother, I have night training –"

"You can miss it tonight. If you do not find a wife soon, Neo-France will find a new gundam fighter and it is in your best interest to keep the Gundam Rose in the De Sand family."

"…I understand."

"Look George!" Maria Louise exclaims. "Everyone is all dressed up!"

"Maria Louise, why did you leave our parents' marriage agreement?"

"Well, we've become such good friends over the years. I rather like the relationship we have." She smiles.

"I see. Then I hope that my future wife will accept our friendship and not think of you as a threat."

"I have a friend in mind that I'd like you to meet!" She grabs his arm and practically drags him across the room. "Kagome!" She waves to a foreign girl.

"There you are Maria Louise!" George watches the girl in a powder blue and white floor-length layered kimono turn towards them, her long black hair floats gently in the air as her deep brown eyes meets his blue ones. "…um…"

"Kagome this is George De Sand. He's my other best friend!"

"…um… isn't her currently… um…"

"He's looking for a life partner!" George's companion claps as she jumps up and down excitedly.

"But… Maria Louise… he wouldn't… want me…"