Well, it's finally the day :) I'm very excited to finally be posting this story, and it's all thanks to AyumiiUzimaki. Without her, at least I assume that it's a her, I wouldn't have even thought up this story. She asked me to write something with Ron, and this is what I came up with, so I hope that she enjoys it!

Anyway, just so you're all aware, I am going to upload a chapter every Friday without fail, I promise.

Please read and review and enjoy :)


Oh how the mighty had fallen…

Not that Ron Weasley had ever been mighty to begin with, but come on, he was a member of the golden trio; he was supposed to be famous and blissfully happy.

Seven years after leaving Hogwarts, Ron found himself in an awkward situation. He and Harry had both become aurors just as they had always wanted to, but Harry seemed to be excelling while Ron seemed to be stuck. The entire department was still in the process of tracking down all of the remaining death eaters, what little of them there were left. Ron and Harry had finished equally when it came to auror training, but in the field Harry was the star of the entire department while Ron seemed to always be a bumbling idiot.

Okay, maybe idiot wasn't the correct word, but he did his fair share of bumbling. Ron was failing, and it killed him to show up every morning.

Not only was he failing professionally, his personal life was also a hot burning mess. A year ago, Hermione had dumped him. It had come out of nowhere and had stung him as soon as she had said the words 'I don't think I love you anymore'. According to her, she didn't want to waste the rest of her life serving him cans of ale and living in a mediocre condo. Sure things had been great after they had defeated Voldermort and he had wanted to save the house elves, but she had grown restless in their mundane routine. He didn't blame her, but it didn't help when they had to stand side by side and watch Harry and Ginny get married only two weeks after they had broken up.

God that night had been awful. He had drunk himself into a stupor and ended up passing out under one of the tables.

Job: embarrassing and frustrating as fuck.

Romantic life: non-existent.

Life in general: it sucked.

No, Ron wasn't thrilled in the slightest.

Now the holidays were coming, and Ron wasn't looking forward to it. Thank God Hermione wouldn't be there. She had declined the enthusiastic invitation from Molly in favor of spending Christmas with her parents and many cousins. So now Ron would just have to deal with his siblings…and their perfect lives.

If his mother said one more thing about him and Hermione getting back together…there would be blood…

When Ron arrived in tow with Ginny and Harry a week before Christmas, he was actually looking forward to the long visit. His mother was a gifted cook and she had no doubt outdone herself for her family. And perhaps since Percy and his wife had just had a baby, she would leave him alone and stop pestering him about getting back together with Hermione.

It wasn't like he hadn't tried…Hermione had just made it explicitly clear that she did not want to be with him anymore.

But when they walked inside expecting a cheerful welcome, there was nothing. There weren't any decorations adorning the inside, nor did the smell of delicious food meet their noses. It was as if there wasn't even a holiday. Rushing into the living room, the three of them found their parents on the couch with the rest of their siblings and their spouses around them. They all appeared to be crying, a piece of parchment in the very center.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Ginny asked as she rushed forward with worry on her face. She knelt down next to her mother, offering her a crumpled tissue from her pocket.

"We've been bought out." She said, picking up the parchment and handing it to her daughter.

"What?" Harry asked.

"What do you mean that you've been bought out?" Ron asked, leaning over his sister's shoulder and reading with her.

The Kim Real Estate Company based out of South Korea had bought the land from the previous owner. In the letter, it stated that after giving Molly and Arthur multiple chances to buy the land for themselves, they had purchased it and intended to use it for commercial growth for the wizarding world. And now, everything belonged to Lee-Moon Kim, a quiet CEO that had taken over the wizarding real estate world.

"They can't just take your home away!" Ginny exclaimed, angry tears brimming in her eyes.

"We have two weeks," Arthur muttered. "We have to be off the property or else they'll fine us…we can't afford to go anywhere else." He sunk into his favorite arm chair, the realization seeming to finally sink into him.

"They can't do this to you, you've lived here for years and you two have always been good tenants!" Bill insisted as he held his crying wife.

"Apparently they can and they will." Ron muttered as he finally got his hands on the letter. Ginny smacked him hard in the arm.

"Don't say that!" She exclaimed through her tears. Ron grit his teeth, ignoring the pain in his arm and reading through the letter.

"Have you tried to negotiate with them at all?" Harry asked, wrapping an arm around Ginny's shaking shoulders.

"Of course we've tried!" Molly exclaimed. "But they've sent back the same letter every time."

"Why not go down there and talk to this Moon Lee guy or whatever the hell his name is." Percy muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"He won't see us." Arthur said sadly.

"Do you know that for sure?" Charlie asked his father. "I'm sure that somebody will see you…a customer service rep or something."

"That's what you should do tomorrow." Ginny insisted. "You should go down there and demand to talk to somebody. They can't treat you like some number! Fight for your home!" Molly stared softly at her daughter, gently smoothing down her hair.

"All right, we'll go tomorrow."

"And Ron will go with you." Ron suddenly looked up from the letter, quizzically staring at his sister.

"Ron will do what now?"

"Of course, Ron can take you." Bill said, finally cracking a smile.

"Take an auror and they'll really feel the pressure." Fleur said, silently wiping away her tears.

"Especially if that auror happens to be Ronald Weasley." Harry said with a smirk. Ron flushed a bright pink as he folded the letter and handed it back to his mother.

"Yeah, I don't care where you're from, you fucking know who Ron Weasley is." Ron sighed, ignoring the flattery from his family. They didn't know that his performance had been slacking at work. He of course would never say anything and neither would Harry.

"I'm not sure that I can take off work, we've been really busy lately."

"Oh don't worry, I'll tell Colin that you had a family matter to take care of." Harry quickly piped up. Ron knew that it wouldn't matter to Colin, their supervisor if he took a day off. Maybe then they would actually be able to catch somebody without Ron tripping over his own feet. Ron looked up at his teary eyed mother, offering her a reassuring smile.

"All right mom, we'll go tomorrow and get this all figured out." Molly quickly hugged her youngest son, mentally swearing that he was such a good boy. That promise seemed to put everybody in a good mood; a good enough mood to pester Molly about dinner. A goose was quickly cooked and the holiday spirit spread throughout the house. Ron sat quietly, nursing a large glass of scotch with a sour look on his face.

He didn't know what he could do, but throwing around his name in this situation couldn't hurt, could it?