His Treasure

Chapter 1: The Chosen Path

Disclaimer:I don't own Fate/Stay Night or any of its character…

Summary:After the 4th Holy Grail War. Another war had started. Gilgamesh was already desperate on claiming his treasure back.

A/N:This is my first fic for Fate/Stay Night. So yeah, not gonna make this long. Here goes chapter 1, hope yah like it minna-san:P


T for Language

Sorry for the grammar faults

And some OOCness of Characters



This time has come

Seven Magi, the 'Masters', use seven classes of entities, the 'Servants'

This is a fight to death for the one and only Holy Grail…

That is the Holy Grail War



Fuyuki City

"For the second time, marry me woman!" a guy wearing gold-plated earrings, necklaces, and gilded clad in a gold-armor with navy lines designed and a bright red cape proposed to the King of Knights as he pointed his finger to her.

"NO" a woman clad in a silver-armor plainly answered.

"For the last time, say "I do", Arturia Pendragon!" he overpowered his tone as his catlike crimson orbs stared at Arturia A.K.A. Saber's green olive eyes.

"I don't have much time to be wasted by such gibberish things!" Saber retorted as she brought her sword in front, ready to kick her opponent's ass anytime soon.

"What?" he lowly said, chagrined.

"Fight me!" Saber confronted the Hero King to battle her seriously since she felt he wasn't even trying to pull out his sword from its golden scabbard.

He simpered, putting his hand down, "I can share the Holy Grail with you..". He singled out his long golden sword out from its casing.

Saber prepared herself for the upcoming assault of the Golden King.

"..if only you accepted my offer, that is to marry me, which you ironically accepted!" He quickly drew near to Saber to compose an attack.

Knowing that the Golden King had the greatest advantage in this fight since he knew what Saber's real name was, she arched her brows.

"Say Yes!" he pleaded once more, still his arrogant side ruling over his body.

He was a selfish, arrogant and an enigmatic Archer-class Servant.

"I reject!" Saber insisted, she blocked his attack and leaped backwards as she hastily bounced back to counter an attack.

"My you-" the Golden King felt humiliated by the fact that he was rejected by Saber repeatedly. "I'll discipline you, My Little Lion!" he obstructed Saber's hit.

"Who are you.." Saber sickly asked for his name as she simultaneously pondered slashes to him.

Too bad, Saber had already forgotten his name after 1500years.

"Hah!" the Hero King snickered, "Nothing more then the mightiest King of Heroes!" he blocked every hit Saber had assaulted one-handedly as he also took rear steps to keep his distance half a meter away from Saber, "Gilgamesh.." saying his name proudly made saber feel disgusted

And yes, he was pompous.

"You're a self-conceited King!" Saber commented as she largely put all her weight on her sword which was constantly attacking Gilgamesh.

"Huh?" was all he replied, Saber was now very close to him.

"Just because of your stupid vanity.." both of them felt their swords trembling, "..you destroyed your own Kingdom!".

"At least, 'I' was the one who betrayed my own Kingdom!" he broke the crossing of their swords and leaped back, Saber mimicked his actions.

"Unlike you who had blinded your eyes for the prim reason that 'YOUR' own people deceived you!" he precisely equaled his sin to Saber's people and stressed out some important words which should be clearly heard by the King of Knights.

"Curse you, Golden King!" Saber jumped up and released an uppercut hack.

Gilgamesh dodged Saber's attacks as he lacerated a sudden assail on Saber's back.

"Gaah!" Saber bellowed as she speedily turned to face her opponent and angrily snapped back.

"I dethroned myself from being the ruler of my Country 'Uruk' while YOU were ousted by your people" Gilgamesh's blade crossed upon Saber's sword.

"You're nothing but a worthless King!" Saber felt Gilgamesh's force inserted to his sword getting more superior which was transmitted to her through her sword which was now, connected to hers.

Their swords started to quiver, Saber gritted her teeth and backed off five meters away from Gilgamesh, "Let's finish everything!".

Gilgamesh pouted as he boosted himself for the closure of their fight.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Both of them yelled as they scuttled to close the distant in between them.

They were hurrying themselves to get slaughtered. Hmmm, servants nowadays are sooooo fishy.

They were readying their attacks which will be executed by both parties using their Strongest, maybe next to the greatest Noble Phantasm which they possessed.

"EXCALIBUR!" Saber shouted as she swung her sword going upwards, her sword started to gleam a golden radiance.

"ENUMA ELISH!" yelled back Gilgamesh as his sword started to create a red swiveling force wind.

Their swords met, a thunder-like beam of light came down from the dark heavens that landed to the Earth.

Blue, Red and Yellow lights flickered; all in awhile, it exploded and established huge wild fires, Sea of Fires.

"The Fourth Holy Grail War has ended.."


A/N: Hmmm..So people what do you think?

Is it good or bad?

Please REVIEW..!

I need MORE REVIEWS before updating another chappie!