Again, this is late. I'm sorry. OTL

Oh well, here you go! Enjoy ~ .

Ciel Phantomhive's Log- Day 2 | 1:16 AM

My God, have I slept that long? When I woke up, I expected Sebastian to be preparing tea or be somewhere in the room, but instead?

I was greeted by silence.

I laid in my bed, thinking what the others might be up to.

. . . Sleeping, of course.

I stood up and looked outside to where the garden was, checking to see if Arthur was there. To my surprise, he wasn't. What was he doing then?


The voice startled me. I turned to see Arthur holding a tray of tea. Arthur chuckled, setting the tray down.

"You're quite early."

"Lack of sleep," I replied, settling back into my bed. I watched as he poured the tea into a cup and brought it over. Why was he awake?

"A nightmare scaring you?"

"I'm not a child, you know." I said firmly with a glare.

Arthur crossed his arms. "But you're nearly a teen, so I would call you a child."

I said nothing and sipped the tea.

"Speechless, eh, chap?" He said, his smirk growing wider.

I almost choked.

"I was going to say something, but I was drinking."


I set the tea down into it's saucer and glanced to the window. He sat in a chair, just across from my bed. After a brief silence, he sighed.

"I know we haven't been introduced properly... But let's change that. You may address as. . . Mr. Kirkland." He said with a small smile.

I looked from the window, then onto him.

"Ciel Phantomhive. Nice to meet you, again, Arthur."

"Mr. Kirkland."

"I know that."

He frowned. "Then why don't y-"

"Because, I don't like being too formal." I said, glancing to the window once again.

Arthur sighed and shook his head. He stood up taking the tray and walked to the door with a small chuckle. "You're surely a strange one. . . "

Ciel Phantomhive's Log - Day 2 | 4:30 AM

After Arthur left, I slept for a while. . . Specifically about 3 hours. After taking a bath (without Sebastian's or Arthur's help) I was a bit proud of operating the bath tub myself. As I got dressed, I listened for the sounds of the servants.

. . . Still asleep.

On my way to the dining room, Arthur ran excitedly to me with a grin, like a child.

"Would you like flan for breakfast?"

"Flan isn't really something for breakfast, if you didn't know. . . I was thinking of Belgian wa-"

"I'm not taking no for an answer...~!"

He sang as he ran back to the kitchen. After a second thought, I turned away in the direction of my office. Arthur did seem like the type to cook. Actually, he seemed like the type to have girly hobbies.

Ciel Phantomhive's Log- Day 2 | 5:00 AM

I peered out the window to see Finnian watering some plants. Did the servants always wake up around this time?

Arthur barged into the office, smiling proudly. There were small smudges on parts of his face. Behind his back, he held a tray with a lid. I sniffed the air with a frown.

"...What's that smell?"

"Why the flan of course~."

He took the lid off to reveal of what I thought was charcoal.

"It's a tad overdone, but you'll be fine!"

. . . Tad.

"This is. . . Flan."


I frowned. Flan wasn't supposed to be burnt. Arthur sat the tray down in front of me and stood beside the desk.

"Well? Go on, it won't kill you."

Really now.

I took the fork and tried to put it through the flan.

"Why is it. . . Hard?"

"Like I said, it's a tad overdone, so. . . um. . . Use your hand."

I frowned, and grabbed the so-called "flan".

As I took a bite-

Ciel Phantomhive's Log: Day 2 | 5:30 AM

...Why on Earth am I on the floor...? I looked to my hand.

Oh, right.

The pansy's food.

I heard three pairs of feet barge into the room. I closed my eyes to hear their reactions.

"Y-young master!" Mey-Rin cried. I could feel her kneel beside me. "Oi. . . " Baldroy said, somewhere near my feet. Mey-Rin picked up the flan from my hand. Finnian was sitting next to Mey-Rin.

"Hm...~? What's that? Charcoal or something...?" Finnian asked.

Arthur voice lingered somewhere in the room. "I-it's flan. Can't you tell?" His voice got closer as he walked towards me. He sat near my head, checking my temperature.

"It didn't give him a fever. You know that, right?" Baldroy said in a confused tone.

"W-well, just in case."

Arthur took his hand off. "He was eating flan, and then. . . fainted, I suppose."

". . . Flan?" They all cooed in confusion.

Arthur stood up, abruptly. "It's flan, goddammit!" He cried. With my eyes closed, I could tell he was blushing with embarrassment. Baldroy chuckled as Arthur left the room.

"Do you think I could be the better cook?"

Finnian sighed. As he got up, he snapped his fingers. "Ah! I'll make the young master some soup from some herbs that are in full bloom~."

Ciel Phantomhive's Log: Day 2 | 6:25 AM

Arthur was there when I woke up. "Oh good, you're awake."

He sat in a chair just across from me.

"W-was it really that bad?" He said, solemnly.

His reaction- I didn't know what to say.

"I-it wasn't. Just a bit bland."

Finnian opened the door. "Oh, young master, you're awake." Behind his back was a tray, like the one Arthur had before.

"I'm going back to sleep."

"Ah! Wait! Before you do," Finnian opened the lid to show. . . Herbal soup? I sat up as he brought the tray to me. Arthur peeked at it, not saying a word.

"Enjoy...~." He sang. I took the spoon and sipped at it. . . And it was good.

"Finnian, you could cook?" I asked, glancing to him. I was a bit impressed.

Finnian chuckled. "It was nothing- Just boiling herbs and water. Ah, and eat up, it's good for you." He walked out, humming to himself.

Arthur sighed in his chair. "I guess I need to improve my cooking." He chuckled to himself.

"Alfred used to like my cooking." He mumbled.

I looked up from the spoon. Alfred? I had the urge to question, but I felt that the timing wasn't right.

Ciel Phantomhive's Log: Day 2 | 1:45 PM

After finishing my soup, I headed to the living room with Arthur right behind me. To kill time, we decided to play chess. He rambled on and on about how he was a 'chess master' as we walked. The others chose to take a break for a while. The house grew quieter within each minute.

Much to my surprise, he beat me. In 10 moves.

"R-rematch." I mumbled, frustrated.

"Oh? Care for another game? Very well." He sang, smiling.

Ciel Phantomhive's Log: Day 2| 2:27 PM

Five moves. Ten moves. Twenty. Thirty. Moves and countermoves. We were neck and neck. The board was probably smoking by now. You're truly focused when you're so focused that you don't know you're focused.

"Rook to bishop, one." I said, trying to focus harder.

"Pawn to bishop, three." He replied in a carefree tone.

"Bishop to queen, three."

My hope was to lure Arthur into moving his pawn to queen's knight, three. It's a trap Sebastian sets on me often.

He paused for a moment, thinking. "Pawn to queen's knight, three." He said, breaking the brief silence.

I pinched my pawn. With it, I would take his pawn. By itself, an innocent little move, but it would be the beginning of the end. Arthur was on the gangplank, and every move of mine from now and farther would be a sword tip, poking him farther and farther until- Checkmate- he became shark meant.

I was about to lift my pawn when I heard a distant voice. I tried to ignore it, and stayed in the zone, my 18-by-18-inch world.

"Oh, Sebas-chaaan ~ !" The voice sang.

"Not now..." I mumbled.

Arthur looked around. "Who's that?"

"It's no one-"

"Yoohoo ~ ! Sebas-chaan ~ ! My little angelic devil ~ !" The voice grew louder.

Arthur reddened. "Bloody hell?" He stood up from the chair to peer in the window.

". . . Who is this gentlemen? His style is quite odd. . . "

I grumbled, stepping away from the board. "It's the idiot. Don't listen to him." I mumbled.

Dun dun dun ~ .

Unexpected visitor. Stay tuned for more~.

Ah, and thank you for the reviews! I appreciate it, really ~ .