Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. That honour belongs to the one and only Rick Riordon (Who, for the record, makes extremely annoying book endings *cough The Son of Neptune cough*)


"Thank you," I said smiling politely to the receptionist as she handed me a bright yellow post-it note containing my room number and floor.

The woman smiled in return, "Further information on classes will be given later in the week, for now, settle into your new dorm and get to know your room mate."

I said another quick thanks and turned my back on the front desk. I returned to the chair where my suitcase and travel bag were sitting and gathered them up. With my bag in one hand and my suitcase in the other, I made my way over to the elevator and pressed the button.

Whilst waiting for the doors to open I read the post-it note:

Floor 6. Room 208.

With a ding the elevator doors opened. I quickly scurried into the small lift and pressed 6. As a child, I used to love pushing the floor buttons, I enjoyed watching them light up and often got told off for 'accidentally' pushing the wrong one.

I briefly checked my hair in the elevator mirror, my appearance is not something I usually fuss about but I am just about to meet the boy I am going to be sharing a dorm with for the whole year, I want to make a good first impression.

Right, I know what you're all thinking, I can't pretend it hasn't crossed my mind as well, a college where two member of the opposite sex share a dorm, what genius came up with that idea? That is exactly what I thought at first, I was in complete shock when my dad willingly suggestedattending Dulphaber College. If you look at it as a learning experience, the founder's choice makes more sense. Sharing a dorm with a person of the opposite gender will supply both individuals with the great knowledge and understanding of being able to live on their own. At least, that's what the leaflet said.

With another 'ding' the doors re-opened, as I made my way across the hall I smiled at the few students who passed by, one guy even offered me a hand in carrying my bags, I of course declined because who really needs help hauling a suitcase and a small bag a couple of meters?

Each door had a number written in large, gold writing:

202... 204... 206... oh no... 208

I took a deep breath, pushed my suitcase handle down placing my small bag on top of it. I unnecessarily flattened down my floral top, tightened my hair bobble and plastered a smile on my face. Slowly I raised my hand to the door and knocked three times.

Moments later my soon-to-be roommate answered to door. I swear to god my mouth dropped to floor when I saw who it was. I was sharing a dorm with none other than the biggest pain in my ass:

Percy Jackson.



Love ya,
