
Bad grammar is probably bad. Reviews make me happy. :D

The first time she met him, she'd given up all her remaining regenerations to keep him alive. The second time she met him, she'd stopped time itself to try and save him. The first time he met her, she had given her life for him.

No, There was no questioning just how much Melody Pond loved her Doctor.

She was the daughter of his best friends. She was beautiful, intelligent, sexy, and an excellent shot. She was the woman he married and he would always, without question, be there to catch her any and every time she felt like jumping out of an airlock.

Yes, the Doctor loved River very much, enough to marry her, enough to tell her his name; like she'd said in the Library all those years ago, she'd become someone he trusted completely. There was one thing though, that he would never, ever tell her, because if he did, he knew that all three of their hearts would break at once, because as much as the Doctor cared for River Song, there was only one woman he could ever be truly in love with.

A woman who'd crossed whole universes for him.

A woman he'd left standing on a beach in Norway.

He'd loved her when he had big ears and a leather jacket and he'd loved her when he'd worn trainers and pinstripes and a long coat. Now he couldn't stop loving her. To him, loving her was like a fixed point in time – there was no way to prevent it, and if anyone dared try, whole worlds might just fall apart.

Rose Tyler. Sometimes he wished he'd finished that sentence.