
"NATSUME! IT'S SO HOT! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" a five months pregnant Mikan yelled from across the room.

"Yes, hon. I'm coming." Natsume said through his gritted teeth as he prepared the dish Mikan had ordered him to make. "Shit! A while ago she orders me to make food and now she's hot! Damn it! Why are pregnant woman like this?" Natsume muttered angrily under his breath.

Mikan was ordering him the whole morning non-stop. And when he did something wrong, her nagging was uncontrollable and unbearable. Just a little bit more and he would have killed himself.

Natsume sometimes wondered if their relationship had changed when they got married. Since, when they first met at ten and when they first started going out at sixteen, Natsume was naturally in control. When he doesn't feel like doing it, he doesn't do it. But now, when he doesn't feel like doing it, he doesn't have a choice.

"Mikan" Natsume called out to his wife as he entered the living room. His wife was sitting on the sofa; her feet resting on a small chair as she was watching T.V. and eating Ben and Jerry's oatmeal cookie chunk ice cream with anchovies on top. During her pregnancy, her appetite turned into a weird, almost non human type of way, which Natsume had to suffer to.

"What?" Mikan asked obviously annoyed at Natsume for disturbing her during her relaxation time.

This is also one of the things that changed during her pregnancy stage. When she was not yet pregnant, she was always the one who kept bugging and pestering Natsume at all sorts of stuffs and Natsume, due to his inborn character, often gets annoyed and sometimes pissed off but now, Mikan is the one getting irritated whenever Natsume interrupts her about something.

"Can I go this evening to Ruka's place?" Damn! Now he's even asking for her permission!

"WHAT?" Mikan yelled and she stood up and her anchovy-topped ice cream fell from her lap and made a big mess on the floor.

"Mikan? What's wrong?" Natsume asked, worried of the possible things that Mikan could likely do to him.

"You're going to leave your freaking pregnant wife here while you go out there and have the time of your life, getting drunk, dancing with strippers and gamble our whole income! You selfish bastard! Who knows? I might be in labor today and you're not even fucking there!" Mikan shouted.

"Wait… what strippers? What type of guy do you think I am? And Mikan, your still five months pregnant, it's nearly impossible to be in labor that early unless you wanted to make a record."

"Ohhh… so this is where it's going! Your sarcasm is truly magnificent Natsume! Really! Maybe I should give you an award. What do you want; 'Best Bastard Father/Husband of the year' or maybe, 'Most Scumbag Father/Husband of the Millenium'… or better yet, you should have both!" Mikan was now pacing around the living room, looking for things she could possibly throw to the man in front of her.

Nastume's jaw fell when he heard what his wife had just said. "What the hell is your freaking problem?"

Mikan stayed quiet for a bit and glared at Natsume for exactly five seconds. "Fine! Do whatever you want!" This was her last words before she proceeded to her, or rather, their room.

There was a part in Natsume's mind that wanted to hug and apologize to his furiously angry wife but he was also pissed off at Mikan's recent behavior. Sure, she's pregnant, but there are also times that he could not make that a good enough reason for her to treat him like this.

After a few minutes of pondering of deciding whether to comfort Mikan or not, he had chose to go to his car and drove off to Ruka's place.

1:35 a.m.

This was the exact time Natsume had gone home. He was still standing in the doorway of his house, reeking of alcohol and he had concluded; Mikan was literally going to kill him.

"Mikan?" he silently called out as he entered his house quietly. After a few shots of vodka and tequila, he had decided to talk to his wife properly about his so called rights.

He scanned the room with the lights still turned off. It was quiet so that meant Mikan was already asleep; or so he wished.

"Where were you?" The voice of his wife froze his steps and made him turn around. She was sitting on a sofa chair, her legs and arms crossed with the lamp as her only her light. By the look on her face, it was obvious that she was beyond furious.

"To Ruka's" was Natsume's ingenious reply.

"And what were you doing there?" Mikan asked as she raised her brow.

Natsume closed his eyes and pinched the bridged of his nose, trying to control his anger but failed.

"If you had listened to me a while ago, you would have known that we just had our Boy's night out, like we usually do every freaking month! But No! You had to open that fucking mouth of yours and accused me of nonsense! " Natsume's sudden outburst made Mikan flinch. This was not the Natsume she knew, even if he was pissed off, he would never act like this. So she had figured out that he was either crazy or drunk.

"W-what?" Mikan stammered, looking for her voice. She was still recovering from Natsume's earlier outbreak.

"What's the problem with all you pregnant women? You order as if you're a queen, you judge as if you're the jury, you yell as if we're deaf! Haven't you had enough? Your mood changes faster than you change your underwear! You've been tying me down always nowadays! Can I have my own life for once?" Natsume bellowed.

Mikan was unable to reply. She just stood there, shocked. When Natsume was aware that she was not going to reply, he talked again but in a calmer and kinder way as some of his anger has now subsided.

"Mikan, I know that you're pregnant but I'm also human. I just need space for a while. You understand, don't you?"

Mikan was silent for a minute then her lips curved into a cheery smile. Which would have been beautiful, unfortunately, it scared the shit out of Natsume. He had thought Mikan was going to cry and he was ready to comfort her but this is a weird turn of events.

"Yes, I understand." was Mikan's reply, her face still held that somewhat creepy smile.

"Thank... you." Natsume muttered under his breath when suddenly a strong impact on his chest flew him out of the door and the next thing he knew, he was outside the house and Mikan just slammed the door right at his face.


My husband said he needed more space. So I locked him outside.