Ohh~ have you read justkissmeidiot 's fics? They're absolutely positively WONDERFUL. Well, if you can read the most heart wrenching angst that is. ;DDD You should still read it, though.


Love you too


Antonio smiles at Lovino - the perfect 'bride' - fully dressed in white and face slightly tinted red when the Italian realizes he had been staring at him; he gives a small smile, bashful and totally unlike his irascible temperment, back at the Spaniard. Antonio doesn't even notice that he's walking towards Lovino and before he knows it, he's opening his mouth to speak.

"Y-You look very...beautiful, Lovi." Lovino's face flushes and he immediately looks down. Antonio can hear him mutter a soft 'bastard', but he's knows that that's really his way of saying 'thank-you'. They both look down for a fleeting moment and they both look up at the same time, mouths open to speak.

"You first," Lovino looks down again, unusually bashful.

"It's just that you're so..." Antonio pauses, and gently cups his hand against a contrastingly pale cheek. "...you take my breath away."

The smaller man gently swats his chest, and let's his hand stay where it landed. Lovino looks up, gold eyes shiny with unshed tears. "Antonio...I..." He stops, unable to voice his feelings out.

Antonio just nods understandingly, and gently pets his head, taking a step back. A small tear slides down Lovino's wide eyes, and Antonio begins to coo that it's okay, and that a bride ('"Groom", Lovino stutters out) shouldn't cry on such a happy day. "You'd make a wonderful husband." Lovino grumbles. Antonio laughs. It's almost as if they're the only ones in the room, and -

- they both feel free.

"And you'd make a wonderful bride." Antonio says, and they both go into companionable silence. Lovino takes his hand in his, and squeezes. Antonio squeezes back.

Hands still twined together,he leads them to an outside terrace, earning a confused glance from the Italian and gently leads him into a slow waltz. They sync in with the music playing inside, and Lovino lays his head against his love's chest and let's his eyes close as he listens to the heart beating underneath. Antonio rests his head on top of the other's as they step one-two-three, one-two-three. It continues on even when the music ends, and the people inside clap.




They stop abruptly, and Lovino tightens his hold on Antonio's hand, but Antonio gently pries the hand away, and leads them back inside.

"I love you, you know." Lovino says, trying to act acting nonchalant, but the tears in his eyes say otherwise.

"Love you too." Antonio whispers, just loudly enough for Lovino to hear it. Lovino makes a soft hiccuping-sobbing noise and presses his other hand to his mouth in an attempt to stop the noises.

He knows what Lovino wanted to say when the Italian had first looked up at him with those unshed tears.

He stopped him because he didn't want to feel his heart - nor Lovino's - break again.

I'm so sorry.

So sorry.

So, so sorry that we couldn't be together.

And he gently hugs Lovino, and watches as he walks across the room to his new husband, who should of been him.

ackack emotional backslap.

basically, I made it seem like Lovino is getting married to Antonio, where actually, Lovino is getting married off to another man, and Antonio is saying his goodbye, in a way.

Those three lines in the end with italics is what Lovino tried to say to Antonio in the beginning. I'm thinking of giving this a second chapter...don't know, though. What do you guys want?