The Sights You See

He he. I couldn't resist writing this little one-shot when the idea came to me. This is set some time in fifth year.

'I just can't believe Snape. All I did was accidently drop a doxy egg in your cauldron and we both end up getting detention for apparently no reason,' Harry ranted as he and Hermione made their way down the path to the Quidditch pitch.

'It did seem quite unfair – but then since when has Snape been fair?' Hermione replied.

'I don't know, but I think he knew Quidditch training was tonight – that's enough of a reason for him I suppose,' Harry muttered malevolently.

They reached the Quidditch changing rooms and Harry turned to Hermione.

'I won't be a minute, just wait here. I need to go and apologise,' he said, and left her sitting on the stone seat.

After sitting there for half a minute, rain began to quickly fall in large droplets so Hermione went inside the changing rooms. It was at this point that she realised she'd never been in there before and had no idea which door to go in.

And that's when she walked through the wrong door.

Hermione couldn't help but stand and stare. Ron was in front of her eyes wearing nothing but his boxers, taking a hot shower. She blushed deeply as she took in his toned chest; his freckles clearly visible.

She watched as he bent his head back and ran the water over his red hair.

Hermione jumped, realising she shouldn't be there and someone could walk in at any moment – worse still, Ron could look over and see her standing there. Stunned, she quietly crept back up the corridor to the entrance area and sat down outside on the stone seat, seemingly oblivious to the rain.

'Are you alright?' Harry's voice brought Hermione out of her reverie. Apparently he'd finished talking with the team.

'Oh... yes! I'm fine!' Hermione said loudly, which caused Harry to believe the polar opposite.

'Ron's just getting a shower and then we can go and get some dinner.' Harry looked at her closely. 'Are you sure you're feeling alright?'

Harry's mention of the words 'Ron' and 'shower' did nothing to dispel the blush on her cheeks.

'Okay. I mean – yes, absolutely.' She then pretended to be busy getting a book out of her bag so as not to look at Harry.

'Right,' Harry said, unconvinced.

At this moment Ron came walking out of the building, carrying his broomstick; his hair damp.

'Well that was less of a disaster than usual. Except for Angelina lecturing us for fifteen minutes on why Snape is a moron – I don't think your detention went down very well. By the way, how was it?'

'Not bad. Sorting dead body parts in jars into alphabetical order. Nothing we can't handle,' Harry replied, straight-faced. This was a sign of how bad Harry's life usually was.

Ron glanced at Hermione; she was staring at his wet hair.

'How about you Hermione? Can you cope with a few dead fingers floating around?'

'How lovely Ron just when we're about to eat our dinner!'

'Well there's no sense beating about the bush... are you alright?' he added, noticing she seemed a little preoccupied.

There was a colour on her cheeks that Ron found endearing yet perplexing; he'd never understand that girl!

Harry however had just put two and two together as he watched Hermione's flushed cheeks and her eyes glance at Ron's wet hair.

'The sights you see when you haven't got your wand eh Hermione?' he teased her.

Hermione hit his arm – that was far from her sentiments about what she'd seen!

Review if you liked it!