A story about things that go wrong in Andy's life and she wants to fix them but that takes a little time...
I don't own Strong Medicine or any of it's characters, just this story line.
Before you read this you should know that my English isn't that good so I'm sorry if I made any mistakes.
Please review (even if you hate the story or just want to correct my english)

Chapter 1 : All Downhill

Andy was driving through the rain, going way to fast. Her day had started bad, when she overslept, and after that it all went downhill.

She had a fight with her boss, and she had been feeling sick so after just 2 hours into the day she went home.

And now she had just had a fight with Milo and she was driving home from his house. Last week her ex-husband, Les, had been in town and Milo thought something had happened between Andy and him. She could understand he was worried about that because his ex-wife cheated on him, but even when she swore nothing happened between her and Les he still didn t believe her.

When another wave of nausea came over her she finally slowed down. She parked on the side of the road and leaned her forehead on the steering wheel, trying to calm herself down. She let out a breath she didn t know she was holding and finally let the tears fall down.

After a few more minutes she started the engine again and drove home.

She walked through the front door and towards the couch. She looked around and then sat down. Everything around her was dark and somehow, for once, it actually calmed her. She thought about the fight with Milo. Before she had stormed of she had broken up with him. Now, when she was calm, she regretted that.

She picked up the phone and dialed his phone number. After a while she got his answering machine. Either he didn t want to talk to her or he was already asleep. She tried to convince herself it was the last one and decided she d try again in the morning.

Right now she just wanted to go to bed and sleep.

The next morning she tried to call Milo again but he still didn t pick up. At work she had another fight with her boss, Bob Jackson. She was still feeling sick and just felt depressed. Dr. Jackson had asked her to do something for him and when she didn t want to they had gotten into an argument.
He told her that if she didn t change her attitude towards him he d fire her. She stormed of into her office and started to put her stuff in boxes. She didn t have a lot of personal stuff in there so she only needed two boxes. She walked out of her office with the boxes.

'What are you doing?' Bob asked, he was still mad at her but now he was mostly surprised. 'I quit,' Andy said and started walking away.
'Wait,' Andy turned around when she heard Bob say that, 'you can t do this.' 'Yes I can. And I will. I am not going to change myself for you so I am going to quit before you can fire me,' Andy said and before anyone could respond she left.

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