My Little Pony: Spikes Email Friend.

This is just a short one-shot for fun.

WARNING: Sexual content! mature audiences only! This story may get gross folks, if the idea of water sports is not for you, stop reading now. If you do find you have the stomach to read all the way to the end. Please review as this is my first MLP story.

Disclaimer: As much of a shock as this will be to some of you...I do not own My Little Ponies. This story is a parody just for fun.

Let the story begin...

Twilight was reading books on spells when Rainbow Dash came running in.

"Twilight you gotta hurry! Its spike! Hes on top of Really High Bridge and says he's gonna jump!"

When Twilight an Rainbow Dash got to the bridge they found Spike writing his will and testament.

"-And to Twilight, I leave my broken heart, should she ever discover the identity of horseslut6969 have her hand it over."

Twilight yelled at spike.

"What do you think your doing?"

Spike said in an over dramatic voice,

"My secret internet admirer babe dumped me! Life is just not worth living."

Now a crowd of ponies was starting to gather around the bridge. A few ponies taking bets on if he would jump or not. Twilight was too concerned with her friend to notice, as she tried to talk him down off the bridge.

"I'm sure you'll meet other girls!"

Spike said with a sad drooping head.

"Not like her. She was as perverted as I am. I love her."

Twilight blinked in surprise, and had to force herself to say,

"Spike your not perverted."

Spike looked back at Twilight, pain showing in his eyes.

"She told me she would lick my ass clean for me! I jerked off to that image in my head! All day!"

Rainbow Dash was grossed out yet concerned for her friend.

"How do you know she dumped you?"

Spike shrugged his shoulders and turned back to fall that awaited him.

:"No new email for two weeks! I sent her a picture of me and she stopped emailing me! Its over and so is my life! Goodbye, Twilight. Good bye everyone!"

Spike lifted a foot up ready to take the plunge.

When Twilight yelled as loud as she could to make sure he heard her.


She had yelled loud enough for every pony to hear her and they were all looking at her now.

Spike was looking at Twilight skeptical thinking she was just trying to stop him.

"You Twilight? Riiiight."

Twilight pleaded for her friend to believe her.

"Its true! I said the part about licking your ass clean."

Spike turned around, with his hands on his hips and an annoyed voice said,

"Ok. Tell something else that was in the emails between the two of us, that you would other wise not know."

Twilight blushed, she knew she had to tell the truth to save his life She didn't care who heard her.

"I said, I wanted you to piss all over me till your dick dripped with urine. Then I would suck your huge cock till you came all over my face. Marking me, as your dirty little slut."

Spike walked away from the ledge and headed towards Twilight in disbelief.

"OMG it was you Twilight! Why didn't you tell me? Why did you stop emailing me?"

"Your my closest friend. Your the first person I go to when I have a problem. When you sent me a picture and I found out it was you, I didn't want to jeopardize what we have."

Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

"Um this is sweet and all. Gross but sweet. Twilight you know I can fly right? Had he jumped I would have just caught him."

Twilight's pupils grew small and she blushed.

"Uh, I hadn't thought of that."

Spike, now back to his usual carefree self said.

"No matter! What do you say we go back to your place Twilight and try out some of those ideas from our emails?"

Twilight smiled and kissed Spike on the cheek.

"I'd like that Spike. I really would."

The End