A/N: So, here we are. The final instalment of this fic; the epilogue (which is probably technically too long to be an epilogue, given that it's longer than any of the other chapters. But I figured you wouldn't mind about that!) It is a shame for me to have to end it, but unfortunately with my course the way it is at the moment, I have too much on and I do think this has come to its natural conclusion. Although I may write a sequel one day…never say never and all that jazz.

I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for giving this story a chance and sticking with it all this time. Even when I left you with cliff-hangers for ages! I have loved every second of writing this and I never dreamed it would be eighteen chapters in length when the idea first struck me. Thank you for your reviews also. I'm not that far off 200 for this fic, so if you could leave one final review and help me achieve that milestone that would be wonderful.


8 months later…


Ruth woke suddenly and was immediately on alert; her daughter was crying. She slipped out of bed, and padded barefoot down the hallway. Harry was oblivious to her departure, sleeping on. She was sure he would have made a habit of it, but Sophia was not normally one to wake up during the night, hence Ruth's worry.

When she reached Sophia's room, Ruth knew what was wrong without even seeing her daughter; the stench of vomit was overwhelming. Sophia had been subdued all evening but both Harry and Ruth had put it down to her being tired after an over exuberant weekend spent with Catherine. When Catherine was in the country she always made arrangements to have Sophia for a day or an evening; to spend some quality time with her; it also allowed Harry and Ruth to have some time alone too. Catherine and Graham, whose relationship with his father had improved dramatically since Sophia's arrival, had taken their younger sister to the Zoo on Saturday and then she had stayed over at Catherine's house that night, meaning Harry could take Ruth out on a long-overdue second date. He'd booked a table at Claridge's and they'd had a wonderful evening.

The tranquillity of that night was long gone now. It seemed, however, that Sophia's tiredness had been more than that; she had obviously caught the bug that had been going around her school nursery. Harry hadn't seen the need in her going to nursery at first, as Ruth wasn't working (she had decided not to return to the Grid, as she didn't feel it was conducive to bringing up a young child) but Ruth had insisted. She wanted Sophia to socialise with other children and felt that nursery provision would better prepare her for the rigours of more formal education. So they'd enrolled her at a private school about 20 minutes from their house, and she attended 4 mornings and 1 full day on a Friday. She loved it and was coming on in leaps and bounds. The prevalence for illness was the only downside; in her first three months there, Sophia had had a runny nose constantly.

Entering the room, Ruth began to sooth her daughter. "It's okay sweetheart, Mummy's here."

"Been sick, Mummy," Sophia sniffed.

"I know darling." She pushed her daughter's hair out of her face and laid her palm against her forehead. "You're a bit warm aren't you? Come on, let's get you cleaned up." She picked up her daughter and carried her through to the bathroom. She set her down on the toilet seat and began running a bath, before instructing Sophia to stay put and returning to the bedroom for some towels and clean bedding.

Her movements disturbed Harry. "What time is it?" he asked sleepily.

Ruth glanced at the clock. "Nearly half three."

"What are you doing?" he continued, propping himself up into a seated position.

"Sophia's been sick. She must have caught that bug from nursery." Ruth replied, her head halfway in the wardrobe, searching for a pillowcase. Finding it at the bottom of a pile she tugged roughly and, much to her dismay, the whole pile of bedding fell out, spilling all over the floor. "Oh….thing!" she cursed, bending down to pick them up.

Harry was at her side instantly. "Let me," he insisted," divesting her of the bedding she had collected. You go and deal with Sophia and I'll change her bed. Go on."

Giving him a quick peck on the cheek, she stood and went back to her daughter. Once she was washed and in clean pyjamas, Ruth took her back and lay her down on the nice crisp sheets Harry had put on her bed. She lay down with her daughter and stroked her hair soothingly.

A few moments later, Harry came in with some Calpol and Ruth sat her up slightly so she could take her medicine. "That should make you feel better soon," Harry told his daughter, who nodded mutely and cuddled into her Mum.

"You get back to bed Harry. You've got a 7.30 meeting with the Home Secretary."

"It's fine. I'll wait for you."

"I think I'll sleep in here tonight; just in-case."

"Don't be ridiculous Ruth; that bed's hardly big enough for you on your own, never mind sharing it with a three year old who can't stay still for more than five minutes, even in sleep."

"Don't go, Mummy!" Sophia pleaded. Ruth looked at Harry helplessly; she couldn't leave her daughter in this state; even to go to the next room.

Harry bent down near the bed. "Sophia, there's not really a lot of room in your bed for you and Mummy; aren't you going to get a bit squashed? Why don't you and Mummy come into our room? There's plenty of space in our bed.

Sophia perked up a little. "Can I?" She wasn't normally allowed in their bed at night; Ruth was adamant that she'd get too used to it and they'd never get her back in her own room.

"Just while you're not well. Little girls can have some extra treats while they're poorly."

Sophia nodded and held out her arms for Harry to pick her up. He lay her down in the middle of their king size bed and got in beside her. Ruth switched off the light and got in on the other side before resuming her calming caresses on her daughter's head. It didn't take long for Sophia to close her eyes and drop off.

"Better ring Catherine and Graham in the morning and warn them," Harry whispered once he was sure Sophia was asleep. "If Sophia has caught this from nursery, she'll most likely have passed it on to them over the weekend."

"It'll be you and I next," Ruth commented with a groan.

"The perils of having a young child. Come on, let's try and get some sleep; I've got an early morning remember." Not being able to reach across and kiss her because of Sophia's presence, Harry took Ruth's hand and brought it to his mouth. "Goodnight love."

"Good night Harry."

When Harry's alarm went off just over an hour and a half later, he found he and Sophia alone in bed. He considered where Ruth could be for a few moments, before the faint sound of retching reached his ears. Glancing at Sophia and finding her still asleep, he pushed back the covers and made his way to the bathroom. He knocked lightly on the door. "Ruth?"

"S'open," she croaked back.

Harry opened the door to find Ruth crouched on the floor, head over the toilet. "Already?" he asked, surprised by the quick onset of the bug. Ruth merely nodded as another wave of nausea overcame her. "Oh, love," Harry sighed, gathering her hair back from her face and holding it until she was finished.

A short while later and Ruth was back in bed, watching Harry dress for work. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay at home today?" he checked, as he fastened his tie.

"You have a meeting," Ruth reminded him.

"I can send Ros; I'm sure the Home Secretary will understand. And if he doesn't, well he can just bugger off."

Ruth shook her head, "No. You go. We'll be fine. We'll spend the day in bed, reading and watching DVDs." Harry threw her a sceptical look. "Honestly, we'll be okay."

"You'll call if you need anything?"

"I will," she assured. Harry leant in to kiss her but she pulled away, "You'll catch it," she reasoned.

"Chances are I already have," he argued, pressing her back into the pillows and placing his lips on hers. "I'll see you later."

"Bye!" she called after him. "Have a good day."

Ruth and Sophia did indeed remain in bed for the whole day and by tea time, Sophia had perked up but Ruth still felt rotten.

Hearing a key in the lock, Sophia ran downstairs. "Daddy!" she called excitedly.

"Umph!" exhaled Harry as Sophia launched herself at him for a hug. "You're obviously feeling better," he observed.

Sophia nodded. "I've been looking after Mummy," she declared.

"Good girl," he praised, carrying her up the stairs so he could check on Ruth. He found her sat in bed, the television showing the news but she wasn't concentrating on it; she could barely keep her eyes open.

"You're home early," Ruth observed as he entered the bedroom, set Sophia down and removed his jacket and tie.

"You're not well," he stated as if his reason for being home should be obvious. "Not feeling any better then?"

"I thought I was around lunchtime, but I made the mistake of eating something." Harry nodded. "Sophia's better though; managed to keep down some soup."

"Good. I'll make us some tea; do you want to try some?" Ruth shook her head. "You've got to eat something Ruth," Harry fussed.

"Okay," sighed Ruth. "Just some dry toast; I don't want to aggravate my stomach."

"Dry toast it is then. Come on Sophia, you can help me make tea; let your Mum rest a bit."

It wasn't long before Ruth's eyes slipped closed and she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Harry cursed silently as he looked at his watch as his car pulled up outside the house; it was after ten. Now that he had a family to return home to at night, he didn't like to stay late on the Grid, but today he hadn't had a choice. A renegade Islam extremist had attempted to set off a bomb on Oxford Street, so his presence had been required just a little longer. Normally, although he didn't relish late shifts, he wouldn't be particularly annoyed by them, but today was different. It had been three days since Sophia and Ruth had become ill and, while Sophia had made a seemingly full recovery, Ruth was still not well. The bug had knocked her for six; she was extremely tired and although she wouldn't admit it, he knew she was still feeling nauseous. He'd wanted to get home early and help her put Sophia to bed, but alas, duty had called.

Thanking his driver, Harry walked up the path and entered the house quietly. He hung up his coat before putting the catch on the door and securing it for the night. He climbed the stairs quietly, not wanting to disturb the possible sleeping occupants of the house. He saw Sophia's door ajar and the glow from her nightlight was emanating though the gap. He peeked into her room; she was lying spread-eagled on the bed, out for the count. A contented smile graced his lips as he indulged in watching his daughter sleep for a few moments. When she shifted in her sleep, Harry took this as his cue to leave; if she woke up and found him watching her, she'd never go back to sleep.

Entering the master bedroom, he was surprised to find Ruth propped up against the pillows reading. She smiled as he entered.

"I thought you'd be asleep," he said, approaching the bed. He kissed her on the cheek before sitting down on the edge of the bed and removing his shoes.

"I wanted to wait up for you."

"I'm sorry I'm so late," he apologised.

"Don't be silly. These things happen."

"But you've been on your own with Sophia all day." Ruth didn't see the need to remind Harry that she'd been on her own with Sophia for three years and had looked after her whilst ill. She knew he felt guilty for not being here; there was no need to possibly make the situation worse.

"She was as good as gold. I've had my own personal nursemaid since I picked her up from nursery. I'm surprised she didn't insist on driving me home!"

Harry chuckled; Sophia could be a little domineering at times. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," she admitted. "I think getting some fresh air this afternoon did me good."

Harry smiled; glad she seemed to be on the mend. "Won't be a second; just going to use the bathroom."

Ruth put her book down on the nightstand and awaited his return.

"I've been thinking," he announced, as he re-entered the room five minutes later, stripped down to his boxers and ready for bed.

"Oh?" asked Ruth curiously.

He got into bed. "I think I should retire from the service."


"No Ruth, hear me out. I hate coming home late like this. Some days I leave so early and get home so late that I don't see Sophia at all! I'm due a good pension Ruth, and the mortgage is paid up on the house. We won't go hungry."

"Even with an extra mouth to feed?"

"Wh…?" Words failed him so he looked at Ruth for further clarification.

"I'm pregnant Harry."

"Are you sure?"

"As sure as I can be. I had my suspicions that my sickness was more than just a bug when Sophia recovered so quickly and I didn't. I hadn't had nausea like that since I was pregnant before, so when I went to pick her up from nursery I called at the chemist and picked up a home test, just in case. I never expected it to be positive."

"But it was."


"We're having another baby?"

"Yes." Ruth replied, beginning to worry about Harry's reaction. She'd been nervous about telling him and so far he hadn't expressed any emotion about it whatsoever. She didn't have to worry for long though.

"Ruth…I…that's brilliant."

"It is?" she asked, surprised.

"You don't think so?"

"No, I do, I do. I just wasn't sure what you would think."

"I think it's wonderful darling," he assured, reaching over and pulling her in to him for a kiss.

"Might mean putting off the retirement for a couple of years," she mused, when he released her.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I've some money tied up in my parent's old house. I'll need to sit down with the figures, but I'm sure it's doable.

"You're really serious about this aren't you?" she asked, trying to visualise Harry without the service to anchor him.

"Yes. I am. There's something else I'm really serious about too."

"Oh yes? What's that then?"

"I love you Ruth Evershed."

Ruth smiled, her eyes lighting up. "And I love you Harry Pearce."

"Hmmm, that reminds me; we really need to do something about that," Harry mused.

"About what?" Ruth asked confused by his statement.

"Your name."

"My name?" she questioned, still unsure where he was going with this.

"Well, I rather liked it when your surname was Pearce, didn't you? And, I think it's even more pressing now. Lady Pearce certainly rolls off the tongue quite nicely don't you think?" he said, placing a hand on her stomach.

"Well I sup…" Ruth trailed off as the implication of Harry's words sank in. "Harry, what are you saying?"

Harry looked deep into her eyes. "Marry me, Ruth."


"Before you say anything; this is not a knee-jerk reaction to finding out about the baby." He extracted himself from her and opened the drawer in the bedside cabinet. Pulling out a blue velvet box, he continued, "I've had this for about two months; I've been waiting for the right moment. And this seems like it."

Ruth gasped as he lifted the lid to reveal an elegant white gold ring; a diamond in the middle, flanked by two small sapphires on either side. "Harry, it's beautiful."

"Marry me Ruth," he repeated.

Ruth lifted her eyes away from the ring and met his loving gaze. "Yes," she whispered. She allowed him to slide the ring onto her finger before pulling him on top of her a letting him kiss her senseless.

A/N2: Thank you and goodnight.