A Christmas Without a Prime

Chapter 2

"I'm so excited!" Miko squealed, "I haven't been this excited in weeks!"

"I hope they're not all out when we go over," Raph said turning over a box in his hands, "I've been working on this Christmas gift all week."

"I hope they made some head way," Jack said, "What could Megatron be doing?"

"Hey. None of that!" Miko said pointing at him threateningly, "It's almost Christmas. The guys need a well deserved happy break," she said emphasizing the word.

Raph jumped off the couch, "When is your mom coming back?"

Jack waved his hand to the platter of food, "Mom thought she'd make an assorted plate, which means something with some sugar in it. Christmas is the only time of year that sugar is allowed in the house."

"Slag," Miko laughed, "No wonder you're so skinny. I knew your mom was a health nut but that's a little overkill."

"You get used to it," Jack grinned, "It's not too bad. She'd gotten creative about spicing it up."

"Well, I guess I can wait for the goodies," Miko moaned flinging herself onto the couch, "But she better hurry."

Jack chuckled. His grin faded, "You know this is almost as nerve racking as when we had to wait for them to come back," he said thinking back to when Megatron had spoken to him.

"There you go again with the negativity!" Miko groaned.

Jack grinned sheepishly. He was trying to be excited, but the adrenaline was hard to coax right now. He kept thinking about that night. What Ratchet had said about the key to Vector Sigma. "One of Cybertron's most important relics," but what the slag was Vector Sigma? The old coot had never told them what it was! And it was driving him a little crazy.

To keep him from repeating his musings, the door opened and Miko squealed once more. "Mrs. Darby! Let's go!"

June laughed, "Okay! Okay. Let's get everything in the car," she said.

Miko whooped and Raph cheered heading for the car. Jack helped load and they were on their way.

Bumblebee was out again trying to see if the Cons were doing anything Earth-side. The scout was down on his luck, again, still not able to read Prime's signal from anywhere on this planet. He also wasn't paying much attention. He hadn't been able to check in with Raf in three weeks. He was worried about the young boy. He had tried to see Raf several times but his worry for the missing Autobot leader was growing heavier. It was unlike Ratchet to not be able to find any one of the bots if they were ever lost. But ever since the whole trouble with Megatron and Unicron, things had been becoming more and more out of their control. And he could tell almost immediately that Ratchet did not do well without control.

And neither had any of the bots, for that matter. It was becoming more and more apparent that Prime had been more than their leader and friend; he was the glue that held them all together. He was noticing it more and more with Arcee.

The femme was almost inconsolable. No one could get through to her. She had been tirelessly out in search for days at a time. The only time she called for pick up was when she needed Energon, having run herself dry.

It had only been a few weeks of searching but the yellow scout was desperately in need of a break. He was exhausted worrying about all this and double checking his chronometer, Bumblebee commed back to base for pick up. When he arrived back at the silo, he whirred happily. Not only were all the bots home (well almost) but, their human charges had arrived.

June Darby and Raf were putting some kind long green lengths of ...something all along the railings of the space. There were already red and white socks, if he remembered correctly, hanging there as well. Miko was putting some kind of hat on Bulkhead and Jack was talking with Arcee. Ratchet had a look of annoyance masking intrigue as he watched the festivities.

Bumblebees noises had caught Raf's ear and the young boy jumped up excitedly, running to the yellow mech. "Good to see you Bee!" he cheered hugging the 'bot's ankle. Bee lowered himself and asked the boy what was going on.

"We missed you guys and decided to celebrate Christmas with you!" he explained.

Bee cocked his head in confusion.

Raf went on to explain about the holiday as Ratchet mumbled. "It seems like a waste of our time," the medic noted quietly though Jack's mom heard it loud and clear.

"You've spent a lot of time looking for him," June noted right back at him, though not unkindly, "Don't you think they need a break?" she asked.

"We can rest when we know Prime is safe. We can 'take a break' when we know what Megatron is up to and when Prime is home." Ratchet hadn't meant to snap. He was just frustrated that they weren't getting any headway.

June smiled patiently. "You'll tire yourself out. Even if you find him tomorrow, you wouldn't have the strength to fight."

Ratchet was about to protest but she had a point. Would it really kill them to rest for a day? No, it wouldn't. Would it kill him to hear Bumblebee complain or for Bulkhead to destory more of his equipement? Quite possiblly. He vented in surrender. "Maybe one day of rest won't hinder our already unsuccessful progress," he admitted pessimistically.

"Good," she smiled her attention diverting to the kids as Miko plugged in her amp to the radio.

"We're going to sing some Christmas songs," she said with a flourish.

"Sing?" Arcee asked skeptically, "Maybe I'll just listen."

"Alright," Miko said in a sing-song voice, "But it's contagious!"

A little teaser of things to come!

So yeah, I've already seen the 2nd season premiere and was so not happy with it being part one! it better not be part 1 of 3! thought I have to admit, three part episodes would be awesome! the only down side to it is that I have to wait longer! grrrrrrr!

oh well. so, to tide you over till I have more...


Thanks for reading!