The sun had just begun to set on the quiet Vegas suburb. Dinah stepped out into the warm evening air, protected from the fading sunlight by the houses clustered together so closely. The stars may not have been visible this close to the city, but the moon would make her appearance soon. Dinah had always loved the moon, even when she was still human; the ever-changing, yet always constant satellite was one of the few things that remained the same in a world where everything changed in the blink of an eye. The thought of moonrise put a smile on her lips.

The smile remained as she turned her head to find Jerry talking with their new neighbors; they looked like they were getting along. Good, she thought. Then this will be easy. She walked to Jerry's side, her hand instinctively going to his shoulder while his arm possessively encircled her waist. Apparently she'd just walked in on the introductions. "And this is my ball and chain: Dinah. Dinah, this is Jane, Charley, and Amy."

Dinah reached out to shake every hand offered. "Very nice to meet you! Ignore Jerry; he thinks he's funny." She punctuated her statement with a playful elbow into his stomach. "'Ball and chain', my ass."

He laughed along, his fingers tightening on her hip bone. "Ah, you know it's true, sweetheart."

"Jerry works night construction on the strip," Jane explained to Charley and Amy. She turned to Dinah then, trying to keep the conversation going. "So, what do you do, Dinah? Do you work?"

"Yeah, I design websites and do some coding for others on the side."

"Oh cool!" Amy exclaimed.

"Well, it's mainly so Jerry and I can keep the same hours and actually see each other more than once a year. But it pays the bills and keeps my hands busy." She turned to Jerry as a sudden thought struck her. "Speaking of which, honey, when are you going to get rid of that dumpster? It's an eyesore."

"Actually, that's what I was just telling Jane." He looked at the other woman, sincerity pouring from his eyes and voice. "It'll be gone in the morning, I promise."

Charley finally spoke up, looking at the dumpster with suspicion. "What, uh, what are you working on?"

Dinah felt a twinge of fear at the tone of his question. Does he know? How can he know? Thankfully, Jerry answered quickly. "Foundation problems. I can't leave work at work, ya know."

His gaze soon fell to Amy, who was too focused on whatever Jane was saying. She didn't see the blatant hunger burning in his black eyes, but Dinah did. She fought down her annoyance with Jerry as she made up an excuse to leave these people. "We don't want to keep you guys. We've gotta move some more junk into the house. We'll see you around, yeah?"

They said their goodnights and went into their respective houses, Jerry making a show of copping a feel of Dinah's ass before they crossed the threshold. She turned on him once the door was firmly closed, the irritation she'd suppressed earlier coming back full-force. "You need to work on your people skills, Jerry. One day you're going to look at the wrong person like that and you'll give us away."

Jerry slowly sauntered towards her, his arms open and his smirk colored with that maddening nonchalance that drove her crazy. "C'mon, babe," he said coolly. "You know no one's gonna find out just from a look. Besides, I think the blonde chick kinda liked it." His hands went to press against the door on either side of her head, pinning her.

Dinah ignored his proximity and the way his dark eyes slowly slid over her neck and body, determined to maintain her irritation until her point was made. "Number one, she didn't even notice, and number two, Charley already knows something's not quite right about you. I've got a feeling that Ed kid's been talking to him."

"So what?" Jerry said, his mind already on another subject. His fingers trailed down her throat and over her pouting lips; he liked it when she tried to be serious when it wasn't necessary. "Everyone already thinks Ed's crazy; no one's going to believe him."

"But Charley…"

"Shhh," he whispered softly, one long finger pressing her lips closed. "Dinah, you worry too much. By the time anyone links anything to us, we'll be long gone and forgotten. You" – he kissed her left temple slowly, just the way she liked – "need to" – a kiss on her right temple – "change clothes." He lowered his head so that his lips hovered just over hers, purposefully not making contact just to irritate her. She tried to close the distance on instinct, but his hands cradled her head and held it fast. "So let's go out and find someone to eat." He grinned at his pun; Dinah rolled her eyes. His hands went up into her hair and pulled it into a high, messy ponytail. Jerry admired his handiwork for a moment. "Pull your hair up, and wear that red shirt." A quick, hard kiss on the cheek, and he'd turned to go upstairs, leaving her with no room to argue.

Dinah remained still for a few seconds, trying to work out exactly what had happened. That dick. She smiled in spite of herself, electing to let the episode slide rather than dwell on it. Jerry was in a good mood tonight and she didn't want to ruin it; in fact, the glee of a hunt had begun to sizzle through her. She smirked to herself as she thought of putting on her infamous red shirt and teasing Jerry at every turn. Oh, yes. Fun was going to be had.