Author's Note: Bonjourno! Welcome to the next chapter of Wayward House! Judging by the stats for this story, there have been nearly 1,500 hits on this story which is CRAZY!

I'd like to thank happyfunballxd on Tumblr for doing some amazing artwork for my story without me even asking her to do it, and you can see that here: http : / / i39 . tinypic . com / dfcbqs . jpg (you'll have to remove the spaces to see it!). I honestly can't thank her enough for that!

Anyway, I'll let you read the story now. I love getting reviews to let me know what you think so please, don't forget to drop one in before you go :) Even if you don't have a ff . net account, you can still review! :D

Time is a wondrous thing. Sometimes, when one is preoccupied, it slips by unnoticed, passing us like it doesn't even exist. We don't realise that the hand on the clock is ticking around and around; never stopping. It drags, and the clock ticks mockingly at them, as though it knows it is taunting them and is enjoying doing so. It's difficult to understand why time moves so slowly for someone when it sometimes moves so quickly for someone else.

For Castiel, he had always found time to be incredibly conceited. It was as though the hands of the clock were resisting their purpose just so his awfully rotten life would be slow, tedious and lengthy. The only place time seemed to warm to him was when he was tucked in his Corner. 'Castiel's Corner' - he'd named it himself, and scribbled a placard one night, sticking it on the wall. When he sat reading his books or painting pictures, time was good to him.

Castiel hasn't thought about his Corner in a long time.

Four summers have come and gone since the "wings incident", and Castiel has discovered escape in Balthazar. What he used to gain from hiding away in his Corner can now be found in his best friend – and he's had that escape for a long time. Though he doesn't think of it as escape anymore - he doesn't need escape anymore. He finds happiness in his brother.

The first time Balthazar heard Castiel laugh was two months after they'd officially become "friends" – the day that Castiel grew his wings. They had been in the library at one of the tables, supposed to be doing homework for their Earthly Language class, but Balthazar had ripped a page from his notes and begun doodling. He found himself ruining his already awful doodle of an angel, and it went very blobby and big-nosed. Rather than throw it away, he decided to continue it and then write 'Sophia' beside it, whilst trying hard to control his giggles. Castiel raised his eyes from his work and cocked his head to the side curiously, mouthing "what is it?". Balthazar folded the doodle and pushed it over to Castiel, who picked it up and looked inside. Balthazar watched as his eyes squinted, before seeing the huge smile appear on his face and hearing the laughter come pouring from his mouth. It was shocking; Balthazar had never seen his friend look so carefree and happy. After all these years he'd never thought it even possible for Castiel's face to light up in such a way. Harahel – the angel who volunteered to be the House's librarian each day – appeared from behind a book shelf with an angry glare and a "SHHH!" at the two sniggering children. When they finally quietened down, Balthazar and Castiel exchanged a glance and a smile. It was from that moment on that Balthazar vowed he try to get Castiel to laugh at least once a day.

He almost always succeeded.

Time changes many things. Over time, the seasons change. The leaves of summer harden and crack, and drift from the trees in the increasing winds. They create a tumult of colour across the grounds, igniting it with their rich golds and reds – a wildfire across the trees and grass. Then, time turns autumn into the harshness of winter. The bitter cold bites at small hands and puffed cheeks. Dripping socks hang above the fireplace in the common room and hot cocoa is suddenly a staple part of everyday life.

Time changes relationships. It took Castiel a great deal of time to really allow himself to open up to Balthazar, no matter how much they deemed themselves "friends".

The most poignant event that requires telling so far is when Castiel barely needed to think for a second about where he needed to go when he awoke one night, a year and a half on from the giggling in the library, from a bad dream. The nightmare had been bothering him for a few weeks, and every time he woke up he shuffled off, sniffling, to his Corner. But on this one night, Castiel awoke shaking and crying, and scrambled out of bed. When he reached the hallway, he looked straight on to the stairs which would take him to his Corner. Then, he looked left to see the doors to the other dormitories. It hardly crossed his mind to go to his Corner. Wiping his snotty nose on his sleeve, he padded down to the nearest door on the right, and opened it. The sound of sleeping met his ears, as the twenty five or so beds played residency to his brothers and sisters. He made his way through the centre, stumbling in the darkness, until he reached what he was looking for. His fingers grasped the pyjama sleeve of the sleeper and he shook until he heard a gasp and heavy breathing.

"Who is it?" came a hiss.

"Me," snivelled Castiel.

"Cassie?" Balthazar asked, astounded, and there was a moment of silence.

…Castiel had never had a nickname before. It was…endearing. Castiel couldn't help but feel fuzzy inside. Balthazar was clearly embarrassed, so Castiel decided to make him feel less so.

"Balthie, I had a bad dream." Another moment of silence passed.

"...C'mere." Upon hearing the bed sheets being thrown back, Castiel climbed in beside his brother and snuggled close, drinking in the warmth that Balthazar exerted. Balthazar covered them both with the sheets and pulled Castiel closer. Tucking his head under Balthazar's chin, the little angel boy yawned deeply, which hitched with his damp crying. He was still thinking about his nightmare.

"Shh, shh, shh," Balthazar cooed and began stroking Castiel's hair with slow, deliberate motions.

"I don't want to get scared again," Castiel whispered back.

Balthazar hushed at him again. "You're safe now. There's no need to be afraid."

They talked for a short while about simple things; Balthazar was desperate to take Castiel's mind off of his bad dream. When Castiel stopped responding to him, he smiled, and gave him a small squeeze. He fell asleep not long after. The two brothers slept peacefully in each other's embrace till morning.

Time also changes people. It is not time alone that changes them, but it is time that gives them the opportunity to change. The opportunity for them to change themselves and be changed by others.

With Balthazar's constant mission to make Castiel laugh over the four years of their friendship, he became increasingly sarcastic and audacious. His snarky remarks get him into constant trouble with almost every single one of his peers, and Castiel just rolls his eyes and laughs because he wouldn't change his best friend for anything.

Castiel is still the quieter of the two, though he's far more adventurous and open now. The bullying seemed to cease after Gabriel's speech all those years ago. There was the occasional comment and rumour, but Balthazar forced him not to listen to them. Now their siblings just leave Castiel and Balthazar to their own devices, knowing that they're inseparable.

Gabriel has watched his brothers over the years. They haven't known it, but he's noticed how dependent they are on each other, and how willing to defend each other they are. He sees how Balthazar has helped Castiel, and he's so proud of them both. He knows he's not supposed to have favourites. He knows.

But he just can't help it.

One thing time hasn't changed is Wayward House itself – it still looks the same four years after Balthazar and Castiel became friends. The brown-bricked building with its white-framed windows still stands strong and magnificent. Ivy, however, has begun encroaching around the huge entrance, curling its tendrils around the columns which are holding the porch in place. That's the only real difference; barely noticed by the residents since the change was so gradual.

A fierce, unforgiving downpour pounds against the House's windows, and a squealing group of young angels are splashing through the deepening mud towards the front doors, their sports clothes splattered and soaked through to their skin. The warmth that greets them when they manage to get inside is relieving, and they are ordered to leave their clothes out to dry and to go and change into something fresh.

"You look hideous," Balthazar muses as Castiel squelches over to the fireplace in the House's common room. Hair sodden and limbs dripping, the younger flashes him a scowl. Holding his hands up in defence, Balthazar chuckles and swings his legs over the side of the couch.

"Stupid sports class in the rain," Castiel grumbles angrily as he wrenches off his muddy shirt and socks. He flops them onto the fire barrier to dry and steps back, holding his hands out to the fire's throbbing heat. He sighs contentedly. His wings open out and he shakes them, causing flecks of rain water to fly over Balthazar, who screeches and dives under the nearest blanket. Laughing, Castiel pulls the blanket off of him and wraps it around himself. The look on Balthazar's face makes him crack up further.

"You've gotten your disgusting wing residue all over my text book."

"Balthazar, don't even try to pretend you were studying."

"….I resent that. I study vigorously."

Castiel snorts. "Yeah. I'll believe that when I see it." He jumps onto the couch beside him and pokes him hard in the arm. "You should go make me some cococa."

"I am not your slave."

"I won't help you with your revision for your test tomorrow."

"Would you like whipped cream on top?"

Grinning, knowing he'd won, Castiel nods. "That would be great."

Balthazar sighs as he clambers off of the couch and stomps into the kitchen. Castiel's a smart one for his age, so smart that he makes Balthazar look dumb for his age. Castiel likes to use this against him far too often, but when it comes to Castiel, Balthazar is a major push-over. The little kid just has one of those faces, he guesses. Big puppy dog eyes which he'll never get over, which can make him do practically anything.

Upon entering the kitchen, he sees a group of his siblings crowded around the large oak table. All of them are his age – thirteen – and they're playing some sort of obscure card game which involves spoons.

"Hey Balthazar, wanna play?" asks Bariel, a ochre-haired boy with tanned skin and freckles. He's one of the nice ones - the ones who don't mind Castiel when he hangs around with them. Then there are the others who completely ignore Castiel and seemingly disregard his existence altogether. Balthazar doesn't like them. But they insist on trying to be his friend. Unfortunately, Balthazar's attitude towards life in general seems to have gained him some sort of status amongst his brothers and sisters. His overt confidence which he can't hide no matter how much he tries means that they look up to him in a way. Sometimes it empowers him (what? He can't help it if they find him fabulous), but most of the time he hates them trying to impress him. He's heard rumours and whispers in the past that Castiel doesn't deserve to be called Balthazar's "best" friend, or even "friend" at all.

No. He doesn't stand for it when he hears things like that.

"No, thanks," he replies with a small smile as he fills the kettle with water and turns it on.
"C'mon! We need an extra team player!" Nanael keens, pounding her fists on the table excitably.

"I'll play."

Balthazar spins around to see Castiel – who is now wearing a thick blue sweater and grey sweatpants - hovering in the doorway, hands balled into fists at his sides. Balthazar bites his lip. What is he doing? The table of angels exchange uncertain glances, until Raguel speaks up. Balthazar hadn't seen Raguel sitting there. Hatred boils up from the pit of his stomach. Raguel. Oh, he despises Raguel. If anyone is unkind to Castiel, it's almost always that spiteful, sadistic –

"Actually, I think we can manage."

"Oh CAN you?" Balthazar explodes at them. The group jump at the sudden boom of his voice. "And why can you 'manage' when Castiel offers to play, hmm? What exactly is your problem? No, don't even answer that. Get out."

Raguel sneers. "You don't own this place, Balthazar. You can't kick us out of our own kitchen."

"You sure about that?" Balthazar has never snapped with Raguel before. He hasn't wanted to to give him the pleasure. But now, this thing, not letting Castiel play a simple card game...the mundanity of it is what affects him most. Oh, he's been so close to actually ripping Raguel's throat out many, many times in the past. Now he feels he could leap across the room and do it right this second.
Raguel rises from his chair.

"Balthazar, get over yourself. Your high-and-mighty attitude may fool everyone else, but underneath it you're a weak, pathetic excuse for an angel and I'm sick of it. I can't wait to see you flunk training. And then flunk it again and again because you're nothing more than a scrawny, co-dependent, cocky idiot. When you have to leave here and leave little Castiel behind, you're gonna be so alone and damn man, that's gonna sting."

...That hurts. Balthazar stands frozen, staring at Raguel who stares back at him smugly. Silence fills the room. He hadn't been ready for that. Clearly, Raguel has been waiting to say that to him for a very long time. Taking a very deep breath, Balthazar steps forwards to retaliate as best he can, but he's so consumed with hurt and anger that he almost doesn't see Castiel dart between them.

"Don't fight him. He's not worth it. Come on, Balthazar."

"That's right, Balthie. Do what ickle Cassie tells you to do." A couple of sniggers chime in with Raguel's. Raguel turns to the small crowd behind him and jerks his thumb towards Balthazar. "See? He's such a push over." Castiel frowns further. He hasn't called Balthazar by that nickname for about a year now. Balthazar, however, refers to Castiel as 'Cassie' still because it's just become habit.

"Shut UP!" Balthazar screams, and he flings himself at Raguel, his hands curled like claws and his wings outspread. Pots and pans which line the shelves and walls are hit by the tips and they come crashing to the floor in an almighty clatter. Raguel covers his face with his arms as Balthazar descends upon him, but Balthazar is yanked back suddenly. Castiel is pulling the back of his shirt with all his might, and he starts to drag him from the kitchen.

"Leave it, Balthazar!"

But Balthazar springs up again and his fist collides with Raguel's face. He's so quick that Raguel doesn't even see it coming. The injured angel clutches at his already purpling nose.

"You HIT me!" he roars, almost in disbelief. Balthazar grabs Castiel's hand and they scarper, knowing Raguel is right behind them – and if not yet, soon.

"Where do we go?" Balthazar pants desperately. Mind racing, Castiel knows he knows a place. But no one else has ever –

It doesn't matter.

"This way!"

They throw themselves up the staircases, and eventually end up on the third floor.

"Great!" Balthazar groans in earnest as they reach the book case. "We're trapped! What kind of an idea was - "

"Shut up and get behind here!" Castiel yanks him behind the book case and moves aside the panel. Balthazar watches in awe. "In there!"

"Is it even big enough for us?"

"Yes! Hurry!"

Somehow, Balthazar manages to squeeze himself down far enough to drop back into the hole. Castiel follows swiftly behind. Hearts pounding and breathing heavy, they slam the panel into place and lean back against the stone wall. Balthazar is the first to speak.

"Where are we?"

"Um…" Castiel's heart is racing not only for fear of Raguel catching them, but because not only hasn't he been to this place in two years now, but this is his place. His hide away.

Was he prepared to let even Balthazar know of its existence?

Four years ago, Castiel had no one. He was all alone. But then, one angel stood up for him far beyond the call of duty, and actually showed him that hey, someone did care. Someone who had stood up for him before; an act which Castiel had cast aside. He made himself believe that Balthazar hadn't done it for him, but for some unknown, selfish reason.

But when he'd stood up for him against Sophia and Gabriel, that's when Castiel knew.

These past few years, Castiel has had a best friend. Someone who makes it their goal their goal to make him laugh. A pair of arms that are always open if a hug is needed. Someone to talk to about the bad things and the good things, and the things that sometimes aren't even worth talking about. Castiel looks back on the past four years and thinks about how lucky he is. What kind of angel would he be now if he'd been alone for another four years?

He shivers at the thought.

"…I want to show you something," he whispers into the darkness. "Follow me."

His hand finds Balthazar's in the dark and – though apprehensive at first – Balthazar shuffles along behind him.

"How do you even know where you're going?"

Castiel smiles. "You'll see." He lets go of Balthazar's hand as they draw closer to the hole in the wall that they will have to climb into.

"Stop trying to be all mysterious and tell me whe – OW!" There is a simultaneous bonk as Balthazar walks into the wall. He stumbles back and grunts indignantly. "Where are you?"

"In here. Bend down."

"You could have told me that you were disappearing into some gap before I collided with a slab of concrete."

"I could have, yes," Castiel agrees. "But I didn't." He can't help but grin even when he receives a whack to the head as Balthazar scrambles into the gap. He rolls his eyes when his friend starts complaining about the worry of getting stuck. "You'll be fine! Just keep moving forwards."

"Oh that's right, because it was my plan just to stay put in this claustrophobia-inducing hole forever."

They make it to the point where they can stand and Balthazar breathes a deep sigh of relief.

"Where's that light coming from?" he asks wonderingly. "…Wait, is that a room in there?" Following Castiel inside, he stares around himself in awe.

The room – if you could even call it a "room" is tiny. Three of the walls are plastered with hundreds of crayon drawings on pieces of torn paper. A map of the Earth from the Earth Geography classroom (so that's where it went!) hangs across the fourth wall, and it's covered in drawings too, and red dots on different locations. There are blankets folded one corner, and another strewn across the floor as a rug. Piles of books inhabit another corner, and a pot of pencils and crayons sits on top of them. He jumps when the room ignites in a golden glow, and looks to see Castiel blowing out the match which he has lit an oil lamp with.

"Cassie I….what….what is this place?"

In a fluid movement, Castiel is over the other side of the room, and he peels back a drawing which is partly covering a hand-made sign which reads 'Castiel's Corner' in sprawled, awkward handwriting. Balthazar's jaw drops slightly.

"I always wondered where you'd disappear to. I presumed you'd found your own little hideaway, but this…this is…just wow."

He notices Castiel blush a little and begin tidying things away.

"I haven't been up here for…oh gosh, how long now? Two years?"

"Why not?" Balthazar picks up a book and flicks through the pages, discovering a makeshift bookmark slotted between two pages near the end. "You never finished your book."

Castiel shrugs. "I found another way to escape."

Balthazar raises an eyebrow. "How so?"

"You. By being my friend. I didn't have to go and hide away in here. I could just go to you and hide there."

Balthazar feels a huge smile stretch across his face. He doesn't say anything, but peers at the drawings which line the walls. They're all of different places on Earth, or of trees and birds and…there's a drawing of two angels. One small, one tall. 'Best friends' is scribbled underneath them. He feels his smile grow.

"My hair isn't orange," he chuckles.

"Well, I ran out of yellow," Castiel replies, giggling and sighing. "Sorry."

"No no, it's fine." Balthazar grins at him, then his mind flickers back to the reason why they're in the room in the first place. "…I shouldn't have hit Raguel."

Castiel sighs again. "No, you shouldn't have. You know Gabriel's going to hear about this, don't you? It was SUCH a stupid thing to do."

"…I know….but I'm not going to deny that it felt damn good to smack him one."

"I bet it did," Castiel winks. They both begin laughing, and then Balthazar's attention is caught by the world map again.

"…What's with all the locations you've pinpointed?" he asks as he traces them with his finger. One is over Nepal. One is over Australia. Another in India. Another in Hawaii. And so on and so on. Castiel remains quiet for so long that Balthazar wonders if he didn't hear him ask the question. "Cassie?"

"It's….they're…um…places I want to go…one day."

"But you can't? You can't just randomly visit places on Earth when you're an angel?" Castiel goes silent again. "What is it? What's all this about?"

"Okay! Balthazar, it's for if I ever escape Heaven! I just want to get out of here! I don't want to go into a garrison. I don't even care about Grace! I just want to get OUT." He breathes heavily as he lets it all out. Balthazar stares back at him, shocked. His face relaxes after a few moments.

"I want to escape too."


"Yes. I hate this place. I don't want to be just another soldier in God's army, doing what everyone else wants. I want to be my own angel. I want freedom." As Balthazar speaks, his eyes light up. "Hey, one day, we'll break out. Together. See the Earth." Balthazar sweeps his arm out in a grand gesture towards the map. "We'll conquer the world, you and me."

"But it's impossible. Escape is a pipe dream. There is absolutely no way any angel can escape Heaven from here."

"Is it so bad just to hope that maybe one day we'll find a way to make it a reality?"

Castiel looks contemplative. "….No I…I guess not… But if we do…can we…can we go to Italy? I've always wanted to go there."

Opening his arms up, Castiel scrambles into them. Balthazar hugs him tightly and smiles.

"Wherever you want, Cassie."