2. Getting Closer

"Are you sure about this Hiccup? No one attempts this test more then twice, let alone four times." Gobber said while he cleaned a Glock.

Gobber and his apprentice Hiccup were sitting on Once shiny metal stools set up beside a long gray countertop cleaning some guns brought back from a recent mission.

"I really don't see the point." He added, squinting to look down the barrel for debris.

"Well thanks for your vote of confidence Gobber, I really appreciate it." Hiccup replied sarcastically while he handed Gobber a cleaning rod, and a new patch, a small piece of cloth to wipe the inside of a guns barrel.

"I'm just saying if you haven't passed it by now your not going to." He paused to put the gun back together which he did with surprising swiftness, leaving Hiccup to mull over his words. Hopping off his stool Hiccup went to wash his hands before heading out for dinner.

"I just want to be one of you guys." He said softly as he pushed his way out the door and headed for the dining hall. Gobber sighed, stowing all the now clean weapons away before heading to the dining hall himself.

Hiccup made his way down the food line, getting small portions of a few things. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his father come in with a couple of other men and walk over to the podium used for making public announcements.

Hiccup quickly grabbed a roll out of the bread basket and shoved it into his mouth since he he no more room on his plate. He hurried over to the table where the other teens were already sitting and eating their food. "Hey guys." Hiccup said cheerfully as he slid onto the bench next to Astrid, but since he had the roll in his mouth it sounded more like "Heff guzz".

"Oh great, *he's* here." Tuffnut said under his breath which earned him a smack upside the head from his sister which in turn earned her an elbow in the ribs. As they both rubbed their sore spots Stoick mounted the small stage and stood behind the podium.

"It looks like your dad's going to make an announcement, any idea what it could be about?" Astrid asked him, she had an eager look on her face. Astrid was at the top of all the classes she took, and was always up for earning more credit. Hiccup took the roll from his mouth and placed it on a napkin.

"Yeah, my dad laid it all out for me last night, he told me everything," He lowered his voice to a stage whisper. "Two words…Monkey. Army." He then cracked up as Astrid shot him a dirty look.

"Ok I get it. You know nothing." She said with a roll of her eyes.

"I'll say!" Snotlout broke in with a rude chuckle, he was sitting on the other side of Astrid while Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut sat across from them with their backs towards Stoick.

"Aww, hey cousin, nice to see you too." Hiccup said dryly, he mostly chose to ignore Snotlout.

"I wonder what it could be about.." Fishlegs wondered out loud, turning so he could watch Stoick.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough." Ruffnut said also turning to see what was going on. All attention was now towards the podium where Stoick stood. Hiccup took a bite of his salad just as his dad spoke into the mike.

"Good evening everyone." He began after testing the mike by tapping on it a few times. A few mumbled greetings were heard in return.

"So, you all must be wondering why I'm up here, seeing as there's not a scheduled announcement on the agenda." He continued placing his hands on either side of the podium. A few worried sounding mummers were heard.

"Well, first off I'd like to say welcome back and good job to agents McNeil and Cooper on the success of their last mission. Good job guys." Stoick said nodding to a brown haired man and a black haired man sitting close to the front on the room. They both waved the praise away modestly.

"Now back to business." Stoick said his face growing more grim.

"Here comes the bad news." Ruffnut sighed" She was leaning back against the table with her elbows.

"What makes you think it'll be bad news Ruff?" Hiccup questioned her. "Does your dad ever look like *that* and deliver good news?" She replied, waving her hand to empathize her point. Before Hiccup could answer his dad was speaking again.

"The enemy has been spotted *1000 clicks from our base." Worried whispers echoed though out the room.

"Now for some of you that may not seem like they're very close…but it's the closest they've ever been to B.E.R.K., which means their looking for us." Stoick said in a low tone of voice.

"What if they find us?" A worried voice called out from the crowd of people, B.E.R.K wasn't only a spy training base, it was home to many families. This caused others to chime in, the volume in the dining hall swelled dramatically.

"QUITE!" Stoick bellowed, causing nearly everyone to jump and fall silent.

"Alright..as I was saying, if we can defeat them on *their* home turf, then we can sure as hell do it on ours. *IF* they ever find us." He paused to look all across the sea of faces gathered below him as people started to calm down.

"Keep your eyes and ears open everyone. If by chance they do find us I want to be as prepared as possible. Meaning getting all nonessential civilians below ground, and getting our fighters ready. There will be notices in everyone's quarters tonight on what to do. That is all for now." With a curt nod he stepped down from the podium to stand next to Gobber. He had walked up halfway though Stoick's speech, he was nibbling on a piece of garlic bread.

"So they are getting closer eh? Hm, thought that was just a rumor going around though the higher ups." Gobber said somberly.

"Yes, multiple scouting parties have confirmed it. I thought it would be best to let everyone know now instead of later." Stoick told his best friend with a tired look on his face.

"Good thing you did, seeing as not everyone here is a fighter." Gobber replied as they walked over to a small, empty table and sat down side by side with their backs facing the room full of people behind them.

"I'm leaving in a few days to help a hunting party take down some of their dragons. This has to stop Gobber." Stoick said rubbing his eyes.

"Ahhhh, good, I'll go with you, I'll be sure and pack my undies." Gobber said eagerly.

"No Gobber, I need you to stay here and train the teens with the dragons we've already captured. They need to be prepared." Stoick told him with a some what apologetic look on his face.

"Oh perfect, while I'm busy Hiccup can look after the armory. Razor sharp knifes, loaded guns, lots of time to himself, what could possibly go wrong?" He said sarcastically.

"What am I going to do with him, Gobber?" Stoick asked as he stood up and began to pace behind Gobber. "Put him in training with the others." He replied quietly.

"I'm serious Gobber!" Stoick said with grimace.

"So am I." Gobber said with a serious look on his face. Stoick sat down again with a sigh, he picked up his cup and drained it all at once.

"He'll be killed before you let the first dragon out of it's cage." He somberly replied.

"Oh, you don't know that." Gobber said waving off the statement. "Actually I do." Stoick argued.

"No you don't." Gobber retorted.

"Yes, I do." Stoick was getting annoyed at his best friend, put Hiccup in dragon training! No way in hel.

"NO, ye don't. Look, he's gotten out there before, he's going to get out there again, I'm surprised he's not out there right now." Gobber pointed out. Stoick looked down at his empty cup, knowing that his lifelong friend was right.

"You can't stop him Stoick, you can only prepare him." He said.

"You won't always be around to protect him Stoick." Gobber added before shoving the final bite of his bread in his mouth as he stood up to leave.

"Think about what I've said, I've got to finish up some things in the armory. Good night." Gobber patted Stoick on the shoulder then headed for the exit. Stoick glanced over to where Hiccup was sitting and sighed, maybe Gobber was right. Stoick stood up and headed for his and Hiccup's shared quarters to settle in for the night. Promising himself he would have a talk with his son in the morning