Author's Note: Just a little Christmas present for us JJ/Hotch shippers. Chapters will be short, but up every day, real life willing. Happy Holidays, everyone!

Tuesday, December 13:

JJ sighed, sitting in her car in front of her apartment building. It was late. She had opted to stay at work as long as possible rather than go home to an empty apartment. Rossi had finally kicked her out of the office saying he wasn't leaving until she left and he wanted to go home. Henry was spending time with Will down in New Orleans. Will had moved back there last month after their break-up and asked to spend the two weeks before Christmas with Henry. JJ couldn't say no considering he rarely had the opportunity to spend time with Henry. Unfortunately, that meant she was childless for the next ten days. Will was bringing Henry back on the 23rd, just in time for Garcia's annual Christmas Eve party.

JJ sighed again. Sitting in her car wasn't going to make the apartment any less empty. She knew she should enjoy her time at home alone. It was a rarity now. She had enjoyed it the first two nights. She had taken a long bubble bath complete with a book and a glass of wine the first night. She had reorganized her kitchen and her bedroom the second night, something she had been dying to do for months. But now, on the third night, she just missed her little boy with his moppet of blond hair and big smile.

"Okay, Jareau, time to stop feeling sorry for yourself," JJ said aloud to the car. She gathered her bag and paperwork from the passenger seat and headed inside. She quickly ran inside the building as it had begun to rain. JJ dropped her keys in front of her apartment door. Bending over to pick them up, she found a small box wrapped in colorful Christmas paper. She grabbed the box and her keys. Glancing at the box, she saw a small tag addressed simply to "JJ." There was no "from" written.

Curious, JJ hurried into her apartment. She threw her coat over the back of the couch and dropped her bag and paperwork on the kitchen table. She sat at the table, examining the box. She carefully removed the paper to find a simple black box. She opened the box to find a gold link bracelet and a single charm. JJ picked the bracelet up to examine it closer. It was a small bird that appeared to be carrying a pear in its mouth. She didn't recognize the type of bird.

JJ searched the box and the wrapping, but found no clues from whom it might have came. It was beautiful, irregardless. She smiled at the thought that someone cared enough to cheer her up when she was feeling blue. Humming softly, she carried the box and the bracelet to her bedroom, suddenly feeling lighter than she had all day. She decided that rather than dwell on not having Henry there, she would focus on doing something for herself. There were several shows she had saved up on DVR; shows without talking dogs and dancing mice. And maybe, just maybe, she could organize a girls' night for tomorrow.