Chapter 1

Summary: He asked her to break up with him, She refused. He kept on ignoring her, knowing that she's not going to stop. Until, she became tired of him. She told him that it's time for her to move on like what he just did. And now, he's all left alone, and determined to get her back. This time, He will not let go.

"Lets break up..." He suddenly said. Looking down at their locked hands. She gave him a bright smile, It seems that she didn't heard him.

"Ichi-kun! Lets have Ice cream today!"

He frowned. They're already on their way home, side by side, hands grasping each other. He stopped, she looked at him confusedly. "Didn't you hear me?" He asked, hiding his eyes behind his bangs. Her big gray eyes blinked.


"What do you mean?" She nervously laughed. "I didn't heard anything..."

"I said, Let's break up..." He whispered, Orihime gave another laugh.

"Don't joke like that!" She playfully hit his arm. "Ichi wouldn't say some nonsense like that!"

He let out a frustrated sigh, "Im serious"

She just smiled, her eyes closed. She can feel something burning behind her eyes. "N-no..."

He dropped her hand, she looked down. "Ichigo-kun?" She called him.

He shook his head and looked at her face. She force her self to smile again, The corner of her eyes shinning with threatening to fall tears. She grasped his large hand with her two small hands. "Why are you saying those kind of things? Hehe, I know your just tired today..." She gulped. "I can go by my self, don't worry..."

And with that, He turned his back at her and walked away. Seconds passed she can no longer see his back.


She stared at her self in front of the mirror.


Her eyes swollen and red. She brought her small hands to rub it.

"I-I hate myself!" She sobbed. She looked at her side and saw her phone, the idea of contacting him passed on her mind. She flipped it open. No calls or any messages from him. She sighed and pressed the small device on her ear.

It rang for a few moments, then the line went dead. She decided to send him an email. Seconds passed, still no reply from him. She did it repeatedly, until her eyes became tired and she slowly fell into a deep sleep.


Ichigo let out a frustrated groan. He hate this... He hates to see her sulking. He didn't know why he said those painful words to her. He just felt like he didn't want to continue their relationship. Yeah, he know how stupid his reason was. But deep inside him, he still love her.

They were already dating for 3 years. And now, what happened to him?

He told himself that he needs to be honest, so he won't hurt her. Now, his defense is, he's just being honest. He didn't want her to believe in his false words, his false feelings as of now. Maybe he's just confused, right? Or he still didn't know what her value is.

He flopped down on his mattress. He grabbed his phone and turned it on. It continuously vibrates, indicating the 12 missed calls and 23 text messages from her. He read it one by one.

Ichi? hows your feeling right know?

Ichi, are you mad at me?

Ichi~ why ? :'(

Ichi Im sorry if i did something wrong. Please reply.

Probably by this time, she's already crying. He looked at his wall clock, Its already 11 pm. He let out another groan, his phone vibrated once again.

Don't worry Ichi, Im not going to say goodbye! I will not give up!

reviews please :))