Summary: A demon possess Blaine and it takes over his body whenever it likes. He meets Kurt and the demon, and Blaine, in turn, becomes obsessed with him.
Rated: NC-17
Pairing: Klaine
Chapter warnings : Demon!Blaine, slightly graphic violence.

Enjoy Part 1!

His head collided with the cement. He cried out in pain and scrambled to get back up but he couldn't. The other boys were holding him down. An elbow at his throat, a knee in his stomach and a foot on his right shin.

Blaine whimpered on the ground and stared up at the four boys glaring down at him. The elbow against his throat made it hard for him to breathe and the foot on his shin was a warning - 'Move or scream and I break it.'

Blaine's head throbbed with pain. The tallest boy, the leader, gazed down at him, an evil glint in his eyes. He circled them, like a predator stalking it's prey, the cogs in his brain ticking away.

"What should we break first?" Todd asked rhetorically. "Your arm perhaps?" The knee in his stomach moved until there was a foot pressing down lightly on his left forearm. Blaine moved his head as little as he could with the elbow constricting him, his eyes wide with fear. "No? How about your leg?" The weight on his leg got heavier as Michael put more pressure on his shin. Blaine cried out and thrashed on the ground. Max pushed his elbow deeper into Blaine's neck and his breath caught in his throat. "Not that either, Blaine-y Bear?" Todd tutted and shook his head. "What about your pretty, little face then?"

Todd leant down on his knees and looked down at Blaine in disgust. "You're boyfriend," he spat out the word, "wouldn't like too much, would he?"

"Shut up!" Blaine gasped out and spat in Todd's face.

"How dare you!" Todd roared and Blaine went white, the blood rushing from his face. Todd brought his fist down, hard, and smashed it into Blaine's cheek. Blaine cried out in sheer, utter agony as Todd threw another punch. "How dare you come to my school, to my dance with your little faggy boyfriend!" Another fist flew into Blaine's nose, breaking it. Blood was gushing from Blaine's face and his body was screaming in pain. "We don't want your kind here!" Todd stood up and pushed Michael out of the way and went to kick Blaine right in the groin before something snapped inside the boy lying on the pavement, something triggered deep inside him and a switched was flicked on.

In five seconds flat, Max, who had his elbow pressed up against Blaine's throat was pushed off him and slammed to the ground. Blaine manoeuvred his feet and kicked at Todd's ankles, sending him flying to the ground.

"What the fuck?" Todd muttered and tried to push himself up off the ground but then there was something holding him down, something on his chest, something pressing down on his adam's apple. Todd's brain went fuzzy, the lack of oxygen making it hard for him to focus.

"He said, "shut up." You should have listened," a deep voice spoke clearly and it sent a shudder down Todd's spine. He tried to look at the thing on top of him but his eyes were glassy from pain.

"I - what? Help!" Todd called out, gasping through the - claw? hand? - at his throat, but no one replied. He faintly heard footsteps coming to his direction, but then —

"Come any closer and I'll scratch your eyeballs out of their sockets," the thing threatened gravely and Todd's heart lurched. Oh god. What was this thing? "Leave now, or I'll kill you, just like I will with your little friend, Todd, here."

Todd's heart was pounding, terror pumping around his veins. He couldn't breath, couldn't see and there was a ringing in his ears. He didn't want to die. Not like this.

"That's good, boys. Now run along and don't tell a soul. I'll know," the thing warned, "and I'll come find you."

Todd heard his so called friends running away, leaving him along with this creature on top of his, slowly cutting off the circulation around his neck.

"P-please," the helpless boy cried out, "please don't kill me."

A cold finger ran over his lips, quietening him.

"You wouldn't listen when he asked you to leave him and his friend in peace. You wouldn't listen to Blaine when he begged you to let him go. You wouldn't listen when he asked you to shut up. So tell me, Todd," it spoke his name like a lover and it sent a cold shiver down his spine. "Why should I listen to you?"

"I didn't mean anything of it. Please. I swear it! We weren't going to kill him!" Todd explained hastily as the thing moved it's hand from his neck to his chest, allowing him air to breathe and speak. Fingers dug into his skin through his shirt. Breathing was painful and Todd knew that his neck would already be bruised.

"You weren't? Look at his face, Todd, take a good, long look. If I hadn't come along, you would have beaten this face until Blaine's face was mangled, you would have beaten his body until there was nothing left in him." He paused and Todd blinked a few times, trying to get his vision to re-adjust. "You would have beaten him until the lights left his eyes, until his body ran cold and his heart stopped beating."

Todd looked up at the thing, still pressed uncomfortably heavy on his chest and his heart stop beating.

Above him, Blaine growled down at him. But it wasn't Blaine. The face staring down at him was bloody and broken. It was hardly recognisable. His nose was broken and still gushing out blood, drenching his white, button up shirt, and there was a large cut on his bottom lip. Todd moved his eyes up and found himself staring into a vision of the blackest, darkest pits of hell. The sclera part of Blaine's eyes, the white section, no longer resembled the eyes of a human. They were entirely black. Todd looked up in utter horror as he looked into the ink-black soul of the thing inside Blaine.

The soft light from the moon was shining on two of them, and the feral and down-right frightening grin on Blaine's face made Todd's face loose colour. He couldn't look away. He was frozen.