Hey guys im back. sorry for the break between updates, im now in Arizona with my grandparents. i've had this chapter done for about a day. well you can expect the next chapter for the most part in two days as ill probably write in tomorrow night. i hope you enjoy this Zoecy fluff and yes im naming them Zoecy(pronounced Zo-ecy)

with that Disclaimer: i Do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympions no matter how much i want to.

Percy's POV

stepping out side of my room a sight was waiting for me that I would have never expected, or believed if it wasn't staring strait back at me. "Percy?" the girl in front of me questioned. Her head cocked in a questioning way. Her black eyes. Twinkling in the light of the room. The black hair cascading down her back.

"Zoe?" I questioned right back her. I was sure as Hades confused about why she would be here. "Chaos, what is going on?" How could she be here she was in the stars. I watched her be put up there by Artemis my self. I couldn't believe it. The girl whose constellation I've been watching for almost two years, daily is standing in front of me and I can't move. I was stuck there, struck by her beauty.

"Well Percy, I've brought Zoe out of the stars for two reasons. Number one you need an archery trainer. Number two you need a friend." I wounder is Chaos knew about my constant watching of her constellation. I'm assuming so, because if he didn't why didn't he just get a person who was still alive, no the stars I was crushing on. I wonder if Zoe ever got over her misuse of the English language. Most likely not.

"Well Percy, its good to see you. Thank you Chaos." she said bowing. "I appreciate the fact that you would honor me with the opportunity to train the Heir of Chaos. You've picked the third best archer, or so they tell me to have ever lived. I am of course behind Artemis and Apollo." kiss up I thought. I wondered where she would be staying as there was no new doors for her room.

"you'll be sharing a room of course." Dam you Chaos reading my mind. And thank you for giving me the chance to ogle the lady I like. Chaos was laughing by the time I was done with my internal monologue. Zoe, well she was standing there with a confused expression on her face. Slowly that changes. Her confusion slowly changed into full blown rage.

"I will be doing no such thing!" she started screaming at the creator of the universe. Gotta say I don't think that's the best idea. If there one other thing that I've learned in the last two years of training with Chaos, its that when she makes her mind up on something, there is no changing it. "How dare you put a maiden in a room with a boy."

"Well there's one other thing to go along with that. The fact is the room has the inability to have multiple beds. So... you guys are sharing a bed." Chaos said calmly. Suddenly her tone changed into one of cold determination, I've only heard that a few times and each time what ever Chaos wanted it happened. You can't refuse that voice. "Zoe, you to must sleep on the same bed. There is no other option." I saw Zoe's face fall. I wanted to hug her and comfort her, but I knew that would be the wrong move. "Well off with you two." Chaos' never ending cheery voice came back.

Zoe's POV

Although I was happy to see Percy at first, that changed the minute Chaos said I had to share a room with him. "I will do no such thing!" I started screaming at Chaos. Yes I do know that shes the creator of everything. At the moment I could care less. Although Chaos is all powerful and I was happy to train Percy. "How dare you put a maiden in a room with a boy." Oh gods! I would not share a room with a boy, not even a boy who I might or might not have a slight crush on.

"Well there's one other thing to go along with that. The fact is the room has the inability to have multiple beds. So... you guys are sharing a bed." Chaos said calmly. Suddenly her tone changed into one of cold determination, that seamed to be able to make anyone do anything "Zoe, you to must slee on the same bed. There is no other option." I'm sure my face fell. I could tell there was no getting out of it. Looking at Percy I realized that he was at an impasse. I knew that he wanted to comfort me, I also knew that if he tried I would chew his head off later. I wanted that comfort, but I wasn't about to condemn Percy to the scream I would give later. Whale all of this was going in my head Percy started heading back to his room. It was elaborate. I would have given it more of the time of day, but I was to tired. Fallowing Percy into his room I saw him collapse onto the queen size bed, close and all. Suddenly he took off his shirt. I could do nothing but stare at his well chiseled chest. I felt all the blood in my newly remade body rush to my face. Slowly I inspected the room. I noticed that the color of the wall shifting, when I first came in it was a dark turquoise. It was slowly changing into a silver color. Turning back to the door I saw the door to the bathroom. Walking in I marveled at the entire complex. There was a huge jacuzzi fit for a king. A very fat king. There was a shower with a shower head the looked like it would feel amazing. There was only one sink, slowly the room seamed to shift and grew longer. Everything grew even bigger, the jacuzzi could now fit two very fat kings. There were now to sinks. Both sinks were sunk into marble counter tops. The sink I was assuming was for Percy was made out of a marble the was a light sea green, the one that was for by still fallowing the same assumption was a silvery color.

I decided that I need a shower before I went to bed. Slowly stepping out of my clothing I locked the door so that if Percy deiced to get up, he wouldn't walk in on me. Stepping into the shower, my thoughts on the shower head feeling amazing was completely correct. The nice massaging hot water on my back loosened the knots that had formed with all the stress of coming back alive and learning that you had to share a bed with a human of the opposite gender.

Stepping out of the shower, there was suddenly a sliver towel next to a sea green one on a towel rack that I didn't notice earlier. Rapping the sliver towel around my body hiding all of the things that I didn't want Percy to see. I did the hair towel flip thing(no idea what its really called(you know what I'm talking about with the towel around a girls head)) with the sea green towel. Although I knew it was Percy's that didn't mean that I wouldn't use it. Walking back into the room I saw that Percy had moved over to what I'm guessing he claimed was his side of the bed. I guess this way because there was a pillow between him and the other side of the bed. Walking over to the new silver Cabinet I opened the top drawer to get out a night gown. Slipping back inside the bathroom I put on the sliver silk night gown that was surprisingly non see through. Climbing on to my side of the bed I pulled a pillow under my head. As soon as my head was situated I drifted off to sleep.

Waking up I realized I was laying on something much more comfortable than what I remembered my pillow to be. Opening my eyes, I looked up and stared at a black mop of hair on a sleeping head. Looking down I saw my arm over the sleeping boy's naked torso.

Hi guys i hope you liked the cliff hanger.
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Motivation = inspiration
inspiration = faster chapters
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(so on and so on)

with that ill see you later