Sup guys! This is my first story for the FFX fandom. I'm so pumped. I'm making it last around a year (the story, not how long it'll take me to write it xD), with separate parts for each season. It's going to be AU, since I'm only a third of the way through the game right now. I have no idea where I'm going with it yet, so pleeeeeeease read and review and let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own any Final Fantasy game, including X.

Part I: Summer Skin

Yuna stepped off the bus, gazing in awe at the city in front of her. She was finally here, in Zanarkand. The city of her dreams. She choked back tears, remembering how she and her father had planned this summer trip months ago. Braska had known she wanted to see the city more than anything else, so he bought the bus tickets and rented a summer home for them, even though he wasn't sure he'd live to the summer. Yuna remembered his pale figure lying in a hospital bed when she went to visit him last. He had told her to take the trip without him. He wanted her to make her dreams come true no matter what.

She shook away the memory and dropped her bags on the sidewalk, reaching for the directions in her back pocket. Take the bus to Zanarkand. Third stop will be North Avenue. Take North to Maple to Blitz Lane. Forth house on the left. Yuna set off down North Avenue, which seemed to be leading out of the downtown area. Soon, she was in the suburbs, and noticed lots of teenagers and young adults on the street. She wondered if she was near a school.

After finding Maple Road and taking it all the way to the end, Yuna finally found Blitz Lane. She figured some famous Blitz star might live near here to give the road its name, but she wasn't terribly excited about it. Her father had been a huge Blitz fan, but she wasn't into the sport. In fact, she didn't particularly love jocks in general. She preferred literature and music to sports.

She made her way down the street, stopping to gape at the enormous houses that lined it. Frowning, she wondered just how much her dad had spent on this little vacation. As she approached her summer home and found it just as large as the rest of the houses, she figured a lot. She dropped her bags on the front porch and found a key in her pocket, using it to swing open the front door. She was met with a grand foyer and a spiral staircase. Everything was neat and polished. "Woah." She said out loud.

She felt her excitement bubble up as she ran up the stairs with her belongings and found the master bedroom. The room was expertly decorated, with a queen sized bed and a large dresser of matching wood. Yuna threw her bags on the floor and explored the rest of the upstairs. There was a master bathroom with a Jacuzzi, and another bedroom with an attached bathroom. Yuna giggled, and spun down the staircase to find the kitchen. It was even fully stocked with fresh food. Several travel guides lined the kitchen table. Her father had really planned everything out.

After running through the entire house, Yuna decided a good nap was in order. She had trouble sleeping on the bus, and traveling had always made her tired. She stepped back into her bedroom and unzipped one of her bags, fumbling through it for some pajamas. She threw off her shirt and jeans and paused, suddenly realizing her window was wide open. And it was facing her neighbor's house. A blonde teen was staring at her with a huge, knowing smirk on his face. When he caught her eye, he waved. Mortified, Yuna threw her shirt on and jumped on to her bed, blushing madly. She hadn't even waved back. She groaned in to her pillow. What a great first impression. How am I supposed to leave the house after that?

A couple hours later, Yuna woke up to find it was nearly dark out. Glancing at the clock set on a bedside table, she found it was 8:30. She'd slept right through dinner. She sat up groggily and checked her window again. The lights in the neighbor's room were off. She sighed in relief and got out of bed, deciding she would take herself to dinner this evening. She wanted to explore North Zanarkand a little, too. It was a Friday night, so certainly there would be plenty of shops and restaurants open.

After re-dressing,finding her wallet and heading outside into the humid summer air, Yuna looked cautiously at her neighbor's house again. She kept expecting the blonde guy to show up. Shaking her head, she strolled down the sidewalk toward Maple, easily finding her way back to the main part of the town.

Just as she thought, there were lots of places to go here on a Friday night, without even having to go back downtown. She was trying to decide what to do first when a delicious whiff of fried foods stopped her in her tracks. Turning, she found a small, but busy diner named Tifa's. She decided she should eat here, and went inside.

There were all kinds of people at the diner- families, groups of teens, and adults of all ages. Tifa's had a light, warm air about it, and everyone in the place was smiling. Yuna sat at a small table in the middle of the room and made herself comfortable.

A gorgeous girl, around her age of 17, Yuna guessed, came to take her order. She had blonde hair that was tied up and blue-green eyes that twinkled when she smiled. "Can I help you?"

Yuna couldn't help but smile back. "Actually, this is my first time here so I don't really know what I should get. What's the best thing here?"

The girl named Rikku, Yuna read from her nameplate, giggled in delight. "Ooooh there's so many! Let's see, Wakka's cooking tonight.. He makes a mean cheeseburger. Or grilled cheese… Oh and the salmon tonight is pretty rockin'!" She seemed to be lost in her decision, but she snapped back into it and Yuna laughed. "I'll have the cheeseburger, then. With fries and soda, please."

"Good choice!" Rikku announced and then turned toward the kitchen to shout, "Wakkkaaa! We need a burger and meal, stat!" No one in the diner even looked twice at her- judging by her loud, bubbly personality, this was probably a normal thing for Rikku. The girl stayed by Yuna and asked, "So, you new to North? Haven't seen you around before, and I've seen everyone."

Yuna nodded. "I'm here for summer vacation."

"Oooh fun! I can totally-" She was interrupted by the front door slamming shut and the subsequent tinkling of the bell above the door. Yuna and Rikku both turned to see who had made such a dramatic entrance. Yuna's face fell immediately.

It was her neighbor-the blonde one with the horribly placed window. He was with two other guys. She slid a little lower in her seat, hoping he wouldn't notice her, until Rikku shot those chances to hell with a "Hey guys! Come over here and meet the new girl!" Yuna wanted to groan out loud as Tidus caught her eye and flashed her a knowing smile- he remembered her.

As he walked over to Yuna's table, she could hear him say, "Hey guys, that's the girl! The one from earlier!" The two with him laughed- clearly he had told them about their sort-of encounter- and one of them even sized her up. She turned ten shades of red and had the strong impulse to find a rock to crawl under.

Finally, they reached Rikku and Yuna, and Rikku introduced the boys. "This is Brother-" Yuna gave her a confused look at the odd name, and she quickly explained, "He's my older brother. It's just what everyone calls him." Yuna nodded and smiled shyly at him. Rikku continued, "And this is Keepa." As she said it, she slipped her arm around his waist and happily kissed him on the cheek. Clearly, he was her boyfriend. "And-" She was interrupted by Tidus, who smiled brightly and stated, "I'm Tidus. It's nice to formally meet you, Yuna." Brother and Keepa snickered. Yuna's voice was caught in her throat for a second when she saw just Tidus was up close. His eyes were bluer than the sea, his skin was naturally tan, and she could see his lean muscles through his outfit. After ogling at him for a short period of time, Yuna caught herself and said, "Hi Tidus." Rikku was smirking at her, and after the boys sat down at a different table, she said, "So he's got you, too, huh?" Yuna straightened and feigned ignorance.

"What do you mean!"

"Oh don't give me that. I saw the look in your eyes. Just for your information, Tidus is the most popular boy at North Zanarkand High. Good luck getting anywhere near him."

"Who said I wanted to be near him! He's not even my type." But Yuna's argument sounded weak, even to herself. It was true, she could never see herself with someone like Tidus, but that was just because she was so plain. She was never noticed by the popular crowd at her school in Besaid, which was probably the reason she never liked jocks much. They seemed so superficial to her. But Tidus was seriously attractive. She couldn't help that.

"And anyways," Yuna continued reluctantly, "It won't be that hard to see him this summer. He's kind of my neighbor."

Rikku gasped, "Woah! Don't let any other girl hear you say that! They would kill to be in that position. Doesn't Tidus live in a really nice neighborhood, too?"

"Yeah," Yuna agreed, "The house I'm staying in is pretty big…"

Rikku suealed, "You've got to let me see it!" She had already forgotten about Yuna's "crush" on Tidus. Yuna sighed inwardly of relief.

Rikku promised Yuna she'd be done with her shift real soon and then she would drive Yuna home.

Twenty minutes of Yuna awkwardly sitting alone with Tidus and his friends in close proximity later, Rikku was back at her table. "Ready to go?"

Suddenly, Tidus called the girls over to his table. Yuna wobbled to her feet, and then steadied herself strernly. What had come over her? She didn't even know this boy.

Tidus flashed Yuna a smile when she neared his table and asked, "I'm having a party at my place tonight, since the rents are at some benefit dinner. You girls in?" But he was staring right at Yuna.

Luckily, she didn't have to find the words to answer, because Rikku immediately piped up, "Ooooh a party! I love parties! We're there."

"Cool, it starts in an hour. You'll know, neighbor." He smirked at Yuna.

She just nodded and followed Rikku out of the restaurant.

She really couldn't believe it. Her first night in Zanarkand, and she had already made friends with a gorgeous, amiable girl and been invited to a real party.

She wondered what Zanarkand all had in store for her this summer break. She honestly couldn't wait.

Wooo so there it is! I'm really excited for this story. I looove all the characters from FFX. Anyways, did you like it? Please review and I'll have the next chapter up as soon as I can!

Thank you for reading.