Dream on – Stiles/Danny
Disclaimers: I have no connection to even start to own anything from teen wolf. Even though i would very much like to

There is a question lingering on Stiles mind, he has already asked Scott and Derek but he wanted to know what Danny thought. He was currently at getting changed after a rough practise. He was eyeing Danny, watching him to see when he can get him alone. He was just leaning against his locker talking to Scott but still listening for Danny to tell Jackson he was leaving. He heard Danny say bye to Jackson and Stiles said goodbye to Scott and headed outside to try to catch up to Danny.

Stiles walked out to the car park and saw Danny opening his car, Stiles walked up to him and Danny looked up, saw Stiles and turned to him with a confused look.
"H-hey Danny, c-can I ask you a question?" Stiles asked nervously, Danny lowered his head and whispered something to himself, then looked back up at Stiles
"Sure, why not." He said turning back to his car

"Do you think I'm attractive?" Stiles asked as he watched Danny tense up, and then relax again with a heavy sigh as he turned towards Stiles again
"Why ask me?" He asked already knowing the answer
"uh, because, uh…" Stiles was struggling to not make it sound too insensitive
"Because I'm gay?" Danny said blankly after watching Stiles stutter for a few seconds
"um, uh, yes." Stiles said looking up at Danny with an innocent look, that Danny loved.

Danny chuckled and looked up to see some of the other lacrosse players started to come out of the locker room, Stiles turned around to see that two of them were Scott and Jackson.
"So, do you," Stiles said as he turned back to Danny "find me…attractive?"
To answer that Danny leaned down and caught Stiles' lips with his own, he didn't care the others could see in what little light there was.

Stiles was shocked at first but eased into the kiss, moving his lips against Danny's, Danny put his arms around Stiles' hips as Stiles snaked his arms up around Danny's neck. The lacrosse team didn't think anything of it, Danny was gay and Stiles has never been out with a girl so they thought his 'deal' was too, Guys, but Scott and Jackson had stopped dead in their tracks. Jackson was wondering why of all people Danny would like Stiles, and Scott was just surprised Stiles was actually gay.

Stiles and Danny parted to breathe, and Danny looked up past Stiles to see Scott and Jackson with stunned expressions and laughed a bit, Stiles too looked behind him to see that they were not moving at all, apart from breathing. Stiles turned back to Danny
"I guess that's a yes." He said looking up into Danny's warm brown eyes
"As long as you'll be mine." Danny replied, Stiles smiled widely and pulled Danny back down to kiss him again, they forgot about Scott and Jackson who were still standing there speechless.

Hope You Enjoyed, but seriously if you didn't don't review cause i take no notice of it, it just gets ignored by me...waste of breathe i would say but then again you're typing so once again i would be wrong...BACK TO THE POINT...