Hello Fangirls.

Look at your fandom. Now back at mine.

Now back to your fandom, now back to mine.

Sadly, your fandom is not mine. But if you stopped arguing about shippings and ridiculous things and started being cool like bow-ties, it could look like mine.

Look down. Back up.

Where are you?

You're at a sci-fi convention, wearing a fez, with the fandom your fandom could look like.

Look at your hand. Back at mine.

I have it. It's a television remote, with instructions in Circular Gallifreyan, which (thanks to the Translation Circuit) will soon tell you how to turn the channel to BBC America and commence watching Doctor Who immediately.

Anything is possible when your fandom would walk 500 miles and then walk 500 more.

I'm on the TARDIS.

*TARDIS vworping noise*

This is what comes out of the Time Lock in my brain. Review, por favor.