Author's Note: I will admit now that this has to be one of my favourite 'twisted' KKM stories that I've ever written. The premise of this story is that instead of being 15 when he arrives and utterly unprepared for being demon king, Yuuri Shibuya is almost 19 and far more mature and stronger willed then before. I always wanted to see him confront things head on in the first few episodes of KKM. XD This is also based on the idea that Yuuri while accidentally attempting to strike Wolfram will accidentally... catch another demon's left cheek...

Disclaimer: Own Nothing!

Border, The Great Demon Kingdom

His first thought was that he had never seen a sky so blue, tiny white clouds drifting across the clear clean expanse of it and a fresh breeze fluttered across his damp cheeks. Every part of him ached, throbbing dully at the force of the impact between him and the ground. The air was so clean, the scents of baking and crushed grass filling his nose and making him almost want to smile in response. The earth beneath him however was rapidly becoming rather uncomfortable as his wet body soaked the ground just beneath him.

Blinking slowly, he let out a slow even breath. This was what he had expected wasn't it? What had been explained to him... though his method of transportation left much to be desired. A toilet. He would never live down the embarrassment of it if anyone found out about the fact that he had been sent to the Great Demon Kingdom after having his head shoved down into a toilet bowl by some rather obnoxious idiots.

Slowly beginning to roll himself up off the ground, his fingers brushed back through his overly long black hair and pushed the dripping strands out of his eyes. Eyes sweeping over his surroundings, his jaw clenched together slightly, expression thoughtful as he took in the farmlands and the village just down the hill. Gaining his feet, he paused for a moment, allowing himself to catch his balance before moving on.

A flash of pale gold caught his attention, his obsidian eyes immediately flickering towards the form of a young woman who was just moving onto the compacted dirt road. Relief trickled through him, though he knew there was one thing that would definitely be an issue. "Excuse me, Miss."

Eyes went wide in her pale face, her entire body recoiling at the sight of him. Her response was a soft whisper of foreign words and meaningless sounds and definitely confirmed the one problem he had. The basket dropped from her hands, the bright purple fruit within it spilling over the cleared earth.

Holding out both hands, he offered her a small apologetic smile. "I'm sorry... I don't mean to frighten you." Though he could guess the fact that he was a man who had more than likely 'dropped from the sky' would definitely give any person a reason to freeze and panic. Dropping to one knee, he carefully attempted to set to rights her basket and its contents. "I am about as harmful as this fruit, Miss."

But her scream tore at his heart as she bolted away from him, terror in her every unintelligible word. Several village men were already hurrying towards him, all armed with either farming tools or rocks.

His hands lifted as he rose back to his feet, showing that he meant them no harm at all. "Please, I apologise for frightening the young lady, I truly mean no harm to any of you."

Something burned across his cheek, another stone slamming into his shoulder. His stomach dropped at the fear and hatred he saw in their eyes, something that cut at his heart. Several more stones struck him as he lifted an arm to shield his face, attempting to retreat, not once attempting to harm them in response to the attack.

Suddenly a dark shadow swept over him as a horse reared sharply, hooves lashing the air as it finally settled, the blonde rider staring down at him with sharp blue eyes. He too started shouting words at Yuuri, his hard sun-tanned face showing his displeasure when it became clear Yuuri had no idea what he said.

The one blessing was that the man's arrival had stopped the villagers from continuing to fling stones at him.

The knight dismounted, stepping towards Yuuri who stood almost level with the tall man's shoulders, though he had enough sense to back up a step, wary about this stranger, knowing he was far more of a threat than the villagers. Before he could take another step backwards, massive hands closed around his head, clamping tightly on his skull. Struggling hard against the grip, his hands against the massive wrists, he almost managed to wrench himself free when fingers dug harder into his scalp and pain flared within him.

A hoarse cry escaped Yuuri's throat, while it felt like something was tearing his mind apart from inside out, a blade slashing through his thoughts and digging up something long buried in his subconscious. His fingernails bit into the man's skin, drawing blade as he fought, finally managing to wrench himself free and sprawled down onto the earth with a heavy thud. Everything inside his head was screaming, memories fragmenting, rubbing together raw as something unfurled itself from within.

Sounds swirled together and slowly came into focus.

"Why in all places did he have to appear here?"

"Its a bad omen, we must get rid of him."

The villagers... their voices swam in and out of focus, before his mind finally stopped spinning, his body trembling with the force of what had been done to him.

"That should have done it." The blonde giant actually looked a touch amused by the fact his wrists and hands were scratched and actually bleeding from where Yuuri had gotten himself free. "You should be able to understand me now."

"Keep your hands to yourself, Sir." Yuuri gained his feet in an instant, jaw clenched and obsidian eyes burning with emotion, showing that he was not one to take such abuse from anyone. He wanted nothing more than to slug the man just once in that rather arrogant face, but tamped down his anger, knowing it would get him nowhere. The knight however had just solved one achingly large problem for him...

"Well now, it looks like the new Demon King actually has some fight in him."

"You would do well to not underestimate me." Yuuri's obsidian eyes flashed with something that lurked just beneath the surface, the magic that sung through every part of him and was now beginning to uncoil itself in response to the threat posed by this man. For once he was intensely grateful his mother had actually convinced him to take up fencing as she had in high school... from the sword at this man's belt he would need every skill he had learned from her. Jennifer of Yokohama had not raised her son to be a coward.

"Such spirit."

"The Demon Tribe's revolting again."

"Put the children in the house..."

"What's the use its over. Our village is going to be burnt down too, just like Kentenow was twenty years ago."

"What a minute he doesn't have a weapon. And what more... he's a double black."

Now that struck Yuuri as odd, though his back straightened, his mind racing over all the facts that were being thrust before him, attempting to work out the best way to get him out of a situation that definitely looked like it was going to become hell in a hand-basket.

They continued to talk as if he weren't there, speaking of rewards and silly notions that made him want to laugh.

"Relax everybody, maybe we can convince this man to go along with us since it appears..."

The condescending tone had done it. He might still be winded from the unexpected landing and the fact that this man had just cracked open his mind and tore him apart from the inside out... but he was not a fool and he would not be used by anyone for personal gain.

Yuuri's right hook caught Adalbert square across the jaw, actually managing to knock the man back several steps and away from him. "I am no one's tool and you would do well to remember that."

Adalbert touched his jaw gingerly, actually surprised to find his fingers coming back wet with blood from his split lip. In those blue eyes glimmered a new respect for the double black that stood before him, unafraid and defiant, even in the face of someone like him.

The sound of approaching horses drew them both out of their confrontation.


Obsidian eyes blinked in surprise at that, his head twisting around at the sound of his name from another man's lips. Several riders were hurrying towards him, dust being flung up from under the hooves of the mounts.


Obsidian eyes locked with Cinnamon and his heart lurked in his chest at the sight of the warrior astride the chestnut stallion, his chocolate hair flying back from a face that was strikingly handsome. Wow. It was the only word that could describe the warrior shouting his name, he was almost like a prince in a fairytale, riding to his rescue.

"Here comes more trouble." The blonde growled out, mounting his horse quickly, though regarding Yuuri with something almost akin to a flicker of dry amusement and respect. It was not everyone that could actually get a good solid punch in against Adalbert Von Grantz.

Urging his horse forwards, Adalbert drew his sword from its sheath, the horse soon speeding into a charge directly towards the knight.

"Get away from Yuuri, Adalbert! And I mean now!"

Yuuri didn't stand still, he was already running towards the nearest guard that had accompanied the knight. The man was harassing the villagers, attempting to drive them away, though stones were being flung at him, hitting their mark and actually knocking the man from the back of the horse, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The horse reared, letting out an inhuman scream as its body was pelted as well. Yuuri didn't pause for a moment, his hand looping into the reins of the stallion, barely pausing for a moment before pulling it down sending a wave of calming magic up into the beast. He was mounted the next second, fisting his hand into the reins, the villagers already approaching them weapons raised not wanting for him to get away.

Holding onto the animal's sides tightly with his knees he urged the mount to rear back again, sharp shoed hooves beating the air and driving the men back, allowing him those precious seconds to grip the hand of the guard and pull him across the saddle behind him.

"I'll be damned before I let anyone get hurt on my account." Hissing out the words, he was sending the horse into a gallop, the other guards soon catching up to them as they flew past the two duelling men and away from the village.

"It won't be long! I will rescue you!"

"Like I need rescuing?" Yuuri shouted back, jaw clenching as he watched Adalbert disengage in his duel against his prince, being forced into retreat knowing that there was no way he could get to the mounted double-black."

Yuuri had to admit as his obsidian eyes met relieved and confused cinnamon, his day had just gone from weird to absolutely down right insane. However, he had just meant a prince with eyes that somehow touched his heart.

Abandoned Village Of Fresinia, The Great Demon Kingdom

The sky was lit up by the colours of evening when they finally did stop, the Prince and the guards halting in the shared yard of several rundown cottages, the entire area practically swarming with guards who had set up camp for the night. Yuuri drew his own mount to a stop, wanting to groan as every joint and muscle had had protested the fact that he had been flung through the barrier between worlds...

Obsidian eyes meet those of the guard he had rescued, seeing the gratitude reflected in those pale grey orbs and offered the man a tired smile and a nod before his attention was snagged by the dazzlingly beautiful white clad man who had approached him with eyes alight with greeting and warmth.

Yuuri dismounted, shifting his weight in order to ease the slight pain that came from riding for far longer than he was use to. Privately he was thanking every deity he could name that he had been forced into taking riding lessons at the request of the Maou of the Earth. Silently he sent a prayer of thanks to Bob.

"Your Majesty... You're here..." The lavender haired man dropped to one knee, head bowing in respect to him. "I am Gunter Von Christ, its an honour to finally meet you and words alone cannot express how much I have looked forwards to this day."

Offering him a smile, he winced slightly as he shifted again, handing the reins of his horse to the grey eyed guard. Muscles spasmed in protest.

"Your Majesty, were you injured?"

The handsome prince had also descended from his horse, already coming over to stand just behind Yuuri, his cinnamon eyes troubled. One calloused hand tentatively touched against Yuuri's back, supporting him just a little. "Majesty?"

Oh god. Yuuri Shibuya could have died happy at the sound of that soft whisper close to his ear, the sensual purr of that accent sliding along his spine. Tipping his head just enough to be able to glimpse that face, he knew exactly what he wanted right at that moment more than a hot soak in a bath... "A few bruises, an ache or two, but nothing that will not right itself in a day or two." Flashing the lavender haired man a smile, he drew strength from the continual soothing slide of those fingers at the small of his back, easing the raw ache just there.

Gunter looked surprised and pleased by the fact that Yuuri Shibuya didn't flinch from the title he had been given nor of a few pains from the ride. "Did you encounter any problems, Conrart?"

Conrart. His prince now had a name to add to that handsome face.

"Von Grantz was there when I arrived." Amusement twinkled in those cinnamon eyes as he gazed at Yuuri with quiet pride. "However, his Highness made it extremely clear that he did not wish for his company."

"How so?"

"I punched him." Yuuri sighed, rubbing a hand back through his hair after a moment, looking thoughtful. "He has one hard jaw." Wiggling one hand at Gunter, he shrugged slightly. "Honestly..."

"Did he harm you at all, Sire?" Gunter was glancing Yuuri over with a troubled glance.

"Actually he did me a favour." Yuuri almost wanted to laugh over the fact now that his head wasn't throbbing and fractures were thankfully beginning to close within his mind... though he definitely didn't want to go digging in there.

"It just occurred to me, why are you speaking the language of our part of the world?"

"That is the favour, though trust me... at the time I wasn't so grateful for him using my skull as a stress ball."

Both men gazed at him with a flicker of confusion over his reference. It appeared some things really didn't quite translate over too well.

"Don't mind me, cultural references..."Yuuri rubbed at his damp hair, grimacing over the fact that he was still damp and his clothes were beginning to smell rather awful considering that he had come through via toilet flush. "Do you happen to have somewhere I can wash... and maybe a change of clothes..." Yuuri tugged at one damp sleeve, droplets of water dripping onto the ground. His hand stretched out to lightly run down the man's arm as he turned to regard Conrart, fingertips brushing against the side of the man's calloused hand, a single pad sliding against one palm. The action was shielded by his body, but he offered the startled warrior a cheerful but tired smile. "Anything is preferable to my own clothes."

"I will make the arrangements immediately, Majesty." Conrart bowed his head slightly, but couldn't help but gaze into those intense obsidian eyes for one long moment, hypnotised by the intelligence and gentleness he saw within them.

Conrart Weller was stunned into silence.

Yuuri Shibuya was like no one he had ever met before and his hand still tingled where fingers had caressed softly against his own in such a tiny intimate gesture. Hand curling, he held it close to his side, wanting to keep that feeling. He was older than Conrart had calculated, their Maou should be a boy, not a man who knew his own body and mind. Carefully holding the clothing against his chest, he glanced out into the darkness, being able to make out where Yuuri sat amongst the soldiers, chatting animatedly with several, his laughter drifting on the evening breeze.

Approaching slowly, Conrart just stood in the shadows, unable to help but drink in the sight of the man. Beautiful. Swallowing hard around the jolt of heat that skittered through his body, he clenched his fists, shoving away the flutter of something that desperately wanted to escape his heart at the sight. A spark of jealousy rocked him, making him blink sharply against the longing to be the source of such happy laughter.

"You know... I can feel your eyes on me, Conrart." Yuuri's head tipped to the side, pinning Conrart with a steady gaze and a brilliant smile that was aimed directly at him. "Come, sit." Shuffling over on the log, he waved a hand to the spot beside him. "You haven't eaten yet, have you?"


"I don't bite." A flash of white teeth and a wink, Yuuri shifting himself over just a little more. "Much."

Conrart couldn't help the smile that tugged on his own lips in response to the teasing words. Settling himself down on the spot that the man had occupied moments before, he offered out the white cotton shirt in his hands.

"Thank god." The man was soon shrugging away the wet down that clung to his shoulders and back, before sliding the slightly too large shirt over the pale white skin, but not before Conrart caught the large dark bruises that ran the length of the his chest and shoulders.

One calloused hand touched the largest of the darkening marks, his brows coming together as a raw anger sparked within his chest at the sight of such injuries on that sleek body. "Who did this?" His voice was a silk growl, the tiny sparks of silver in his cinnamon eyes glinting in the firelight. "Who hurt you, Sire?"

"Don't worry yourself about it."


Obsidian eyes closed for a long moment. "As long as you leave them be, I'll have your promise first before I answer."

"Sire... anyone attacking the..."

"They were frightened, Conrart. I don't blame them for being. I dropped out of literally nowhere and start speaking gibberish at them. The villagers stoned me."

Letting out a breath, he nodded once. "You are very merciful."

"Practical. I learnt a long time ago that sometimes you need to think from every angle or you can make mistakes that will affect everyone around you." Yuuri's gaze closed tightly for a long moment, his forearms resting lightly against his knees, leaning forwards. He had made the mistake of trusting in someone with the fact that he was... gay... and it had exploded in his face at High School, it had affected his friends, how the world saw him. Even though he couldn't help be feel the burning attraction towards Conrart Weller, he didn't act on the urge to tug the man's head down and just kiss him senseless like he wanted to.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Yes." Yuuri stretched slightly, before a shiver fluttered through him as the chill of the night air swept through him. Buttoning up the shirt, he was sliding across the space on the log towards Conrart, before hesitating. "I know I am to be the Demon King."

Conrart gazed down at the hand that rested lightly against his arm, fingers curling a little into his jacket and the dark eyes that turned up to watch his face for one long moment. It was rare that anyone willingly touched him like that, his status as a half-blood meaning that most still despised who and what he was. How many times had he felt his fingers being slapped away by his own younger brother, the sting of those words cutting at his heart?

"You know... when you came riding towards me... calling my name like that, you looked like a prince. Dashing and quite charming."

Stunned once more into silence, his mouth opened slightly in an attempt to respond to such words but all he could do was shut it again and swallow around the hope that fluttered within once more. He wanted acceptance. Could he find it with Yuuri, even just a little bit?

"I'm cold... but I don't want to head inside yet."

"Here..." Stretching out one arm, he slowly, tentatively curled it around slender shoulders, drawing Yuuri towards him and against the length of his body. "Sire?"

"Thank you." The younger man breathed out, burying his face against Conrart's shoulder, inhaling softly the scent that clung to the woollen jacket of his uniform. Dark eyes closed, a tiny sigh of relief escaping him.

Dinner was brought over to Conrart by one of the soldiers at Yuuri's previous direction, and when the warrior finished eating, he realised with a start that Yuuri had drifted deeply into sleep. The trust in that single action sent a flare of warmth stirring through him, making him draw the man a little more closely against him protectively. Slowly he set the plate aside and carefully turned enough to slide his arms beneath the sleeping man, one arm just beneath his knees, other beneath his shoulder and lifted him upwards.

Yuuri's head slipped from his shoulder to his throat, nuzzling in with a contented little sigh, warm breath fluttering against the underside of Conrart's jaw. The man carried him towards the cottage, only to watch as the door creaked open at his approach, Gunter looking almost amused over the fact that Conrart had ended up with the sleeping King.

"He seems to trust you already, Conrart." Gunter glanced back inside, before gesturing towards where a bed sat against one wall, a pallet resting nearby where Conrart could sleep close to their king to ensure his safety on the journey back to Covenant Castle. "The troops already grow attached to him... and I cannot help but find myself quite impressed with him. He is not what I expected, but I think he is a blessing to our people."

"I am glad to see you agree, however..." Conrart's cinnamon eyes met those of his teacher, jaw clenching slightly in warning. "My loyalty as of the moment of his arrival is to his Majesty. I will not see any harm come to him, Lord Von Christ, not for the sake of anyone or any cause."

Setting Yuuri down onto the bedding, he carefully drew off the younger man's boots, setting them aside and drawing thick blankets up to cover him. One of his hands was trapped beneath one of Yuuri's as sleepy obsidian eyes blinked open just a little to watch him. "Don't leave me." It was a soft plea that only Conrart could hear.

"My life and my heart are yours, Sire. I would never leave your side."

The back of warm fingertips lightly touched against Conrart's cheek in a slow delicate caress. "My prince."

Conrart couldn't help but smile at that, leaning into the touch, before carefully sliding that arm back under the blankets as Yuuri drifted back to sleep, the day clearly having drained the energy right out of him. "Sleep well, my King."

Smoothing the fabric of the shirt down, he sat upright and glanced outside, catching the flickers of the first light of dawn appearing over the edge of the horizon through the window pane. Pushing back the blankets, he stood silently, stretching lazily before gazing around himself at the quiet little cottage. His eyes however drifted to the man sleeping on the pallet no more than a few feet away, his handsome face flushed with sleep and his wild locks falling across the pillow. The sword however remained propped up nearby well within arm's reach, ready to defend him.

Finding his boots, he slid them on before standing from the bed, moving across the floor to crouch down beside Conrart, one hand reaching out to smooth back the wild mass of chocolate coloured hair from the man's face. A soft sound escaped the back of the man's throat, cinnamon eyes blinking slightly.

"I didn't mean to wake you."

"Yuuri..." It was a low sexy sigh of his name, the man rousing himself out of sleep, eyes blinking to clear the sleep haze from them.

"Do you think we could go find breakfast?"

"Certainly, Sire." Slowly sitting up, Conrart was surprised at the fact that he felt so relaxed, his body thrumming with energy, warmth creeping through his limbs. "You are up early."

"Habit." He responded before they were soon moving out the door together.

Conrart slowly buckling on his sword belt and jacket, smoothing the wrinkles out of the thick wool. There was something about this morning that sparked something in his soul as he watched the man beside him greet the slowly waking camp. It was clear they would be on the road well before Gunter had thought they would be, the Royal Aide loathe to disturb the King's sleep.

Sitting again by the warm fire, he automatically leaned against Conrart's side this time, their hips and shoulders touching. "What exactly is this?" One dark brow lifted as he studied the stew or omelette of some kind, curious about its contents, but shrugged slightly and started eating without complaint.

"It has a mix of vegetables and spices with rishi eggs."

"It's good." Yuuri said around a mouthful, swallowing it down. "At least Gunter doesn't have me sitting in there, serving me some delicacies that just make you want to..." He pulled a face and dropped his head to rest against Conrart's shoulder content to lean against the strength of the man beside him.

"I have to admit, some things that they serve are quite... questionable." Conrart chuckled softly to himself, liking the way Yuuri was relying on him, trusting him to look out for him.

"How long should it take to get to wherever it is we are heading to?"

"An another day at most."

"Good, any longer and you will hear me complaining about saddles and certain body parts."

"You appear to be a competent rider, I was... surprised."

"Bob insisted and for once I'm damn glad that he did. I usually don't like being unable to do something that is so basic and necessary for survival." Though he didn't know how people would take him actually proving he was a natural with a sword, there was something about fencing that had truly brought out a sense of self in him. The last thing he wanted to be was a burden on anyone.


"The Maou of the Earth. Mysterious, old and full of weird random wisdom that makes you want to go 'huh?'. Shori, that's my older brother, is going to replace him in a few years."

That surprised Conrart, but he didn't comment, delighted by the fact Yuuri trusted in him and would turn to him to confide in. "Are you... certain about taking the throne?"

"Yes. I'm willing to do everything it takes in order to serve this Kingdom. I want to do what good I can for those around me, because even if I and my name are forgotten in a thousand years, what I do now will be remembered. The kindness we show others..." Yuuri's obsidian eyes sparkled for a moment, a soft laugh escaping him. "My mother has rubbed off on me more than I thought."

"She sounds like a wise and gentle woman." Though that brought a smile to his lips at the memory of Miko Shibuya, strong, a touch stubborn but one who cared about all those around her.

"She's all of that... and has the best sword arm in Japan." He could remember how many times his mother had defeated him over the years and it was only recently that he had been able to best her. "If you're finished, we should probably go get ready for the ride, the sooner we go the sooner I can stay off the horse."

The Road To The Capital, The Great Demon Kingdom

"Your Majesty!"

Yuuri Shibuya turned at the sound, surprised by the title and still not quite use to it from those around him. Drawing his horse to a halt, Conrart was pausing just beside him, both of them regarding the purple-haired girl who stood by the roadside to greet them. A bowl was clutched tightly in her hands and was being offered up to him.

"Water." A smile touched his lips, reminding him that he was quite thirsty, but he tipped his head slightly to the side, aware of Gunter Von Christ's troubled look. "It looks wonderful. Do you want some too, Conrart?"

Both Gunter and Conrart looked surprised and relieved by Yuuri's soft offer, though the young man clearly didn't like the thought that had occurred to him when he had caught sight of Gunter's troubled expression. Though Yuuri believed that this girl would not harm them and it was only on that belief that he had asked such a thing of the man who was slowly working his way into Yuuri's heart.

"Sire." He offered the double-black a warm smile, before leaning down and accepting the bowl, drinking a little of its contents, pausing for a moment as no taste registered on his palette before handing it over. "My thanks."

Accepting the bowl, he downed the rest of it, relieved when it eased the parched feeling that still resided within him. His eyes turned back towards the young girl, before he offered her a gentle smile. "This was wonderful and just what I needed." The bowl was returned to her, though Yuuri's hand reached out to lightly touch Conrart's arm, lingering on his elbow for a moment, their eyes meeting.

The young girl was soon heading back towards the cluster of houses that rested on one of the nearby hillsides, a smile on her lips.

"In the future, don't eat or drink anything that we haven't prepared for you, Sire." Gunter's expression was grave, his lips pressed together in a thin line. "Though..."

"Do you realise Gunter that if anyone was hurt on my account, it would trouble me greatly?" His eyes levelled with his Aide, dark eyes meeting lavender. "I am not a fool when it comes to such things. I know that, to many I will be an unwelcome intruder... a stranger. I would be grateful if you would indicate to me what you deem safe in future so I can avoid anyone being harmed because of this. I appreciate and respect your judgement, but I don't want to risk another's life on my own account." His fingers touched lightly against Conrart's cheek, stroking lightly against the shaved smoothness. "I trusted that she would not hurt us or I would never have asked such of you, my Prince."

Conrart leaned into the touch, his hand curling around Yuuri's fingers for a moment, holding them close against his jaw. "Do I really belong in a fairytale for children?"

"Maybe not for children."

Gunter blinked at the exchange, but both men were laughing softly as they continued on, both clearly not willing to share the little thing they shared together with others.

The Capital, The Great Demon Kingdom

The cheers of the crowds filled the air, the streets lined with people and soldiers as they were slowly approaching the main entry gate into the Capital of the Great Demon Kingdom. Music drifted on the warm afternoon breeze, drawing out more citizens from their homes to press in close to get their first glimpses of the new Demon King.

Yuuri glanced down at his clothes, feeling slightly silly dressed in a slightly too big shirt and his own modern black pants and boots. There was nothing noble at all about it, but they hadn't been able to find anything else to fit him as he had been taller than any of them had guessed.

"You can't tell me all this is for my arrival."

"It is, Sire." Conrart rode beside Yuuri, noting the slight discomfort the younger man had with all the attention turned on him. Yet not a word of worry or complaint escaped their new King. "I..."

Gunter suddenly appeared on the other side of Yuuri, face flushed with joy and that... reverent charm. "Welcome back, your Majesty! This is your country. Never forget that everything began with us, the Demon Tribe! We will prosper for eternity with the power, wisdom and bravery that defeated the Originators! This is your country, Majesty, the Kingdom of glory! Praise be to the Great One! Welcome to your kingdom and its capital!"

Yuuri almost wanted to laugh as he watched Gunter's enthusiasm and hand gestures, his obsidian eyes glancing to his other side at Conrart and they shared a quiet smile. "What exactly do you call this kingdom?"

"This is the Great Demon Kingdom."

"Aptly named." Yuuri mused, though he found himself accepting flowers from children who darted forwards to offer up the bunches of brightly coloured blooms. His eyes however fell on a blonde man who stood within the first main arch along the street, six guards flanking him. Shifting slightly, he glanced towards Conrart, lifting one brow and tipping his head just slightly to indicate the older noble blocking their way. "Should I know him, Conrart?"

"That, Sire, is Lord Stoffel Von Spitzweg, he is the older brother of the former Demon Queen." Conrart's jaw tightened, his cinnamon eyes burning with trapped emotions, fingers tightening around the reins of his horse. "He abused his position while serving as de-facto monarch. Stoffel lost his power when the former Demon Queen renounced the throne. He will probably try to ingratiate himself with you in order to win your favour."

"Don't worry, Sire, we are keeping an eye on him. I suppose Gwendal and Wolfram feel the same way about this as we both do."

For all the man looked harmless, the cornflower blue eyes that regarded him held a hint of something that set Yuuri's nerves on edge. "I will heed your warning." His gaze flickered back to Conrart's face, wishing he could reach out again and sooth away the pain that lingered in those silver speckled cinnamon eyes. "I would hope to understand more in due course at your discretion."

"Of course, Sire."

"Yuuri." He whispered softly to Conrart, "Please... I don't want to be Majesty or Sire to you."

Conrart was startled at the request, his horse edged closer to Yuuri's, not wanting to be overheard. "I will try in future to remember, Yuuri, though I have a feeling it will be a while before I do not stumble over it."


He was grateful when Gunter intercepted Stoffel, somehow getting them past before they got waylaid getting to the castle.

It was a blessing to finally enter through the main gates of the castle, his head tipping back and taking in his surroundings with interest, before his gaze stopped on the powerfully built man hovering by the stairs, a scowl planted across his face.

Finally able to dismount, his entire body wanted to slump right onto the ground, every part of him aching rather badly, reminding him that riding all day on horseback would soon become a regular mode of transport for him. A hand lightly rested against the back of one of his shoulders, steadying him while he leaned into Conrart's support as the man moved in protectively to his side.

"Your Majesty." Gunter was coming to his other side, gazing down at him slightly in worry.

"Your Majesty?" Gwendal Von Voltaire scowled when his dark blue eyes fixed on Yuuri, the man's lips pressing together in a sharp line, clearly unimpressed by what he saw.

"If you have a problem with me, Sir, I would ask that you respectfully take it up with me rather than glowering at me as if I am unworthy of your notice."

Gwendal looked surprised by the comeback, thought only his blue eyes revealed that in the way they widened ever so slightly at the rebuke. Their new King was clearly not someone who could ever be considered a weak minded fool.

"Don't tell me he's the new Demon King?" A voice quieted them all as Wolfram stood at the top of the steps, blonde hair gleaning in the warm afternoon sunshine.

Yuuri blinked just once as he stared up at the younger man, a spark of interest fluttering though him at the sight, this was a beautiful man, but one glance to the side and that feeling evaporated like mist at the sight of Conrart Weller. He did apparently have a preference for fairytale princes with large calloused hands and a charming little smile.

HEHE! first episode done XD Nowwwwww XD the exciting one!