HI EVERYONE! IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING QUICKLY! I'll try to be better at updating!

I feel so terrible! DX

And how much I hate writers block and my computer!

Eh hem..

So, this is chapter 3. I hope you guys enjoy it! I forgot to put this in the chapter before, but I don't own anything! *coughwishididthoughcough*

So, enjoy! ^_^


"So, what do you think about going to school?" Arthur asked his fellow nations. Silence was around them, this new information wasn't what they had expected to hear.

Dumbledore looked at the 11 other men that stood around the blind Englishmen.

He knew about them being nations, Arthur told him this eventually after some time, but seeing them like this, face to face with other than Arthur, he secretly felt somewhat like a child, knowing that some of them were thousands years old.


Dumbledore chuckled softly at this one's childish personality he assumed that he was probably the young one of the group, the way he talked and acted, it was childish, but it seemed to fit his youthful face.

Arthur whipped around, meaning to face the brave and arrogant younger child, but failed and was now facing a large, tall man that seemed to come from the north.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! LIKE YOU COULD GET ME INTO A SCHOOL WILLINGLY!" the man called Alfred said, while flashing a grin that seemed to make the world seem brighter and striking a pose.

Arthur seemed oblivious to the fact that the yelling was coming in the direction behind him and continued yelling at the man in front.

Dumbledore stood there, watching his now blind friend, facing the wrong person, and yelling at them without even knowing who he was talking to. He felt like he should maybe take action, walk in and calm them down, but what stopped him was seeing the large man in front of Arthur have an unusual feeling around him. The smile on his face grew larger, an unusual dark purple aura began to take form around him, the man's fists clenched together dangerously, and he slowly reached into his pocket which most likely did not hold something of kind nature. But what was the most terrifying were his eyes, they began to show an unusual look in them, and Dumbledore recognized them, they looked like the eyes of a murderer.


Kiku's eyes widened when he saw Ivan's water pipe slowly sliding into the Russians hand. Looking around quickly, he spotted China. As quick and silently as he could, he hobbled over to his sibling and the others and said whispered, "a-ano, Igirisu might be in trouble right now, if you could, would you maybe constrict Roshia-san before a disaster happens?" But they were already taking action; America had thrown himself in front of Arthur and the angry, rampaging Russian, keeping the enraged man from the blind. France grabbed him swiftly, and rushed away safely, with his rescued britishmen yelling insults and curses at him. Germany stepped in and tried to keep Alfred from killing himself and Spain, Romano, Italy, and china then went over and then was between holding him back and calming him. Though it was mainly china doing all the work.

"Gee, we are really working together much better than we have ever before, it's like we can read each other's movements and know what's gonna happen." Gilbert said while watching the others working quite well together.

"hai,agreed,they are working together much better than before the mansion, its surprising that before then, things like this would be hard to accomplish, let alone working together."

Theyboth watched the fight quickly separate and everyone had calmed down, though Ivan still looked a bit insane, but when does he not?

Dumbledore was amazed, everything went out of control so fast, but they also reacted so quickly, it was truly amazing, there speed, strength, stamina. No normal human being could have these skills normally. It would have been fun to watch these amusing immortals, but Dumbledore thought it was time to take his leave. Quietly and swiftly, Dumbledore strides over toward his nation. While doing so, he takes out 12 letters from his sleeve, and lightly taps England's shoulder.

"Arthur" Dumbledore whispers. In shock, England whips around, almost hitting Dumbledore in the process. "Who's-" "it's me old friend." Dumbledore cuts in. "I need to go now, give these to your companions, these are there letters."Dumbledore gently takes England's hand, and puts the letters in his palm. Feeling the letters with his hands, he flipped through them blindly, most likely counting how many there were. Arthur raises his head, and grins teasingly. "You're playing messenger boy Albus? That's quite funny to me." Dumbledore smiled at the comment. "Oh, very funny Arthur, but I really must get going, things to do at the school." But before Arthur could protest, Dumbledore then turned around and began walking off, but stopped, "I'll see you on September 1st! He called the only thing that made Arthur know that the wizard was gone was the sound of disappearance filling his ear.

Minutes have gone by, and yet, sadly nobody has noticed that the old man with the long white beard had even left. Arthur was sitting on the ground quietly, which was slightly unusual for him. He was running his fingers slowly across the Hogwarts seal that sealed the magical letter inside. He traced the coat of arms with his finger as if he could actually see it. Wait, could he? Slowly, an image of 4 large beasts stood before him. Standing in a large forest with vibrant flowers and trees protecting them. Filled with multiple emotions, He felt his legs rush him over to the majestic creatures he knew so well. He walked to the large snake that looked at him slyly. He reached down and ran his fingers over the skin of the deadly reptile, though it made no move to harm the curious man. The snake gazed at him with its beady eyes, but it wasn't a look of hatred, it was a look of rivalry and Pride. A small cry was heard behind him and Arthur turned around. There stood a large raven, gazing at him with smart, beady eyes. Striding over to it, he stroked the wings of the raven. Its feathers shimmered with the sun, dully reflecting the light. He felt its eyes look at him and he looked up. Staring into the eyes of the large bird. The look it gave him was one that a teacher gives to their best student. Stepping away, he felt something rub softly against his ankle. Looking down, he found himself looking into the sweet chocolate eyes of the badger of Hufflepuff. Kneeling down, he stroked its pelt softly enjoying the softness of its fur, and the warmth if it. It looked at him happily enjoying being petted, but a growl of annoyance came from nearby which brought him away from the kind animal. Arthur looked around for the source, and found his un-blinded eyes looking at a stunning lion, standing with its chest puffed out and its head high. Stepping toward it, the badger made no move to follow. The lion had its muzzle put into an unusual smile. Arthur stepped into the reach of the lion, and he would have sworn he could feel the breath of the majestic creature gently blowing on him. Bowing his head slightly, the lion reached toward his head and touched his muzzle to his crown.

Rising, Arthur smiled at all the animals around him. Delight filled his once-blind eyes. But suddenly, the world around them darkened, looking around, Arthur noticed the world changing from a beautiful, cheery forest, to a dark, evil, and death filled woods. All the animals crouched down in either fear or prepared to attack. The darkness was getting worse, and Arthur was barely able to see his hands in front of him. Arthur stood there, feeling helpless, and unable to do anything. Suddenly, through the darkness, a screech ripped through the air, liquid splashed into his face, startled, Arthur fell back, when he reached to his face he wiped some of the liquid off, the smell of it was all too familiar, horrified, Arthur stood up quickly, trying to find the attacker that harmed his friend. he quickly shook himself out, and prepared to fight whatever was ambushing them. But before he could do anything, something lashed out at him, striking his side. Ripping him apart. Letting out a cry, he swatted at it, trying to keep it away. But the unknown attacker payed no attention to the wimpy defense. And pushed even harder. And before long, Arthur could barely move, and layer there, wanting the pain to go away. He felt the shadow of the unknown demon right above him, preparing for the final blow, when suddenly; the lion let out a mighty roar, and charged, raking its claws across the other beast. Lightning flashed, showing an instant picture of the lion reaching out to make a kill, and a dark, grey alien-like creature charging at it. " No!" Arthur screamed, reaching his hand out, begging for the fighting to stop. but then, the picture was gone, the darkness returned. The pain left and the sound of clatter reached Arthurs ears. And all Arthur could do was pray silently hoping that his friends would not hear him crying.

Im sorry if the ending was to depressing… it ended different than I wanted to. But I think its still good enough. I also wish I could get rid of this terrible writers block that I have… but I am sometimes just naver able to think of anything… I know, its not an excuse.

And also, some of you are probable like, "why was England so wimpy and stuff in the end?" well, I sortove pictured him to be sortove the young child while with the other houses. Because they are basically the ones who taught him.

Well, ill stop ranting and stuff now. Bye!

*main cast pops up* Bye!