After seeing NCIS: LA back on Tuesday I just had to put this up.

Just a little one shot


"Mr. Beale a word in my office please," came the voice of his diminutive boss.

Eric was wondering why Hetty was asking to see him now. He was almost done for the day and was ready to head out to enjoy his Christmas. He got up and made his way downstairs to her office.

"Have a seat," she indicated to the chair. Taking a seat Eric had to wonder if he had done anything wrong. "it is my understanding that you interrupted a video chat that Miss Jones was having with her family."

Uh oh,was all he could say in his head. Ok his curiosity got the better of him and now he knew Nell was upset with him. "Um …" he tried to stall the inedible .

"Well Mr. Beale, I had given Nell permission to contact her family during lunch via video chat since she would be missing the holidays with them this year."

Oh shit, I'm in trouble.

"I told her she could do it during your lunch break to give her some privacy. What I didn't expect was for you to go spying on her and interrupting that time."

Eric was trying to figure a way out of this but couldn't he knew he'd blown it and now not only was Nell upset with him but Hetty as well. Okay he had to admit he was curious as to who she was video chatting with and he thought that she was breaking the rules but Nell's too smart for that, he now realized

"Do you have anything to say, Eric?"

Eric was trying to keep himself from squirming in the chair. Everyone knew to "Never get into trouble with Hetty" now he was going to find out firsthand what that meant. Finally he couldn't be silent anymore. "Uh, I'm sorry Hetty. I didn't mean to interrupt her."

"Well you did and it created an uncomfortable situation for her."

"I know."

"And you do know that Nell wouldn't go breaking the rules since she came and asked me first. To that I had agreed to her doing the video chat from here as long as she had some privacy. "

"I'm sorry Hetty," was all Eric could say. He knew that once everyone else found out he would not here the end of it.

"Well, sorry isn't going to cut it Eric, and until you recognize that everyone is entitled to their privacy there are consequences for your actions.""

Eric just nodded. He knew that whatever it was it was not going to be good.

Hetty picked up the pot and began pouring herself some tea which left Eric on edge which was the effect she was hoping for. "You will be coming in on New Year"s day at 6:00 a.m. sharp to do a twelve hour shift here. I do hope that you are sober Mr. Beale since I know that you do go out and celebrate the New Year with your friends."

Eric slumped in his chair. He was supposed to be hosting a party with a friend on New Year's Eve and that would last until two in the morning at the earliest. Thank God New Year's is on a Sunday this year so the Rose Parade would be on Monday. Now he'll have to pull out of hosting the party if he wanted to keep his job.

"Um… Hetty, I thought you already had people scheduled to be here that day." Hetty always had ops manned at all times since things had a tendency to happen at all hours and Hetty was monitoring operations in the Middle East as well.

"I reworked the schedule so that you could be here for those 12 hours."

Eric nodded, he knew the ops techs were probably celebrating right now over the schedule change.

"Now I expect you here next Sunday to do this shift you will be alone Mr. Beale and everyone will be instructed not to come in at all that day. Do I make myself clear."

"Yes ma'am."

"Now go finish up and head home."

Eric left Hetty's office his head spinning. It won't be long before the others found out and now he had to find a way to make it up to Nell. Why and how does he ever get himself into these things.

You are welcome to R&R

Happy Holidays.