Eric suffered a traumatic childhood. Revenge to those who tore his family apart has been his goal. Will the spirit of Christmas heal his soul and repair his heart?

England 1889:

Bah! Humbug! Eric's mind kept repeating. Charles Dickens certainly had his continued sentiments in mind when he wrote A Christmas Carol. To Eric, this time of the year did not bring joy and happiness, just sadness and rage. Hopefully those feelings would be appeased after today. After today…..his well-planned revenge would finally begin.

Sitting alone atop a ridge in a rented carriage, he viewed the country estate he now owned. His enemy was a known drinker and carouser. When it came to gambling, Joshua Walker was no competition. Eric's life lessons had taught him well and gambling was high on his list of fortes.

Finally, after calming his rapid heartbeat, Eric tapped on the ceiling to signal his driver to continue on down the steep, unkempt drive. The country estate of one Joshua Walker, the fourth Earl of Atherton, was now Eric's to do with whatever he pleased. And what he pleased was to totally destroy Lord Walker and the family living within.

He forced any guilty feelings out of his mind. Sure Lord Walker's family was innocent of his crimes, but blood was blood or association in this case. Eric's hired detective informed him that Lord Walker had one natural child and two step children, with his wife dying in childbirth two years ago. They must suffer right along with their father just as his family suffered so long ago. Eric would not budge on the extent of revenge. One family for another...a motto recently acquired.

His thoughts always returned to his own family...yes….he had a family once…. a loving mother, a sweet sister and his father, the Marquis of Devon. Of course as a child, Eric didn't understand the drama of his parents' relationship. He had no idea of rank or the fact that his father was the son and heir to one of the most powerful Duke's in England.

Eric's father, the heir to the Duke of Northridge, was a budding lad of 15 when he fell madly in love with Molly MacEwen, the flame haired daughter of his father's steward, Liam MacEwen. Liam ran his father's hunting lodge in Inverness, Scotland and the young Marquis would accompany his father twice a year for their annual hunting trips.

It was love at first sight for both youngsters and Molly became the Marquis' best friend. They would fish and hunt and ride their horses until sunset each day. Twice a year, their friendship blossomed until the Marquis was 18 and little Molly was 16. Then friendship turned into passion and lust and Molly soon became pregnant with their first child.

The Marquis' father would not allow a marriage. He personally adored little Molly, but she was a commoner who would not suit as the future Duchess of Northridge. He would not budge on the matter of marriage. He did, however, feel sorry for Molly, so he promised her and the bastard she was carrying a small allowance. She was to never see his son again and the child would never be told of his father's family. If she did not adhere to the Duke's plans, she and the child would be sent far away from her family to raise the baby.

Of course the strong willed Marquis would never allow the love of his life to endure her pregnancy alone and he would not be an absentee father. Leaving her was not an option, however, and since Eric's father had reached his majority, he and Molly eloped to Gretna Green.

Their love was passionate and volatile at times. Molly did not wish for her husband to give up his future for her, while the Marquis cared only for Molly and their expected child. He didn't wish for the power his inheritance would bring….his happiness was his wife and future family.

Wealthy in his own right, The Marquis leased a beautiful townhouse in London and together he and Molly awaited the birth of their first child. Eric arrived six months after their wedding and the gossips of London had a field day. Of course they all assumed the Marquis had impregnated his Scottish mistress and thought nothing of the child they all assumed was a bastard.

After two years of wedded bliss the happy family added a beautiful daughter. Pam was too small and too loud as far as Eric was concerned, but time took care of that and soon she was his best friend and he loved her dearly. They were both given the best of everything including an excellent live-in governess. Eric was smarter than most children his age and soon he would be off to Eton for a proper education. He had mixed feelings about school, but his parents wished it and that was that. He still did not realize the Ton considered him a bastard and not his father's true heir.

Eric and Pam never met their grandfather the Duke, and the fact that he never acknowledged their existence was unknown to them. He claimed the marriage was illegal and the children were bastards. His son needed a true heir so, without Marquis' knowledge, he arranged a betrothal between him and Miriam Walker, the daughter of the Earl of Atherton. Miriam had a cold beauty and a very large dowry. Her physical beauty was, however, overshadowed by her vicious and cruel personality. When the Marquis refused the betrothal insisting he already had a wife and family, she took it upon herself to rid the Marquis of that wife and family.

Thinking his refusal was taken seriously by the Duke, Eric's father didn't question the supposed business trip that was to only keep him away from his family a day at the most. It was Christmas and they were all so looking forward to the festivities Molly had planned. His father gave him no time to send a message to his family. He only prayed Molly wouldn't worry.

Not only was he gone longer than a day, he was held up in a coaching inn fifty miles from London and rendered unconscious. When he did awake, a strange man held him at gunpoint. He could not have anticipated the cruel turn his life would take when he finally broke free to join his family that Christmas.

Eric's grandfather and Miss Walker, along with Miss Walker's brother Joshua, concocted a cruel plan that would imprison Molly. Of course her children would be put in an orphanage and the Marquis would return from his business trip free to marry Miss Walker.

That plan was put into place on Christmas Eve. Eric and Pam had gathered around the beautiful tree the small family had found and cut on the Marquis's country estate. There were so many presents under the tree that the small parlor could not hold them all. All of a sudden the front door was broken down with a loud crash and Miss Walker along with her brother Joshua, rushed into the house with a Bow Street runner.

"Seize her!" Miriam yelled. "She is a thief and her children are rotten little urchins. You will find my necklace in that green box in front of the tree. She stole it from my house and was going to pretend my betrothed purchased it for her. Take her now!"

"I am afraid I don't know what you are talking about." Molly fearfully proclaimed. "My husband should be here soon to straighten this out. I am sure this is just a misunderstanding. Perhaps you have broken the door to the wrong house. Since that is the case, please leave here before my husband returns home." Molly was in tears and it was all that 12 year old Eric could do to console her.

"Please leave now!" Eric shouted standing in front of his mother as to protect her from what was about to happen.

"You my fine fellow have an appointment on a ship bound for Hell as far as I am concerned." Joshua Walker pronounced with an evil smile. Grabbing Eric by the arm, he forced Eric out the front door.

"Don't touch my mama! If you harm my baby sister and mama….you are all dead. Just wait until my father gets here…he will kill you and if he doesn't kill you, you will pray for death when I am through with you and your family. Do….you…..hear….me?" Eric screamed at the top of his lungs, but to no avail. Joshua Walker and his sister merely laughed at the thought of this child hurting them.

As Eric struggled to break free, the Bow Street Runner opened the door to a iron prison wagon and he was shoved inside. It was dark except for a barred window in the rear. As his wagon began to move forward in the direction of the docks, he was able to reach the barred window just as his mother and sister were shoved into another prison wagon headed toward Newgate Prison.

Why was this happening? Where was his father? Eric wondered as the wagon slowed and stopped. He smelled the sea and the stink of the docks. Before he could escape, Lord Walker pulled Eric out of the wagon with such force; he felt his shoulder had been dislocated. Through the pain he continued to kick and scream. Hoping the noise he was making would draw the attention of caring adults who would return him to his mother. That hope soon proved to be just a dream. Instead the attention he got was a swift kick in the rear driving him further onto the deck of the ship. The evil Joshua Walker handed a banknote to what looked like the captain and turned and exited the ship.

The captain turned and smiled at Eric. "You are a right pretty boy, aren't you? We do get real lonely on our long voyages. If you decide to continue your fits of anger, we can arrange a suitable protector for you. If that doesn't keep you quiet I'm sure my bullwhip will do the trick."

That was all Eric needed to quiet him. His anger was still there, he was just smart enough to know he wanted to live and survive this Hell. He needed to help his mother and sister. Where was father? Eric thought as he was dragged to a lower portion of the ship and shown the section of the hard wooden floor that would be his home. Survival was important to Eric, so he complied.

As the years went by Eric's misery and hatred for Joshua Walker and his evil sister burned his soul. If he could only hear news of his mother and sister, was his father in time to save them? If his father had taken care of them he could have stopped worrying and endured his new life at sea.

The first captain was cruel and thought nothing of leaving Eric on deck for days at a time. He enjoyed toying with Eric's mind and occasionally used his bullwhip just to remind him who was in charge. The marks across his back were a constant reminder of what Joshua Walker's cruelty did to him.

After a year, Eric's life changed for the better when the newly appointed captain Stephen Wilson, showed him kindness and took it upon himself to teach Eric the ways of the sea. He not only learned everything there was to know about captaining a merchant ship, his skills with a knife and sword, including the two handed Highland claymore, were soon honed to perfection. The seaman often fought amongst themselves and Eric learned how to use his brawn when it came to fisticuffs. Soon he was feared among each crew he sailed with.

Because of his Scottish/ Norse blood on his mother's side, he grew very tall and muscular. His blond hair and blue eyes reminded those he met of a Viking warrior. So large were his arms and chest muscles, a barbarian would fear his approach. His looks alone opened doors for the young seaman and he soon became the favorite of every brothel in every port his ship docked. The skills of a lover were his favorite of course, but that of a gambler proved to be the one skill that allowed his soul deep vengeance to take on a life of its own.

When the Marquis returned home and found his family gone five years ago, he immediately confronted his father. His father told him his mistress was in prison and his bastards were scattered never to be found. The Duke thought surely now his son would marry properly and forget about the family that had been forced on him twelve years ago. How wrong he was! Love cannot be forgotten or thrown away and he assured his father the only thing that was forced was his feelings for his own father.

Rushing to right the terrible wrong that had befallen his family, the Marquis set about rescuing Molly first. After providing their marriage certificate and a sworn statement claiming his father and Miss Walker lied about the theft, it still took two months for her release from Newgate. By then, her health had suffered and she was not the same, beautiful woman. She longed for her children and thank God, Pam was found two weeks later in a rundown orphanage. The child had been given only one meal a day and along with her weight loss, she refused to speak. Even after her rescue, she spoke not a word.

After five years of searching every merchant shipping company in England and France, Eric's father, the new Duke of Northridge, finally rescued him. He was returned home just before Christmas on his 17th birthday. Once again Christmas brought a combination of happiness for his rescue, but sadness to learn his beloved mother had just died. She suffered complications from her imprisonment, but held on with hopes she would see her son again. The mother he loved dearly, the woman who's beauty and kindness kept Eric sane throughout his ordeal, was gone. He didn't get to say good-bye and Joshua Walker was to blame.

If it wasn't for their father's strength throughout the entire ordeal, the children would not have survived. With the Duke's death, Eric's father was now the 7th Duke of Northridge and with the power and fortune that came with that position, he tried to right the wrongs his family endured.

Eric had other plans. His days were busy as he became used to his acceptance as the true heir to his father's fortune. How soon the Ton can change its' acceptance of one as devilishly handsome and rich as Eric. He was much sought after by the young debutants and the young wives and widows begged him for his expertise in the bedroom. His nights, however, were plagued with dreams of Lord Walker and his sister and he vowed revenge each time he woke with his body covered in sweat. He also vowed to repay the cruelty suffered by Pam, for at 17 she was still unable to speak. She was too shy to enjoy a Season, so her hopes of marrying were nonexistent.

Presently, however, as Eric's carriage stopped in front of the Walker home's front door, the snow began to fall. Damn! What else will plague this day? Eric cursed. He knocked at the front door with his eviction notice in hand. Should he force the family to leave today…no he cannot be that cruel. Just the notice itself will be enough to bring the fear of God into their black hearts. Surely Lord Walker's family is just as cruel and evil as their father!

Knock,knockno answer. Just a little harder…..Knock, knock….still nothing. All of a sudden the door swung open with Eric expecting a butler to ask who is calling. Instead a small boy of about 10 years ran out the door. Behind him another lad, perhaps about 14 or 15 was chasing him. Eric stood and watched the children in awe. He was right….not only were these children filthy, they were rude and did not show him the courtesy he deserved. Perhaps they should be thrown out today! That would solve this… this show of disrespect, Eric thought.

The older lad finally caught up with the youngster and tackled him to the ground. They began to wrestle and giggle and soon it became apparent to Eric they were having fun. Eric cleared his throat…..the wrestling continued and no butler or maid came to the door. Finally he walked over to the boys and grabbed the older one by the collar and pulled him to a standing position.

"What the hell!" the boy yelled before his hat fell off and thick, blond, silky hair fell down his back.

"A woman? You are a woman?" Eric questioned as he stared at the most beautiful, angelic face he had ever seen. Throughout his extensive travels her face could not be rivaled. As his eyes moved down her body, he now stared at large breasts and a tiny waist with rounded hips. Her tight breeches were tucked into high leather boots. Every curve was definitely accentuated. Eric hardened instantly. He could not recall any female having this effect before. Her pouty lips gave a sly smile as she too noticed Eric's arousal.

The young boy was still on the ground, but his eyes met Eric's and giggled. "Yep, she's a girl alright. She's mean as hell and if you could just hold onto her for me…..I would be obliged. I need to escape her wrath before my bottom suffers greatly!"

"Your right about that, brat. You will come with me this minute and clean up the mess you made in your bedroom. We will not get our tree until then. Do I make myself clear? Now go…..while I take care of this Dandy from God knows where." The beautiful girl rolled her eyes and gave Eric a defiant stare.

"But Sookie…'s starting to snow and we will never find a good tree. We will freeze if we don't go now. My room can wait," the boy looked like he was about to cry.

"Where are your servants? Surely a spoiled boy such as this one has servants who can pick up after him?" Eric was returning the defiant stare when all of a sudden the girl called Sookie picked up her leg and gave him a hard kick in the shin.

"Ouch! What the…? How dare you touch me? I am here on important business and you had better be more respectful of your betters!" Eric was livid and if he had thought to bring a moving wagon he would have these brats out of his house today.

Did he just say betters? God, he had never thought himself better than anyone…..except the cursed Walkers. "I repeat, I am here on important business and I need to speak to the lady, and I mean L-a-d-y of the house. I know for a fact the Lord of the house is still in London licking his wounds. So where is the Lady?"

"That would be me," the angel spoke. "I am actually Lady and Lord, because that damn stepfather of ours has not been home for three months. Why don't you step inside and see what his neglect has wrought. You sound as if you have seen him lately….so tell me…..does he intend to return anytime soon. I have run out of family heirlooms to sell….just so we can eat. Luckily we have enough wood, unlike the city Dandy's who use expensive coal, and we can keep the house relatively warm. But food… that is another subject."

Eric was surprised to hear of the lack of food. Had Lord Walker's gambling and whoring deprived his children of food? Perhaps he should rethink when his revenge should begin. A little more time with the lovley Sookie would also relieve his...tension. "We must talk business, now and...did you mention a Christmas Tree? Alow me to assist you while we get acquainted."

"Why in God's name would we want to become acquainted with a Dandy?" Sookie looked the handsome stranger in the eye and winked.

Flirting was something she missed terribly. Her Season was just beginning when her father died. A year of mourning and then her stepmother's marriage to Lord Walker ruined all hopes of a future. Perhaps this handsome Dandy will bring a little excitement to her busy but boring life?

A/N: Next chapter… Sookie's story and how she came to be related to Lord Walker. Will Eric take his revenge...or will the young family's joy of Christmas save his soul? This will be a short Christmas Story so if the interest is there I will continue. Since this will be a short story, I hope to finish before Christmas. I won't continue, however, if there is no interest. Lately my addiction to historical romances has taken my interest in writing away. Hopefully an all human, historical romance won't turn you all off. Let me know.

Also, this story is rated you know what that means. Thanks again for everyone's patience in the past and hope you enjoy.