

Horrible news reached the Foundation. We received the information that the Organisation is making experiments with seekers… We think that the Organisation is trying to build the perfect weapon… Perfect amulets, perfect powers, perfect strength… I guess it has to do something with this crazy scientist Klaus… You've already heard about him…

The Foundation decided that we have to step in. We can't sit here and watch while innocent seekers are being killed… This could also be the reason for Scarlett's disappearance… Maybe she was being caught and is now held prisoner…

We will meet in Venice, Friday, 10:00 o'clock in the evening at the Foundation's quarters…

We need your help Dante, without you as our companion we won't be able to stand up against it…

I know that I can count on you…

I'll see you there, my boy…

Yours Metz…

I had this idea and somehow I just wanted to write it down…

Next chapter will give you more information and more action…

Please review…
