Oh my gosh… you guys have no idea how much I love you all! I am so glad you all have more faith in my writing then I do! I really didn't have the heart to take down my first ever fanfic… so I am just going to start all over and slap the beginning of the rewritten stuff at where I left off. Some chapters (like this one) will have to be completely rewritten; others will just need some touch ups here and there.

I don't own Black Butler! ^^

So without further ado, here's the first rewritten chapter of Sebby's Kitten

A nervous, sandy haired boy straightened his shirt for the millionth time. He paced back and forth and fiddled with the bouquet of flowers, arranging and rearranging the bright cheery flowers. He wiped his sweaty palms on his dusty jeans and his head jerked up at every sound. Finally the person he was waiting for walked out of the high school classroom door.

The small girl had warm golden brown hair that fell to her waist and shining golden gray eyes, her skin was golden and sun-kissed as well. Everything about the girl radiated gold and warmth. She was practically dwarfed by her tall, equally golden friend who was eagerly tittering to her about something seemingly unsubstantial, tossing her golden main of hair over her shoulder, her warm blue/green eyes glittering enough to match her glittering makeup.

The boy straightened his outfit once more, took a deep breath to gather his scattered nerves and walked toward the pair. He cleared his throat to politely get the smaller girls attention. She turned to face him and her dainty lips rose to a soft smile. The boy blushed and handed her the flowers without a word. She took them, smiled a smudge wider and thanked him warmly. He took confidence from her words and said

"Th-thanks Kit… I'm glad you l-like them…"

He mentally cursed himself for stuttering at this, of all moments. Her tall blonde friend nudged her with a wink and the small girl looked away, slender fingers still lightly holding the flowers and large eyes distant and dreamy. The boy panicked at her apparent disinterest and stuttered out

"L-look Kit, about the d-dance… I was w-wondering if, m-maybe, er…"

The tall friend nudged the small girl once again, this time a bit harder. The girl gave a start and her attention back to the stuttering boy in front of her again; she gave her sweet smile and said

"Oh Yes! I remember the winter dance! I think Peter has asked me to go with him, who are you planning on going with?"


Heart: = Crushed.

No, not just crushed, smashed, imploded, executed, destroyed, shattered, defenestrated, maimed, drawn and quartered… no amount of words could describe the horrible sinking path the boy felt his heart take from his chest to the pit of his stomach.

The blonde friend face-palmed, apologized to the dejected male and dragged her small oblivious friend around the corner of the hallway and soundly whacked her over the head in attempt of knocking some sense into her.

"Mrs. Veronica Kitten Ponders! I am ashamed of you! What was that?"

The small girl, Kitten, rubbed her sore head and winced at her friend's use of her full name

"I'm sorry, mother." She emphasized the word 'mother' by mockingly sticking out her tongue "But seriously, Lilly," she continued, "I really don't know what I did wrong…"

The tall blonde, Lillian, moved into a dramatic pose and cried out "You mercilessly tore out a boy's heart, threw it on the ground and viciously stomped on it with your little leather Mary Jane shoes that's what you did wrong!"

Kitten tilted her head curiously and asked honestly "What do you mean?"

"That poor boy was trying to ask you to the winter dance!"

"Huh, really? That was nice of him I suppose…"

Lillian face palmed once more "How could you not notice?"

Kitten once more had a far off look in her warm eyes and thought out loud "How strange, I wonder why he asked me…"

Lillian's perfectly manicured hand met with her forehead once more with a resounding *thwack*. Her strong hand grabbed Kitten's wrist and began dragging her back to the scene of the crime (the crime of murdering a young boy's heart, of course!) Her glittery lime green nails dug into the smaller girl's soft skin as she called out

"You, young lady are going to apologize to that poor boy, you hear me?"

"Yes mother dear" responded Kitten, who despite her joking, still had that sweet smile in place.

Lillian pretended to be offended and rolled her eyes, but couldn't keep her cheery grin from creeping back onto her freckled face.

They reached the place where the unfortunate boy tried his luck against a hopelessly clueless girl. Lillian took a quick look around the general area and sighed "You stay here Kit, and look for him. I have to go talk with Skye before his bus leaves…" and with a wave of her slender hand she disappeared into the growing crowd of high school students busying themselves with leaving the building.

Kitten wandered around more or less aimlessly, idly playing with the flowers given to her when she was stopped by a tall boy. She looked up in surprise when she recognized Ben.

Now how to explain Benjamin Savage, there are not quite many like him around. Which is for the best, if we had too many Ben Savage's running around the world would be just that much worse. Yes sir-ee, one Benjamin Savage is plenty enough for us thank you.

Why? Because he is cruel, vindictive, vicious, arrogant and ruthlessly charming if it's in his own best interest among other things. Now our little protagonist here, Kitten (as you have doubtlessly noticed by now) is rather oblivious even to this boy's cruelty. But even she, with all her impossible cluelessness didn't like being the boy more then she had to. It was something about his fake smile that unnerved her.

Nevertheless, she was polite and apologized for running into him. He responded in his deliciously smooth cold voice "Hello Kitten, how perfect meeting you now, I was actually looking for you…"

"Oh really? Why were you looking for me?" She asked innocently. Lillian had always told her that people have a little alarm bell in the back of their minds that go off every time there is danger near, she has also said that Kitten didn't have that bell. Kitten had proved this many times and this moment was just another example.

Ben's posture shifted into a stylish leaning pose against the tile wall of the hallway, the very image of suave. His smiled was quirked into a crooked position by villainous thoughts. "I found out something rather interesting about you…"

"What did you-" Ben interrupted her question with dark chuckling

"Tell me, freak. Is it true you have an imaginary friend?"

Her paling features confirmed his question. His chuckles turned into cruel cackling

"It's true? HA! His name is Sebastian or something, right? Some butler?"

Tears began to prickle at the edge of Kitten's large golden-gray eyes. Ben bent down at the waist so he could stage whisper into her ear "Also, a little bird told me that everyone at your last school knew about this…"

"Oi! Would you care for a cup of tea?"

"Haha, your imaginary butler can get some for you!"

"Oh little kitty cat! Do you really still have imaginary friends?"

"Hey! Wanna meet my magical invisible unicorn"

"You're so pathetic…"

"You weirdo!"



These and many more voices echoed from her past. Kitten's ears rang with the harsh words and it wasn't until Ben's cold whispered voice cut through her pained thoughts that she remembered where she was

"…It would be such a shame for such a thing to be spread around, hey, maybe if I'm lucky you could get run out of this school too…" his oily voice was enough to send Kitten running.

He's cackling just spurred her along even more.


"And 1…2…3…, and 1…2…3, and 1…2- No no young master, you must place your foot this way…"

Sebastian smoothly corrected Ciel Phantomhive, his young master, for the umpteenth time that evening. The Earl's usual dancing instructor was sick and since he would be attending a ball the next night, his butler decided it would be prudent for the boy to review the basic dancing steps.

Ciel scowled and looked down to his feet "This whole thing is stupid... I'm not planning to go to the Viscount's ball to dance, I must investigate for-"

His raven haired butler sharply tapped his back and pulled his master's chin up to look him in the eye. "This posture simply will not do, young master. You must stand up straight and look your partner in the eye lest the lovely lady is offended…"

The boy earl shoved the butler away and stormed off to sit behind his desk "Our lesson is finished. Go fetch me some tea, and perhaps something sweet to accompany it…"

The butler placed a gloved hand over his heart and bowed regally "Yes, young master."

He turned and started to walk out of his young master's office when the boy said "Wait, before I forget, I need you to find a girl for me."

Sebastian smirked and said in his usual silky way "Lady Elizabeth with be most displeased if she discovers your interest in other girls…"

"Don't be daft. I need someone to accompany me to the Viscount's ball. He needs to be distracted while I do my work for the queen."

"Ah, I see, so you need a pretty little thing in a skirt to keep him busy?"

"Hm, yes… do what you must; I'm placing my trust in you."

"I will not disappoint." The butler gave a mysterious smile and continued "I might already have an old friend of mine in mind who can fill that position…"

Ciel raised a dark eyebrow and asked "You really have that many young girl 'friends'?" he shook his head, "Why am I not surprised…"

"Because I am simply-"

"Yes yes, 'One Hell of a Butler'"


A lithe form sat at a smooth metal table. Its long pale fingers danced over a chessboard and fingered a black ebony knight thoughtfully. A knock was heard at the door and the figure silently gestured for the puppet man to enter.

"Come Drocell, have you the elixir?" a rich velvet voice asked.

The purple-eyed puppet bowed stiffly and handed the figure a tiny vial of swirling silver liquid. A pale hand reached out for it and grinned a pointed toothed grin with gleaming white fangs.

The hand then uncorked the small bottle and poured in some sugar.

The puppet questioned his new master in his flat and wooden voice "What is that you add to the elixir? I think to myself back to when I visited the alchemist, he warned not to change the elixir's mixture so as not to change its effects…"

The seductive voice laughed eerily and responded "true, but I am a firm believer in that a lover's poison should be made to be sweet so that it's sting can be made enjoyable…don't you agree?"

The puppet made no response and as no thought was betrayed beneath the dead eyes, the voice continued

"Even if the victim of the poison will be… one hell of a butler."


Me: ha! And you guys thought I would forget my witty dialogue in the author notes, huh? Well no fear!

Ciel: Oh joy, we're back…

Me: *squees* *hugs him* you don't know how much I missed you and your epic emoness!

Sebastian: oh I don't know, you seemed to have kept yourself busy without us here…

Me: urgh I have been so busy! I mean, I have a couple summer jobs and I am helping my friend move into a new apartment this week and-

Ciel: what is this? *Picks up an England plushie*

Me: oh right! I went to my first con a couple weeks ago and since I've gotten into Hetalia recently a friend got it for me and…

Sebastian: where is the whimsical toy of my young master in that blue cow suit…?

Me: oh! Er… I don't know… it's around somewhere probably…


Me: No no! Nobody could replace you and-

Sebastian: *eyes glow demonically* would you like me to avenge you, young master?

Me: *gulps nervously*

Ciel: *smirks* Welcome Back.