This takes place 2 and half years after Reed and Sue breakup. But, Rachel was born before they got together. In my fanfic when Sue and Johnny find out she's 6. Rachel Alexander Richards was born December 5, 1999 by Reeds older sister Heather Richards who was six years older than Reed. Reed didn't tell anyone about rachel because his sister moved and she didn't want anyone to know. Reed didn't know about Rachel til 3 weeks before Sue broke up with him. And I will only add details of how it works for now until the hospital scene where it will be made up and maybe a little truth full scene, but I don't have the script so we'll see. And my time line/ when they go into space maybe different along with the whole fanfic. Enjoy!


It stars before Reed and Ben go to see Victor & 3 Weeks before the trip to space

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy let's play!," said Rachel.

But Reed says, "Sorry baby Daddy has to go with Uncle Ben to see if he can go to space and test his theory, but once I get back I'll play with you all you want. So, wait here and don't leave the building until I get back. Okay."

Rachel Says, " Okay, but when you get back you have to help me pack for camp."

"That's only fair, so okay, Bye, " Reed says.

Skips to three weeks later/Day of the launch

Reed and Ben unpack gear into lockers. Suddenly -

Johnny says, "Captain on the bridge!" Ben goes to attention on reflex: Johnny snaps a picture with a digital camera. Then advances, as Ben realizes who it is...

Johnny then says, "Digital camera: $254. Memory stick: $59. The look on your hard-ass former CO's grill when he finds out he's your junior officer: priceless."

Ben eyeballs Johnny, suddenly reaches up as if to grab him. Johnny flinches. But Ben just reaches for Johnny's zipper, adjusts his uniform.

Ben responds, " I can handle the ship. I can even handle Mr. Blonde Ambition. But I don't know if I should be flying or playing Vegas in these suits. Who the hell came up with them?"

Sue says, "Victor did."

Sue enters, wearing her blue, wetsuit-like uniform, carrying a stack of flightsuits. She hands them out to the guys.

Then Sue says, "The synthetics act as a second skin, adapting to your individual needs to -"

Johnny says, " Keep the hot side hot, and the cool side cool!"

Reed exclaims, "Wow. Fantastic."

Reed stares at Sue in the skintight outfit. She wonders, maybe hopes - is he actually checking her out?

Reed says, "Material made from self-regulating unstable molecules. I've been working on a formula for this."

Sue responds, "Great minds think alike."

Victor says, "Guess some think faster than others."

Victor enters, wearing his custom-tailored flightsuit.

Victor says, "I hired Armani to design the pattern. These colors will look great on camera."

A door opens. Leonard enters, in a sharp suit.

Leonard says, "They're ready for you, sir."

Victor says, "Showtime."

The space station in the distance, rotating in orbit above Earth. The shuttle eases in and docks. Victor and Sue lead the others into the command center.

Johnny says in a dad voice to Ben, "If you behave, maybe next time daddy'll let you drive."

Ben responds, "Keep talking, there won't be a next time."

Reed is focused on the earth.

Sue says, "Long way from the projection booth at the Hayden Planetarium, isn't it?"

Reed turns towards her - a little stunned that she would bring that up. It's the first time she's been nice to him so far. He smiles, gently, hesitantly, always hesitant with Sue.

Reed responds, "Yes. Yes it is."

Johnny and Ben exchange a look. Reed keeps looking at the stars, eyes wide, like a little kid. They enter the nerve center of the space station. Victor goes to a computer console on the observation deck below. The windows are closed, so there's nothing to observe.

Victor says to the ground;via comm-link, "Leonard, how's the feed?"

Leonard says, "Recording, sir. We see you perfectly."

Victor glances at a camera mounted into the console.

Sue says, "We can monitor the cloud's approach and observe the tests from here."

Ben asks, "Is it safe?"

Reed responds, "The shields on the station should protect us."

"Should?" ,Ben questions.

Victor asks, "What's wrong, Ben? Eighty-million dollars worth of equipment not enough for you?"

Ben turns to Victor. A little tension. Reed cuts it:

Reed says to Ben, "Let's start loading those samples. Get your suit ready, Ben."

Victor keeps his eyes on Ben.

Victor asks, "So you still do all the heavy lifting?"

Victor gives a friendly smile, patting Reed.

Victor says to Reed, "Maybe you should have stayed back in the lab. Field work never suited you."

Reed doesn't defend himself. Ben steps up.

Ben responds to Victor, "He does the talking. I do the walking. Got it?"

Victor holds tight to his smile. He nods, condescending.

Victor says, "Got it. So take a walk, Ben...I'm going to borrow Susan for a second."

Reed says, "Sure."

Ben and Johnny read his in air lock with Ben and Johnny Ben preps for a space walk, putting on a helmet and boots. Johnny unloads a set of clear sample boxes off of a cart, each containing a variety of plants.

Johnny says to Ben, "Please tell me your dawg's not trying to rekindle things with my sister."

Ben responds, "Course not. Strictly business."

Johnny says, "Yeah, well, his eyes say different."

Ben says to Johnny, "Hey, two hearts got busted last time. Maybe she's not over it either."

Johnny says to Ben, "Let's see: you got Victor, stud of the year, more coin than God? Or Reed, the world's dumbest smart guy worth less than a postage stamp. Hmmm, it's a toss-up."

Ben says, "Put your tiny little mind at ease."

Johnny says, "Don't you wander off, boy."

Johnny steps out of the air-lock and shuts the door. He looks through a small window to see Ben give the thumbs up. The airlock door opens, and Ben gracefully steps into space.

At the same time on the observation deck, Sue descends the stairs at Victor's behest. Joins him.

Victor says to Sue, "Surprised I agreed to Reed's proposal?"

Sue responds, "I understand the business reasons."

Victor says, "Well, when you're looking at your future, it never hurts to find closure about the past."

Sue's eyes narrow.

Sue says, "What is this about...?"

Victor says, "Susan, every man dreams that he'll meet some woman he can give the world to."'

He presses a button and the observation deck's outer windows open up, revealing a spectacular, romantic view of the earth.

Victor then says, "In my case, it's not just a metaphor."

While she stares out the window, Victor reaches into a pocket, revealing a ring box. Sue looks unsettled.

At the same time in the nearby corridor,Reed checks data on a work station, set on a wall. The results of his calculations are not what he expected... He sees WIND VELOCITY digits rise. He does a double-take when he sees the readout: EVENT THRESHOLD, T-MINUS 10:00.

Reed says, " It's...too fast."

On the observation deck at the same time, behind his back, Victor holds the ring box in hand.

Victor says to Sue, "You've been with me two years now."

Sue doesn't know where this is going. She treads lightly.

"It's been a good two years, Victor... The company's accomplished so much", says Sue.

Victor responds, "Right, of course, the company... But you see, I've come to realize all the accomplishments in the world mean nothing without someone to share them with -"

Sue says, "Uh, Victor, I hope I haven't done something to make you think..."

Victor says, "Sue, I've lived my life unafraid of taking big steps. And this is the biggest step yet. If it helps, think of this as a promotion. A merger of sorts... (getting closer) Four little words that can change our lives..."

He is about to spring the ring on her. She looks like a deer in headlights. She opens her mouth, and...WHAM! Doors slam open. Reed rushes into the room.

Reed exlcaims surprised, worried and shocked, "The cloud is accelerating!"

Victor quickly puts the ring back in his pocket.

Reed say, "I don't know what happened."

Sue quickly moves to a nearby control panel to verify Reed's claim. Starts punching buttons. Confirms Reed's findings with a nod. Victor hardens, in control.

Reed says, "We've got minutes until it hits, not hours...Victor, that storm's deadly - the radiation's lethal. We need to abort."

Victor says, "Get a grip. Reed. We didn't come all this way to lose our nerve at the first little glitch. Just close the shields..."

Reed responds, "Ben's still out there -"

Victor says, "So reel him in. But we came here to do a job. So let's do it. Quickly."

In space moments later, Ben is carefully arranging sample boxes of plants.

Reed says into the radio, "Ben, we need you back inside."

Ben turns to see Reed and Johnny staring from a window.

Ben responds into the radio, "I ain't done arranging your flowers, egghead."

Reed says into the radio, "Ben. This is serious. Turn around."

Ben sees Johnny motioning for Ben to look behind him. Ben turns and sees: The cosmic storm, rumbling toward the station. Not close, but not far. That gets Ben's attention.

Ben responds into the radio, "Roger that, on my way."

He turns back towards the ship. Behind him, the storm grows.

In the command center at the same time,Victor rushes into the room, looks at the monitors. Sees the others near the airlock on one screen, and the approaching cloud on another. Anxiety creeps across his face. Automated voice event threshold in two minutes.

At the airlock door at the same time, Reed and Johnny stand by the airlock, waiting for Ben. They heard the automated voice. It panics Reed.

Reed says loudly, "Come on, Ben, come on..."

Victor says into the radio, "Reed, we're running out of time."

In outer space moments later, A wake of turbulence from the cloud hits Ben, making it harder to maneuver. The cloud's tendrils snake toward him.

But, at the airlock door at the same time, They can see Ben outside the window, still twenty yards away. The entire corridor rumbles. Lights flicker and spark. They watch helplessly.

At the same time in the command center/observation deck, Sue watches the monitor, also helpless.

Sue says, "Johnny... Reed..."

Victor, annoyed by the indecisiveness, marches right up to Sue. Practically shoves her aside as he hits the intercom.

Victor says to Reed, "Reed, you need to get up here so we can close the shields! Now!"

Sue glares at Victor. His lack of compassion shocks her.

Reed says into the radio, "Not until Ben is back inside!"

Victor says back, "It's too late for him, and soon it'll be too late for all of us."

Victor doesn't bother to wait for a response. He takes over the console, punching keys.

Sue asks, "What are you doing?"

Victor responds, "Raising the shields."

Sue says, "You can't leave them out there."

Sue glares with as much contempt as her face can muster.

Victor says, "Watch me. Reed had his chance. You can't help them any more than I can."

Beat. She takes a step toward the door. Not sure what to do.

Sue says back, "I can try."

With one final glare, she bolts from the room. At the airlock door at the same time, Reed bites his lip. Thinks. He decides.

Reed says to Johnny, "Victor's right. Johnny, get to the command center. Close the shields."

Johnny asks, "What about you?"

One look from Reed tells Johnny, he won't leave without Ben. Johnny eyes Ben, steels his courage. He's not going either.

Johnny says to Ben, "Come on big guy, you can do it!"

In the command center, Victor watches the shields slide down. Alone. An island. Automated voice event threshold in thirty seconds. On the corridor at the same time, Sue races down the hall. Not panicked. With determination.

In space at the airlock, The exterior air lock door slides open. In agonizing, weightless slow motion Ben reaches to haul himself inside. The leading edge of the cloud hits: Ben is pelted by a hissing mass of space dust, splattering his suit with orange stains. Larger particles, small pellets, pepper him. Ben hauls himself in the last few feet by pulling on his tether.

At the air lock/ command center automated voice event threshold in ten seconds. TEN... Johnny punches controls to close the exterior airlock door... Reed opens a first aid kit, grabs a thermo-elastic blanket...

At the command center/observation deck at the same time clutching the diamond ring, Victor stands defiantly. Showing absolutely no concern for the others. Interested only in the event itself. Lights and equipment fall, crashing around him. A control panel explodes in Victor's face. He jumps back, and into the falling equipment. Collapses under the weight. At the same time at air lock, Sue rounds a corner, sees Reed and Johnny.

Sue says loudly, "Johnny! Reed!"

Automated voice five...foooouuur... slow motion: everyone frozen in position as: - Johnny is hit with sparks of flame from a control panel. - Reed reaches out for Ben and the airlock door. - vapor stream pours down on Sue from a blown gasket. - The space dust burns into Ben's skin. slow motion: Just before the exterior air-lock door closes, a single particle zips through the narrowing gap and hits Ben in the back, ripping through his suit. The exterior door shuts and seals. The station loses all power. Darkness.

As quickly as it came, the cloud passes on and whirls away, leaving the space station intact. Power quietly flickers on. Silence. Time resumes. All four pick up exactly where they left off, unaware of anything that just happened to them.

Inside the command center, Victor emerges from the rubble. He stands, checks his body. A few scrapes, nothing serious. A thin, throbbing cut on his head. He touches the wound, but it is not bleeding.

At air lock Reed and Johnny scramble to open the interior air lock door. Sue joins them, as they pull Ben in. They try to remove his helmet. We don't see his face, but he's clearly unconscious.

Reed says, "He's not responsive -"

Johnny, "Ben! Ben!"