the Baxter Building - the Lab later

Reed and Ben sit in chairs, facing each other. A moment passes. Ben taps his fingers on the chair, making small dents. Reed looks down at his clipboard. A little awkward.

"Okay", Reed says awkwardly as he continues to ask, "I've uh, got some questions, from Sue. That she thought might be better coming from me... Can you, you know, go to the normal..."

"Yeah", Ben says (a moment) and continues, "You don't wanna know the details."

"Ben, I'm afraid I've got to ask -", Reed says.

Ben says threatingly, "Not unless you want that clipboard stretched up your -"

"O-kay. We'll skip that question.", Reed says.

the Baxter Building - the Lab Moments Later

Reed and Johnny now. Johnny exercises. Reed stands nearby. Clipboard in hand.

"Is there something about flames? About flaming, that you -", Reed trys to ask.

Johnny says offended, "What are you trying to say? Just because I dress well and like to dance -"

"What?", Reed says confused, "No. I'm trying to figure out why we each ended up with different symptoms."

"Oh, well that's easy", Says Johnny, "I'm hot. You're...well, you're a little limp. Sue's easy to see through. And Ben's always been a hardass. (a moment) Why aren't you writing this down?"

Reed sighs. It's going to be a long process.

I know it's short, but I wanted to next chapter to be seperate because of the drama that unfolds and what is said. And because of theis some of you are guessing or know what's going to happen next.

New News: And I will be updating my X-Men Evolution fanfic soon cuz the idea I had changed so I will be changing the summary a little, but the rest of the fanfic will stay the same, ll but the third chapter I messed it up and will be rewriting that particular chapter. And I might have a My Babysitter's a Vampire fanfic out soon. I have an idea so I'm gonna see if I can write it.