Hey! I hope most of you readers stuck with me and are reading this right now! Here's the first chapter of The Next Chapter-

Chapter One: The End Of The Summer

Sam pulled on his t-shirt just in time to hear the knock on the front door. He walked down the stairs and opened it.

There stood Natalie, Alan, and Edgar waiting for him to go to school. It was the first day for Sam and didn't want to walk in looking like the friendless new kid.

"You ready?" Natalie asked him.

"Uh, yeah, let me just grab my stuff and we'll go." Sam went up to his room.

"We'll race you!" Natalie yelled after him. "I can't be late or Skyler will kill me!"

She turned around, only to see that the Frogs were already on their bikes and almost out of the driveway. She rolled her eyes and hopped on hers, riding after them.

"Wait!" Sam called down the stairs, but they were already gone.

He got on his bike and followed their tracks to the school.

"What took you so long?" Natalie joked.

"Probably the fact that I had to follow your tracks to the school since I didn't know the way here." Sam replied.

"All the more fun of racing you," Edgar said.

"For you." Sam continued.

The four of them walked into the doors of Santa Carla High.

The walls were lined with windows, letting the most possible amount of sunlight inside. Lockers were under the windows, each with a certain number.

They started walking down one of the hallways towards the main office so they could find out who's homeroom Sam was in.

That's when Edgar noticed her.

She stood there, at the end of the hall, talking to a group of people. Edgar had only taken one look and could not turn away. Her smile drew him in. Her eyes were a shade of blue that almost looked gray. Her hair was similar to Edgar's brown, but hers had to be at least a shade darker.

"What are ya staring at?" Sam asked him. He followed Edgar's stare and saw her too.

"Stop staring. You're turning into Alan." Sam said, but he wasn't able to look away himself.

"Hey!" Alan said, lightly shoving Sam's shoulder with his good hand. Alan's finger was still in a splint. It hadn't healed over the summer, but that was because he still went vampire hunting with it still damaged.

"Do you know her?" Sam asked Natalie.

"I think she's new here. Dalia something. She seems like a flowerchild if you know what I mean. She's obsessed with nature and everything. Like overly obsessed...or so I've heard." Nat replied.

Edgar listened to them talk about the new girl. She seemed mysterious, like a vampire. But he knew she wasn't because she was standing right in a patch of sunlight and wasn't exploding or catching on fire. But yet, he knew she was something abnormal. She had to be. There was just no way hen could be drawn into her like that. At that moment, he made it his job to find out what she was.

But what Edgar didn't realize was that he already knew her. She had mentioned time and time again after the fight with David over the summer. All he had to do was find out what she was and her life would be over in a second.

"Edgar? Hellloooo?" Alan waved his hand in front of his brother's face, trying to catch his attention.

Stopping his staring, Edgar looked at Alan.

"What?'' He asked.

"Let's go see who Sam's stuck with for the rest of the year."

As they walked off towards the office again, Edgar still couldn't look away.

After school, they returned back to the Emerson's. They all sat on the couch, talking about the day.

Sam looked at his class schedule he had gotten from the principal's office and was looking to see if he had any classes with anyone else.

"I think we all have Phys Ed together," He said.

Natalie, who was cuddled up next to Alan, looked form her schedule to Alan's and replied.

"Yeah..we do. Plus nature girl. Did I tell you she's in my homeroom? Annoying as hell. Constantly says how you should do this to help the Earth and do that to help polar bears and blah blah blah."

"Sucks for you," Alan said. "Sam, Edgar, and I all have the same homeroom."

"But it's not so lucky because we have Mrs. Carlson. She has the same hair as last year- cat ears." Edgar complained.

"I don't see what's so bad about her. She's actually really nice." Alan told his brother.

Edgar laughed. "Yeah, to you. That's because you always get an A in English and she just happens to be the English teacher."

"I have Mr. Greene. I swear, if he complains about his eyes being too sensitive to sunlight one more time I'm declaring him a vampire and staking him." Natalie said. "Skyler's the only lucky one here. She got the nicest teacher in the world. Mrs. Kay."

"Who's Skyler?" Sam asked.

"She's my best friend. We grew up together." Nat moved from her comfy seat next to Alan and grabbed a piece of pizza.

Sam nodded.

"What do you say we finish that movie marathon we were supposed to have a while ago?" Sam asked.

"Won't be much of a marathon, Sammy. I'm exhausted and it's almost eleven. I need to be getting home." Natalie sat up, finished her pizza, and started walking towards the door.

"Ohhhhh no you don't." Alan said, walking after her. "Like I'm going to let you out on the boardwalk at night. Especially after what happened over the summer. The witch is still out there. Why don't you, you know, just stay at our place tonight?"

"Sure. Safer than my house, my parents are on yet another 'business trip' in Vegas so...sounds good." She replied.

"Good luck." Sam told Edgar, laughing as he walked into the kitchen. He returned with two double stuffed Oreo cookies in his hand.

"Better hope Grampa doesn't notice." Michael said, walking down the stairs. He walked behind the couch and ruffled Sam's hair. Sam went to hit his brother's hand but missed.

"We should probably be getting back now. See ya Sam!" Natalie said, walking outside. Alan followed.

"Bye Sam. See you tomorrow." Edgar said, walking out the door too.

Later that night, Natalie couldn't sleep. She knew she was tired, but she just couldn't manage to close her eyes. She sighed and walked up the stairs and into the part of the building where the Frogs lived. She found her way to Alan's room and slowly turned the knob. The door creaked slightly, so she didn't shut it behind her in fear of waking up Edgar, who was in the room right across the hall.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Alan asked.

"Nope." She replied. It had caught her off guard that Alan was still awake, but it seemed less stakerish if he wasn't asleep when she walked into his room.

"It's odd. It's like being away from you is the hardest thing in the world." She said, laying down in the bed next to Alan.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I know what you mean."

Natalie yawned. "This is so much better than the couch."

Alan chuckled.

"Night." She told him.

"Night." He replied.

Ok, good start? It will pick up later on in the story, like the first one.

Thanks for reading! R&R!
