Naruto grows up on the streets of London as a pick pocket. He has a voice inside his head he calls kyuubi. It's the only thing now to keep him company. One day he finds himself at the mercy of a horrible boy and his spider like butler. What is he to do?

Black Savior


It was cold and cloudy one of the most popular weathers in the country England. A blonde boy with messy golden blonde hair was staring out to the world that was cruel and heartless to him. At a young age of seven he went to great lengths to escape to the free country America. But sadly thanks to the war between England and America he had no choice but to make a stop in England. Now he's stuck here in the United Kingdoms only to pick pocket his money for food and save up to try to return home to his old home Sweden. He always told all his friends back home that he would once return to speak of the greatness of America. But his dream was never to come true and he was to only to return home empty handed.

Naruto is now the age sixteen with blonde hair, blue eyes, and lightly tan skin. He has had to go to great lengths to steal all of his new clothing. He's been spotted by the Briton police at least five or six times. It was always such a hassle to try to get away from them but worth it for the new clothes even if they were only rags. Naruto has always been by himself in this great big country. Who's there to talk to? You never did find many Brits who spoke Swedish. So he always found himself talking to himself if he ever felt frustrated or angry. Hell he's talked to himself so many times he's found himself go mad to think he's talking to someone else. Even giving it a name, which he calls Kyuubi.

Naruto was sitting on a wooden crate staring out to the crowd of people. Seeing which could have good money.

"Hej Kyuubi, som en tror du har bra pengar? Jag har kollat på de tvillingar där borta." (Hey Kyuubi, which one do you think has good money? I've been eyeing on those twins over there.), Naruto poke in the language he was grew around.

He herd the voice inside his head snicker then reply, "Nej, nej, nej Naruto kommer de inte göra. Om du tittar noga de har några fläckar på sina kläder, och sista gången jag kollade adelsmän inte bära plåster."(No,No,No Naruto they won't do. If you look closely they have some patches on their clothes, and last time I checked nobles don't wear patches.)

Naruto pouted then crossed his arms, "Bara för att de inte är lika rika som de verkar, betyder inte att vi inte kan stjäla en liten sak." (Just because they're not as rich as they seem, doesn't mean we can't steal a little something.) All of a sudden somthing caught Naruto's eye. It was a boy wearing a purple long sleave coat with extremly short black shorts and black stockings to match. Naruto couldn't take his eyes of the boy. He had such a sexy face of a grown women it was queer how Naruto's eeys couldn't dodge the the boy's apperance. He looked to be naruto's hieght, but Naruto was short for his age so maybe he was fourteen. It was only a guess really.

"Du bör välja ficka där pojken ser laddad."(You should pick pocket that boy looks loaded), Kyuubi responded to Naruto's stare. Naruto thought for a moment. This blonde boy did look rich looking at his outfit. So thats when Naruto decided to pick pocket this pretty faced boy. Naruto moved closely to the boy quietly following him making sure he dosn't get caught on sight. He then travled closer to the blonde boy and as soon as he reached for his pocket he found his hand grabbed by a gloved one. Naruto's sky blue eyes stared up at thethe owner of the gloved hand. It was a man with golden eyes that could be seen through glasses. He was wearing a black suit looking to be a uniform of a butler. Did this blonde guy have bodyguards?

"Sir I have someone here whole tried to pick pocket you your highness.", the tall man announced to the blonde boy. Naruto looked up confused not sure what they were saying. He guessed he's probaby telling his master he was about to be stolen from. The boy turned around and gave Naruto a nasty smirk.

"Well arn't you awfully dirty whats your name?", the boy asked. Naruto wasn't sure but he knew the boy was probably speaking to him. So all Naruto could really do was try to tell him in his own language that he is not British.

"Jag är ledsen men jag kan inte tala engelska."(I'm sorry but I can't speak english.), Naruto replied in his own foreign tongue.

The blonde boy looked at Naruto with slight confustian, but his butler then spoke, "He said he can't speak english your highness. He's from Sweeden."

"Sweeden huh? Not only is he a dirty pick pocket, but also a smelly foreigner? Ha and I thought London couldn't get any more filthy." The blonde boy laughed then ordered his butler, " Claude ask this filthy foreigner what his name is." The butler called Claude gave his master a nod then spoke to Naruto, "Vad är ditt namn?"(What is your name?) .

Naruto looked up at Claude surprised then slowly answered, "N-Naruto Uzumaki..." Alois gave a satisfied smirk and ordered his butler, "Claude I want you to tell him that he is now a servent of the trancy Manor and shall serve under me if he dosn't want to be reported on." Claude bowed his head then spoke to Naruto again, "Min herre säger att du ska tjäna under vår herrgård om du inte vill ha myndigheter som deltar."(My master says that you shall serve under our manor if you don't want to have the authorities involved)

Naruto's eyes widen with shock he then thought in his head, 'Vad gör jag Kyuubi jag är redan i djup skit med polisen!?' (What do I do Kyuubi I'm already in deep shit with the police!). Naruto heard the voice inside his head sigh and reply to him, "Jag är ledsen Naruto men du har inget annat val än att gå med denna brat."(I'm sorry Naruto but you have no choice but to go with this brat). Naruto looked up at the man with sad eyes and gave him a sad nod.

"He has agreed your highness.", Claude told his master.

" Excellent.." The boy chuckled, "They let us be off with our new dirty slave." The blonde boy skipped off while Claude stare out to his master then looked down at the new staff for the house of Trancy.

"Jag hoppas du gillade din frihet Naruto Uzumaki, eftersom du skall inte få någon mer av det när du går in i dörrar av min herres herrgård"(I hoped you enjoyed your freedom Naruto Uzumaki, because you shall recieve no more of it once you enter the doors of my Master's mansion). Naruto glared up at the man then looked down not wanting to make anymore eye contact with this odd butler. Naruto knew one thing was weird before he was capture.

Where in God's name was this butler when he was about to pick pocket the boy. As far as Naruto knew no one was really around but him and that boy. It really was all curious.

After the last thought he found the butler dragging him to his new prison.

To be continued.