Disclaimer: See the first chapter.

Looking Up:

Megan sat at a desk silently. She hadn't moved, she hadn't said a word since she had given herself up after the murder of Mikhail Levanda. Nate was watching her carefully. I still didn't know what happened when we found her. Nate said that something must have triggered her to come back to her own mind that Elizabeth Meadows had finally left, and hopefully wouldn't be back.

She sat staring at her hands. We had taken the cuffs off once Nate said she probably wasn't going to hurt us. I heard footsteps behind me and saw Kensi and Sam coming towards me. They leaned against the railing with me and I heard Kensi ask "Do you know what day it is Callen?"

I looked at her confused. What did the date have to do with anything? Sam was smiling.

"Today's August 28th" Kensi said quietly.

Suddenly it dawned on me. Hetty came up and stood beside us. "Today, Miss Blye, is the date that Miss Hollis came to us eight years ago" Hetty said, and we all looked at her.

"It's fitting isn't it? She comes back as Megan Hollis, to OSP, on the day she joined us?" Sam asked looking down at Hetty.

"It certainly is Mr. Hanna, come along, I have an announcement to make" Hetty said just as Gibbs and his team came out of the Ops center followed by Eric, Nell, and Deeks. They all headed downstairs. Sam, Kensi, and I shared a questioning look before joining them. Megan looked up, confused and for a moment, frightened.

"I have some good news and some greater news" Hetty said as we all gathered around.

"Well, give us the good news first Hetty" Sam said as I walked over and placed a comforting hand on Megan's shoulder. We had finally come to terms with our feelings for each other. I felt hers reach up and grip my tightly. I gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Director Vance has forgiven all of us for disobeying his direct orders. If we would have killed her, he would have never known the truth about what actually happened. He has also reviewed Miss Hollis's statement and has ruled all the killings, including those of the two naval Officers and the NCIS agent justified. She will not have to serve any time for the killings, including the ones on Viktor Frinovskii and Mikhail Levanda" Hetty said.

We all sighed and cheered in relief. Megan looked up at me with a smile on her face. I pulled her out of her chair and wrapped her in a hug. She buried her face in my chest. Hetty cleared her throat and Megan turned back to look at her.

"The greater news Hetty?" I prompted wondering what else could be greater than Megan going free.

Hetty smiled and said "After consulting not only with Director Vance, but Dr. Getz as well, it has been decided that, if Miss Hollis wants, she can rejoin this team. Mr. Deeks of course will be staying, but we have now added a new place for her, here at the Office of Special Projects, if she wants it. She will of course, have to go through some test before she can be fully reinstated, but the offer stands firm".

We all turned to look at Megan. There was a shocked look on her face. Clearly she wasn't expecting this.

"Are you sure Hetty? I-I got my team killed, I don't know…" she started but Gibbs stopped her.

"You can do this Megan. What happened with Briars and Andrews wasn't your fault. You were doing your job just as they were" he said reaching out a hand to comfort her. She took it. Gibbs had always been her father-figure. Everyone looked at her, waiting for her answer. Finally, she turned to me.

"If they'll have me I'll come back" she said looking at me with a small smile.

I grinned and pulled her towards me. I gave her a soft kiss confirming my answer.

Looking up I saw that Hetty was gone. I looked at the others, but they just smiled. She came back with Nate wheeling a cart that had glasses filled to the top. Soon I saw Kensi escort Matthew and Amanda in with Claire. Matthew rushed over to his sister and gave her a hug. Amanda came and hugged her sister-in-law.

"I do believe, that these belong to you Miss Hollis" Hetty said coming up to her with the wooden box in her hands. Megan looked at her questioningly before opening it. Inside was Agent Briars gun and Agent Andrews dog tags. The brass had been removed, thrown away so that Megan wouldn't have to remember what happened in Russia.

"Thank you Hetty" she whispered taking the box and placing it in front of her. Soon glasses were passed around and Megan picked up her niece.

"I'd like to make a toast" Hetty said. I wrapped an arm around Megan and kissed her forehead. She smiled up at me.

"To Miss Hollis's safe return…" Hetty said holding out her glass.

"To friends…" Kensi said smiling at her best friend.

"To family…" Gibbs and Matthew said together.

"To love…" Megan and I said together looking at each other with a knowing smile.

"I'll drink to that" Sam said while we all clinked our glasses together and took a sip laughing. I had the woman I loved back, safe and sound, back in my arms once again.

Well….that's the end of it. I hoped you liked Callen and Megan in Revenge. Let me guys know how you liked it.
