A/N Five reviews to update.

Eli's POV

My whole life had been pain. Julia, Clare. The two blessings in my life taken away. I killed my

girlfriend. I lost the love of my life because I was a freak. Now I had a problem with pills. I just

kept fucking up. My therapist told me it would be better not to see Clare ever again. But here I

was, looking right at her. I was in New York, almost done with college for journalism. I was in a

small café, a nice little place where I could pop my pills in my mouth without being worried

about getting stared at. The coffee wasn't bad either. My textbooks sat in front of me, full of

bookmarks and homework notes. Clare's curls were wet from the light rain outside, her bright

blue eyes alert, but calm. I watched her order coffee, how she smiled at the waiter. Not a

flirting smile, as no doubt he wanted it to be, but a gentle smile. The smile I loved. Her pale

complexion hadn't changed since high school, her cheeks still flushed, and her lips were still full

and smooth. Her cheeks were hollowed, was she eating enough? Why did I care? She had left

me, kicked me to the curb. Get over her, Eli. Should I stay? Act like I never saw her? I heard my

old therapist in my head. "Move on, Eli. You can't keep running from your problems." But I

wasn't running away, I was always running towards. I would not go through that pain again. I

shoved my books into my bag, ignoring Clare. I stuck one book, my favorite, under my arm and

walked towards the door. I was distracted, passing Clare's table, and that was why I didn't

notice the man in front of me shove his chair back. We smashed into each other, my book

falling to the ground. Someone picked up my book and handed it to me. I looked up into Clare's

startled eyes.

Clare's POV

The rain in New York was depressing. Cold, hateful. Like I am. I dived into a small café to

get out of the rain. It wasn't like I would eat anything. I weighed 97 pounds. 97 pounds. 97

pounds too much. I was fat, and ugly. My waiter stared at me, smiling too much, probably

unsure how to act around someone so ugly. I smiled back a little, ordered a coffee I wouldn't

drink. But it would be warm, and I was always freezing these days. I had a book of my favorite

poetry hidden under my jacket, tucked inside to stay dry. It was a collection of poetry by H.P.

Lovecraft. I fidgeted in my seat, I felt like someone was watching me. I stared intently at the

table, trying not to be noticed. I heard a bunch of noises all at once. Someone had fallen to

the ground, his book lying open on the floor. I picked it up for him, intrigued by the title. The

Peaceful Pill Handbook. Maybe it had something for laxatives in it. I looked up to hand the book

back to the man, and stared into emerald eyes I would never forget. Eli's.

A/N Five Reviews to update!