Last chapter. Is everyone excited to see what Artemis got Wally? I was since I didn't know what he was getting until about an hour ago. lol

Merry Christmas!


Recognized Kid Flash B03.

Wally entered the cave and was bombarded by both sounds and smells. Megan must have been cooking all day because it smelled like a buffet was just around the corner. He also heard music and people's chatter. When he entered the living room he saw the team scattered about the room. Conner and Kaldur both in festive dress. Kaldur a red and green sweater and Conner a Snoopy Christmas t-shirt. The two were chatting with Roy, who didn't look too pleased about being there. On the couch sat Zatanna in a red sweater dress and black shoes with green leg warmers. Standing next to her in a red button down shirt and green tie was Robin who looked up as Wally entered.

"Wally!" Megan appeared in front of him. "Welcome!" She was in a red and white Santa style dress and had a Santa hat on her head.

"Thanks Megan. You know you could be my Mrs. Claus anytime," He flirted. Megan laughed it off.

"Really that's flattering. You're saying she can be a thousand year old woman married to a fat guy?" He spun around seeing the blonde who was speaking. He was about to respond, but he noticed her outfit. It was a dark green strapless sweater dress that went to her mid thigh with a black belt. She had a red and green striped scarf and black knee high boots with red tights. Her usual pony tail was there, but had a sprig of holly in it.

"Wow," was all he said.

"Doesn't she look great," Megan said. "When we were shopping Zatanna and I forced her to buy it." The Martian cheered.

Wally tried to compose himself. "I'm impressed Megan, you managed to make something clearly not human look pretty close to." Artemis punched his arm.

"Um thanks Wally," Megan said walking over to Conner. Wally watched as she put her Santa hat on the clone. Conner smiled down at her and put his arm around her shoulder.

"They're cute together, aren't they?" Artemis said getting over her jealously.

"What? Oh! Yeah." Wally turned back to her. "So what is Roy doing here?"

"Hell if I know. I'd have been much happier if he'd stayed home." Artemis crossed her arms.

"Why? Can't have more than one archer the same room?" Wally wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"No he just obviously doesn't like me and has made it known." Artemis walked over to the coffee table and got some chips. Wally followed suit except picked up the whole bowl.

"Hey Wally," Zatanna said. "You look spiffy." She eyeballed his green shirt that had the top two buttons left undone.

"Thanks you look nice too," Wally held back any flirtation he might attempt with the girl in respect to Robin. He sat on the coffee table next to Artemis.

"So what's up?" Robin asked.

"Nothing just discussing Roy's dislike of Artemis," Wally said casually. "Any thoughts on the matter?" He paused after a slap to the head.

"Thanks Wally," Artemis sat on the arm of the couch next to Zatanna.

"I'm sure Roy doesn't hate you," Zatanna said comfortingly.

"No he pretty much does, but its not a fair hate since he doesn't know you," Robin butted in.

"Yeah he should at least get to know you before he decides you're a demon like I did." Wally drank some of his soda.

Artemis and Zatanna glared. "Wally do you ever know when to shut up?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm use to it." Artemis said getting up. "I'm just going to help Megan with the food."

Wally frowned realizing his joke was in bad taste. Once Artemis was in the kitchen both Robin and Zatanna punched Wally. "Ow! What the-"

"Why did you have to do that?" Zatanna lectured. "It's Christmas. Can't you get along for once?"

"Come on guys I was just joking. I didn't mean anything by it."

"Yeah well she doesn't know that," Robin gestured to the kitchen. "You really need to think before you speak."

"Ok ok. I'm sorry I'll talk to her." Wally looked over at the kitchen. "Just not right now." Wally zoomed off before they could lecture more.

The party had started to quiet down and most of the guests were distributing their Secret Santa gifts. Though for Wally his gift had no owner at the moment. Artemis had slipped away at some point during the festivities.

"Where's Artemis?" Megan asked noticing the archer's absence. "She'll miss the gifts giving."

"I'll go find her," Wally volunteered before running off. He looked around most of the mountain before finding her in the room with the waterfall. She was laying in one of the chairs presumably asleep. Wally smiled slightly at the sight and sat on the arm she was resting her head on.

As he sat there with her he contemplated taking off her boots so she'd be more comfortable, but decided against it. She's probably wake up after he took one off and think he was a creep. So instead he sat there watching her peacefully sleep. He noticed her scarf had untangled itself from her neck and was now draped over her shoulder. He picked it up and folded it neatly before placing it on his lap.

He smirked wondering why Artemis had allowed the girls to dress her up in such a festive outfit when she obviously didn't care about the holiday. He supposed it was probably so they wouldn't continue to bother her but maybe she was actually getting into the spirit of it all. He chuckled a little before throwing his hand over his mouth so he wouldn't wake the sleeping girl.

It was too late though. Artemis began to stir and slowly sat up. "What are you doing Wally?"

"Megan asked me to come find you. We are opening gifts," he explained smiling. She nodded and stood. He grabbed her arm before she could start walking away. "And about before. I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I was only joking but I guess I-"


"No let me finish. I took it too far. I'm really-"


"What?" He finally gave up.

"It's ok. I know you were only kidding." She smiled.

"But Robin and Zatanna said-"

"Oh please. They think people have to be nice to one another to care for each other. If you hadn't passed a comment like that I would have been concerned." She laughed as he looked at her confused. She rolled her eyes. "Come on let's go get our presents, Kid Mouth," she wrapped her hand around his wrist and pulled him off the arm of the chair.

Surprised he stumbled so he was right in front of her. Seeing that she was unphased by the closeness he simply smiled. "Alright lead the way Arty." She glared at the nickname, but pulled him along.

When they entered the living room where everyone was opening their gifts the entire team looked at them. Quickly they dropped hands and took a slight step apart. "Where were you guys?" Robin asked.

"No where," Wally said blushing slightly.

"Ok well there are two gifts still under the tree and they have your names on them," Zatanna said smirking.

The two walked over to the tree and Wally picked up both gifts. He handed the smaller box to Artemis who smiled and began unwrapping the small package. All eyes were her as she revealed a small jewelry box. Robin smiled and Wally waited impatiently for her reaction.

When she took off the lid and saw the arrow necklace her mouth gaped a little. "Oh wow. This is really pretty." She took it out of the box and went to put it on. Wally took the two ends of chain from her and hooked them with ease. "Thanks." She smiled.

"You like it then?"

"Yeah it's lovely." She looked up at him. "Wait! Were you my Secret Santa?"

Wally rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Yeah. Well Robin helped me pick it out."

Artemis looked over at the Boy Wonder sitting on the couch holding a new pair of sunglasses from Conner. "Oh no. That was all you man."

Artemis sighed, "Well I feel a little foolish now."


"Open your present." Artemis looked at Zatanna who was smiling uncontrollably. Wally looked confused so he opened his box and pulled out a pair of green boxer shorts with the Green Arrow logo all over it. Robin fell off the couch laughing when he saw the gift. "It was Zatanna and Megan's idea."

Everyone was holding back laugher except Roy who was slightly blushing (he had those boxers). Finally Wally spoke. "Really? Why Green Arrow? Why not Flash?"

"We figured you already had those ones," Artemis explained.

"Ok well why were you thinking about my underwear while shopping?" He blushed.

"I wasn't! The other two were." She put her hands on her hips.

"Oh geez!" Zatanna said annoyed. "Eoteltsim!" She stuck out her hand toward the two. Above their heads appeared a strand of mistletoe.

"Mistletoe!" Megan cooed and jumped in the air. "Now you guys have to kiss."

"No way!"

"Oh come on Wally. You have to," Robin said. "It's tradition."

"Who cares about tradition? Really who follows those silly rules anymore?" Wally complained. Artemis hmphed and grabbed Wally's collar. He looked shocked as she slammed their lips together. There were some quiet cheers from their friends and a flash from a camera before Artemis released the red head.

"There. Are you happy now?" Artemis said walking over to the couch and plopped down by Zatanna.

"Very," the dark haired girl said. Robin went over to his best friend still laughing slightly.

"Nice present," he said making Wally glare.

"I actually plan to wear then to bed tonight thank you very much," the red head crossed his arms.

"I really didn't need to know that," Robin shook his head. "Hey isn't that Artemis' scarf? What are you doing with that?"

Wally smiled. "Souvenir." He tossed it in the air and caught it.

"Is she ok with that?" Wally shrugged and put the green and red scarf in his pocket.

"Hey Robin and Wally are under the mistletoe," Conner said causing everyone to look at them. The two screamed and Wally went running over to the couch. He sat down beside Artemis and wrapped his arm around her making her look at him with a confused face. The entire team started laughing.

Zatanna smiled and went over to Robin who was standing alone under the plant. "Merry Christmas," she said before kissing his cheek. Robin's lips turned upward and he sighed.

"Merry Christmas everybody."

Hope everyone liked the end.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Happy New Year too!