It was bright and sunny outside. The park was almost empty, it's only two visitors enjoyed the quiet.

"It's so nice out! I'm glad we came to the park!" Roxas said, swinging from a tree branch happily. Axel laughed, thinking Roxas looked like a monkey.

The truth was, in his mind, Axel was freaking out. Roxas had wanted to go to the park, and was damn persistant too. She wouldn't even let him object at all! Every time he tried to talk she'd just interrupt.

And the whole time me had that stupid dream of his in his head. Why couldn't it just disappear? Did the universe HAVE to torture him so?

Roxas let go of the branch she was hanging on and landed on her feet onto the grass. Axel was off in his own little world of thoughts, not paying attention at all.

"Hey Axel..." she said. He looked over. "What?" he asked. She pointed to a bush. He looked over to catch a glance at a bit of red sticking out from behind the large plant.

Axel already knew who it was.

"Reno I know you're there" he said, crossing his arms in annoyance. Out of ALL the times to be near him, why now? Why can't he just go away?

His twin stood up from the bush he was hiding behind and walked over. "I heard you were on a date with Roxas" Reno said and pouted. "No fair"

"Hi Reno!" Roxas said happily and waved to him. She got a wave back of equal happiness, which somewhat angered Axel, a little.

His luck helped out as a baseball hit Reno in the forehead dead center and knocking him right on his ass. Axel couldn't hold in his laughter.

Roxas looked over from the direction the ball came to see Sora, Riku, and Kairi. "Hi Roxas" Sora said, scratching the back of his head as he held his baseball bat to the ground.

"Sorry..." the brunette said.

"Good shot Sora!" A voice said. All gazes turned to Cloud and Aerith, who were walking over to their son. Cloud patted Sora on the head, causing the brunette's hair to mess up. "But next time aim for the other one"

Aerith chuckled at her husbend. "Such a nice father" she said sarcastically as she set up four blankets on the ground.

Roxas crossed her arms in annoyance. First it was just her and Axel, now six others showed up. When can she spend time alone with her friend?!

"Awsome! Party!" Reno shouted and dragged over a cooler.

Axel and Roxas looked at each other, having the same exact thought and both asked:

"Did you guys plan on coming here because we're here?"

Reno faked a gasp. "Us? No!" he said. The younger twin crossed his arms. "Reno you're full of shit" he said, earning a smirk from his brother.

Roxas sighed and sat on a blue and white blanket her mom set up. 'I was going to try to tell Axel I liked him... So much for that...'

Axel sat next to her. He could tell she was upset. He ruffled her hair. "What's wrong?"

She ignored that her hair was in even more of a mess and sighed. "It's nothing..." she said, disappointed. Reno walked over and put two cans of soda by them before doing the same with everyone else.

Axel sighed and gulped down the can of soda Reno had handed him. "Um, Axel..." Roxas said as he was halfway through the can. 'I can't believe it. These people show up when I'm finally alone with Roxas. I was hoping that...' Axel thought, his thoughts getting cut off by Roxas shouting his name.

He finished the can before looking at her before he asked "What?"

His speech sounded...odd...

"Ax- that's n-t so-a" was all he heard.

He chuckled. "Of course it's not Sora" he said and ruffled her hair.

His world started spinning and his head hit the soft grass.


Roxas picked up her soda that was set on the blanket as Axel began drinking his. She stopped midway from opening it to look at the label.

"Um, Reno?" she started. The ponytailed red head looked over in her direction.

"This is beer" she said, pointing to the printed label. Reno grew a look of shock. "Oh shit!" he said. "I forgot to take those out when I put the sodas in!"

Roxas' gaze snapped back to her friend. "Axel" she said. He couldn't seem to hear her...

"Axel" she repeated, getting a bit louder. Still nothing...

"Axel!" she shouted. After a few seconds he finally stopped and looked at her. "What?" His voice sounded tired and slurred.

"Axel that's not soda!" she yelled. He chuckled. "Of course it's not Sora" he said, still giggling a little. He ruffled her hair.

"No Axel what I'm trying to say is-" was all she could say before he hit the ground, drunk.

In the meantime Reno and Cloud were laughing their asses off. "That idiot didn't know it was beer?!" the blonde said, holding his aching sides as he laughed at the drunk teen.

"Dad," Sora said "I think you're turning sadistic." Aerith nodded in agreement. Cloud managed to calm down. "Only when it comes to Axel's bad luck" he said.

Said teen suddenly shot up onto his feet and yelled out "Heartless!" This shocked and confused everyone.

He ran over to Sora and shook him by the shoulders roughly. "Sora!" he yelled in a panic. "Hurry up and kill the Heartless with your keyblade!"

Sora stared at him confused. "My what?" he asked. The red head pointed to the wooden baseball bat the brunette still had in his hand.

Kairi walked over and placed a gentle hand on Axel's shoulder. "Axel calm down. You sho-"

"Evil Princess of Heart!" he shouted and ran a few feet away. "Evil what?" she asked.

"You wanted your Sora so badly I didn't get my Roxas back! And I missed my Roxas!" Axel yelled tearing up. The "Evil Princess of Heart" ran over to him and hugged him. "Don't cry! I'm sorry! I don't know what I did but I'm sorry!"

"Axel I think you should sit down" Roxas said as she approached him. As soon as she got within a foot of him he quickly pulled her into a tight hug. Her face heated up.

"My Roxas! Stay close to me so Riku of Sora don't take you away from me again!" he yelled, nuzzling into her blonde spikes.

She looked over to her parents to see their reaction. Aerith chuckled. "Aww, that's sweet." Cloud on the other hand had stopped laughing and was now pissed off, just as she expected.

Roxas did the only thing she could think of and got lose of the hug. She grabbed his hand and took him back over to the blankets set up on the grass. After five minutes of trying to get him to sit down he finally did.

She let out a huff. Sure, him hugging her was nice, REALLY nice. But he was drunk, so it just wasn't the same as when they hugged in school.

As Riku went to sit down next to her Axel pulled her close and protectively hugged her. "Get away from my Roxas!" he yelled. Roxas patted his head. "Axel calm down" she said.

"Oh? You think I'll steal Roxas?" Riku asked, growing an evil smirk that made her shiver. Axel tightened his hold on her and said "My Roxas"

Riku hugged her arm. "No, my Roxas" he said. The red head tightened his hold on his blonde friend even more. He pulled her onto his lap, getting her out of Riku's grip and shouted "Mine!"

"Axel! Too tight!" she choked out. His arm was too wrapped around her neck. He let go all together and she sat next to him.

Axel let out a huge yawn, then used her lap as a pillow. She didn't mind, as long as he wasn't choke-hugging her.


Axel woke up to his head throbbing. He let out a grunt, turning over onto his side. "This is a good pillow..." he mummbled.

"I'm glad you're comfortable" Roxas said. It took a moment to realize what his pillow was. He'd panic, but his head hurt too much.

Roxas sighed. 'What was that all about? He said Keyblade...'

Riku leaned by her ear, just close enough for only her to hear. "Meet me in the third art room tomorrow before class. Okay?" he whispered.

She didn't know why, but she had a feeling it would explain. She nodded and he walked away.

Axel sat up and groaned. "My head hurts..."

She hugged him, causing him to blush.

'Yeah, hugs are much better when he isn't drunk'

. . .oOo.

Yay! Another chapter X3 I looooooove in NG life when keidai gets drunk on accident. So funny XD