Disclaimer: All rights go to Richelle Mead, she is the genius behind these characters, we are just borrowing them for a bit.

Hey everybody, my friend and I really wanted to write a Rose/Dimitri fanfiction so we started this the other day! I hope you like it! Read and Review please!

"Come on," I muttered under my breath as I stared at the clock in longing, waiting impatiently for Professor Shermón to let us out of the most boring class known to man, or vampire: Principles of Macro Economics. I let out a huge sigh of relief as the mind-numbing lecture came to a long sought-after end. I quickly grabbed my books, and Lissa, and dragged her out of the room before she could begin another long, not to mention pointless, conversation with our excruciatingly boring and monotone professor.

I had been growing increasingly more impatient, and as our graduation came closer and closer, my nerves were fried. We had been going to college for the last three years, ever since Lissa had gone through the coronation and became the queen of the Moroi. Lissa and Christian had been going steady since, well, forever, except for when they broke up for like a year and a half. Yeah, not then. Dimitri and I, well, our relationship has actually managed to withstand the crazy-ass schedule of being guardians to the most important Moroi in existence - and her boyfriend. You would think that after everything that happened three years ago, Lissa would have wanted to take a break from life, embrace being a queen, and spend time with her boyfriend, as well as her best friend who she hadn't seen in months, but no. Instead, she decides that we are going to leave court and go live the crazy lifestyle that is college. You could imagine my excitement when she told me this wonderful news. Of course it wasn't like I didn't get to see Dimitri anymore. He and Christian often visited Lissa and I here at the University of Montana. Dimitri and I had an apartment at court, which we often frequented when we were off duty from guarding. It was our one place of solace where we could be together unfettered from the rest of the world.

Dimitri and I had worked out our previous disagreements about his residual Strigoi type tendencies. He now understood that I would love him no matter what and that it didn't matter to me what happened in the past, the past was the past, and we needed to stay in the present and look forward to the future. He had been worried that I wouldn't forgive him for his actions as a Strigoi, but to me, there was nothing to forgive. His actions were involuntary, he wasn't in the right mental state to make logical decisions, and I'm just glad that Lissa was able to bring him back to me with the use of Spirit. She worries me sometimes, what with our bond having disappeared after my last near-death experience. Now I can't tell if she's in danger unless I'm around her, and I also can't tell if the effects of spirit are getting to be too much for her. Although there are some perks to the bond being gone, for example not being able to see into her and Christians sex life anymore is good, as well as the fact that I'm not able to see things that Lissa wants to keep hidden from me. It's no longer an invasion of her privacy. However, it will always be impossible for me to not worry for her; she's my best friend, after all.

"Geez, Rose!" Lissa hissed as she jerked her arm out of my unforgiving grip. She rubbed at the red, hand-shaped mark on her bicep. That was definitely going to bruise tomorrow.

"Sorry," I muttered, checking the perimeter for potential threats. With the exception of two squirrels mating and our classmates exiting the building behind us, the area was clear.

"In a hurry, much?" Lissa questioned me, her dainty eyebrows arched in expectation.

"Uh, yeah!" I scoffed. "That class is horrid! I don't know how you make yourself suffer through it every damn day."

"It is not horrid!" She replied defensively. "And I am not suffering. This is vital information I need to know! I mean, who would've thought that the economy is such a delicate, deep structure of —"

"Oh please," I interrupted sarcastically. "You and I both know that that class is no different from a court meeting: tolerable only with a shot of tequila."

Lissa jerked her head in my direction, her eyes wide with shock. "Rose!"

"I'm not saying that's how I tolerate it!" I assured her. "At least not today. That would be a violation of protocol, your highness, and my own boyfriend would have to fire me for it."

She rolled her eyes. "I told you not to call me that."

We strode through the quad in a comfortable silence after that. It was around nine o'clock, and Shermón had let us out of his night class a little early. The full moon's rays glimmered off the shiny paint of the black Range Rover waiting to transport Lissa and I back to court. The passenger side window slid down as we approached, revealing a smiling Christian. Damn earlybirds.

"Good morning, ladies." He tipped an imaginary hat in our direction.

"Morning babe!" Lissa chirped as she slid into the seat behind him. I jogged around the front of the vehicle and tapped on the driver side window. Dimitri's face appeared above the retreating glass, and he grinned.

"Hello, Miss Hathaway," He said brightly. "What can I do for you?"

"Well for starters," I began, resting my elbows on the door and leaning closer, "you can make dinner tonight. I want steak, medium rare, with baked potatoes, extra sour cream. But for now, you can hand over the keys and let me drive." I held out my hand and waggled my fingers, anticipating the keys.

"No can do, ma'am." My boyfriend gave me a devilish grin. "At least not the driving part. My car, my rules. You take the back."

"Does that mean yes to making dinner?" I replied cheekily.

"We'll see." He said with a smoldering look.

I winked at him sassily and ran to the back to sit with Lissa.

"So girls, how was class?" Christian asked as I buckled my seatbelt.

"Oh! It was so very inter-"

"It was the most bor-"

Lissa and I spoke simultaneously while clearly stating opposing views on Professor Shermón's lecture.

Christian and Dimitri shared a look before deciding against responding to their respective girlfriends.

"So what have you two been up to?" Lissa asked Christian, wondering what the two had been up to since we left for school this morning.

"Oh you know, breaking the rules, catching stuff on fire, and being an all around menace to the people of court, same old, same old." Christian replied.

"Speak for yourself!" Dimitri said jokingly.

"Haha, riiight, you better not have done any of that, I am queen you know. Just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean you can do whatever you want at court." Lissa replied.

"Whatever you say, babe," he said with a wink.

The car ride was a long forty-five minutes, but conversation came easy between the four of us, as did laughter. Though they had seen each other the previous morning, they still had much to talk about, always finding one thing or another to discuss. It didn't even have to be anything of importance, merely something to provide a subject for conversation.

"So Lissa, what are you all planning to do this weekend?" I asked her, seeing as Dimitri and I were off duty, so we wouldn't be with them.

"I'm not quite sure, actually. Babe? You got any plans for us?" Lissa turned to Christian and asked in curiosity.

"Um, well, I thought maybe we could go out to dinner or something, but I hadn't really planned that much." He replied nervously while glancing quickly at Dimitri.

"I'll arrange it with Rich when we get back," Dimitri assured him, referring to Christian's second-shift guardian.

"So does this mean we have plans?" Lissa asked eagerly.

"Yup." Christian smiled at Lissa in the mirror. "Be ready tomorrow at six."

"Sooo Comrade," I nudged my boyfriend's shoulder, "I happen to know that both you and I are off duty tomorrow. Do we have any special plans?"

"Well, Miss Hathaway," he replied as we pulled up to the Court gates, "my sister just sent us a fresh bottle of vodka from home. I was thinking that-"

"You read my mind." I winked at him through the mirror.

Dimitri spoke briefly with the guardian at the gate, and then we were pulling into Court. The grounds were very active at this time of night. Moroi strolled between buildings, their guardians trailing closely behind. Employees rushed to and from work while royals lingered on the palace porch. Just a typical day at Court.

Dimitri pulled into the garage and parked the Range Rover. I stepped out and walked to the other side of the car to open Lissa's door. When she stepped out, her personal assistant, Hannah, and her second-shift guardian, Justin, were waiting for her.

"Good afternoon, Your Highness," Hannah greeted Lissa with a bow of her head.

"Hey, Hannah." Lissa covered a yawn behind her hand. "What's on the agenda for today?"

While Hannah read Lissa the events on her clipboard, I touched base with Justin.

"Hey," I greeted him with a nod, "Anything to report?"

"Nothing good," He replied. "Sage called earlier to report a Strigoi sighting near Dawson. She said it's been taken care of, though."

"Sydney." I smiled inwardly at the mention of the Alchemist. She'd been keeping an eye out for me ever since she'd helped to clear my name a few years ago. She'd gotten into quite a bit of trouble with the other Alchemists, but she had since restored her reputation amongst them. God, how I missed her sometimes.

"You got any news for me?" Justin's words pulled me out of my memories and back to reality.

"Not today," I assured him, "and let's keep it that way."

We departed with a nod. I caught Lissa's eye and waved goodbye to her, since my shift was over. I then approached Christian and Dimitri.

"Hey." I grabbed my boyfriend's shoulder. "I'm going back to the apartment to catch up on some sleep. I'll see you in an hour."

"Until then, Roza." Dimitri grabbed my hand and kissed my lips softly.

"Alright you two." Christian's snarky voice interrupted us. "Dimitri's not off duty yet."

"Calm your ass, hot head," I retorted. I turned back to my boyfriend. "See you later."

"Goodbye, Roza."

Hope you liked it! Read and Review!