Chapter 16

Sorry for not updating. :( Work kept me busy and lately I find myself wanting to just rest (and sleep and eat) more than writing ;_;

Plus, writing drabbles and short fics on my writing blogs kinda made it hard for me to go back to writing a full-blown chapter.

I hope you all like the new update, I'll try to devote some writing time soon – now that tax season is about to end *happy dance*

Again, to all the people out there who are still reading and following this story, taking their (your) time out to give 'Droplets' some love and attention. Thank you thank you thank you very much. Your reviews/favourites/follows became my fuel as I wrote this chapter.

This is for you.


Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail

The airport was as busy as she had remembered it less than a decade ago – people posing for pictures, businessmen/women on their phones as they waited for their turn at the counter, luggage all over the place (of all sizes, shapes, and colors), children running around, and a vast view of the sky and ocean that spelled home for many.

Lucy stood amidst the hustle and bustle, her eyes were locked on the picturesque sight before her, reminding her of the choice she had made – or rather she will be making. She took a deep breath as she folded her arms (I can do this. I'm not scared. I'm not weak).

I've moved on.


"O-oh, yes?" Lucy quickly answered before she kneeled down to look at the child who called on to her.

"You have a sad look on your face." The child said as she reached inside her bag, mumbling all the while, before she took out a small round candy and shoved it onto Lucy's palm, "Eat this. You will feel better. Ja!"

"Thank you."

Did her face really screamed sadness that a child had to comfort her?

Come on Lucy! Wake up. Stop moping around!


Her heart should calm down and stop banging so loudly because things were just about to start.

(Hey, Lu-chan?)

It's not like she would allow the pain to eat her forever.


And if her friend could do it-

(I'm getting married... Can you come to my wedding?)

-then so can she.

(I'd be honoured.)

After all, Levy's the one who started it first.

And it is like playing with fire,

"Don't let yourself get burned."

"Master Gray?"


"Will Miss Lucy stay for good?"

Gray shook his head and motioned for his driver to pass him the bouquet he bought earlier, "Not sure. But..." He trailed off while he smelled the roses for his princess, "I hope she'll be okay here."

The driver smiled and winked at his Master, "I'm sure she would."

At least his driver was very optimistic about this mini-vacation of Lucy, maybe his good vibes might rub off on them and bring positive omen.


Why was it he was feeling so anxious about Lucy's sudden arrival?

So uneasy about the fact that she's here when Natsu's wedding was about to take place in two weeks.

Did that bastard invited her?

At any rate, he would make sure that Lucy's trip here in Japan would be as smooth as possible, with no complications whatsoever.



"Will Miss Lucy attend Mr. Natsu's wedding?"

"No. There's no need for her to be there."


"I'm not even going there myself."

Gray pinched the bridge of his nose and leaned back on his chair, "Don't ever mention the wedding to Lucy, got that?"

"As you wish."

"And..." Gray's tone changed, like that of a snake about to strike, "I'd like to keep her away as much as possible, all right?"

"Yes sir."

And so I said,

"I know... but sometimes it can't be helped."

Her luggage felt heavy in her hand, it was like the world was weighing her down – with only a candy as her salvation.


Lucy's heart twisted in knots as she saw a man with a white scarf walking past by her,

Was fate being cruel?


There was a time when going home gave her peace and happiness, but now was different. Dread and nervousness filled her tummy, anger and regret coated her eyes.

Could she take it?

To see him once more, in a black suit as he waited for his bride to walk down the aisle? A bride that was not her? A bride that was her supposed-to-be friend?


Just imagining the scene was making her feel like bursting in anger.


What would she say to Levy?

I already know your secret?

How have you been snake?

Are you happy now that you've stolen something from me?

Is Natsu happy with you?

What did I do wrong for you to treat me like this?

Yeah, you're right, I came here because we have a score to settle – give him back?

"Can I do those things?"


And those were her thoughts just after touching down in Japan for over thirty minutes. Gray would be so disappointed with her if he knew the real reason why she came here.

It's not like she wanted to deceive the guy, but her desire to see Natsu was so strong that when the opportunity came knocking on her door, she did not think twice to jump in and said her immediate 'yes'.

It was only after understanding dawned on her that she realized how stupid she was for agreeing to something that might totally destroy her.

For as much as she wanted to convince herself that she has moved on and forgot all about Natsu, lying to herself could only do so much.


Well, there's no more turning back now. Moving forward was the only choice left. And Lucy knew in her heart that if she let this opportunity pass, she would regret it forever.

Besides, over thinking won't help, it wouldn't solve her problem with Levy, and it surely wouldn't be able to stop a wedding to happen.


"Sorry to keep you waiting Lucy."

She turned her head slowly and gave a sweet smile, "Nah, it's all right, Gray."

"Here, flowers for a beautiful princess."

"Thank you."

And time seemed to slow as the people passing by stared at the two: one a beautiful blonde in a yellow sundress, the other a dashing debonair in a black button down shirt with the top two buttons left open.


"Oh, isn't that Gray... and Lucy?"


"Nevermind," Levy paused as she hooked her arm onto Natsu's coldish one, "Don't you think that couple over there looks so good together?"


And Natsu's eyes widened, freezing him down to his core.

Although a fire may burn,

Sometimes, a drop of water is enough to mend and give relief.

Thanks for reading and I'm hoping to hear your wonderful feedback/comments/criticisms/thoughts.

hugs and kisses,
