Welcome to Fangs Blog!

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Yo! Back in the place where we came from. No, not the school(I obviously wouldn't be updating this thing for you guys then)

After reading through some more comments from you guys, I decided to recount most of what happened since the first time we saw the girls, considering we need your help.

-We go to the bakery

-Erasers break in and take us to the school.

-Something called "drama" starts up while in cages at the School.

-We escape(whoopee) and we go to New Mexico.

Iggy is telling me to explain the drama further, which I really don't want to do, so I'm going to pass the computer off to Sir Stupid and Blind.

Hey, Igster here. Well... There's a two part drama here. Mine, and Fangs.

Fang: I do not have drama

Iggy: You're trying to get in Ariana's pants, so shut up

Fang: What the hell? I'm not! I swear!

Iggy: Anyways... While in the school, I apparently said something wrong and she hated me. I don't understand woman.

Fang: That's because you are one

Iggy: Shut up... Anyways, when we were escaping I accidently-

Fang: Accidently?

Iggy: It was your fault.

Fang: . . .

Iggy: heheh. And she really hated me.

Fang: Now it's been a month since then and they both live happily ever after!

Iggy: . . . Somewhat... We exchanged words, all because Max had to lock us in that room, and in the end. I had this urged and I asked her out.

Fang: That was the day of her birthday, and expiration day. Happy late St. Patrick's day everyone.

Iggy: She slapped me and tried to get out.

Fang: Heheh... She couldn't feel the doorknob.

Iggy: I couldn't find it either! Sigh... Well... We talked for a bit. She laughed, I laughed. In the end... We made up. Now after we are done typing this Fang and I got some sweet dates.

Fang: You can't even see your date.

Iggy: Her personality is still sweet.

Fang: Now we have a problem.

Iggy: which is?

Fang: her expiration keeps changing.

Iggy: It does?

Fang: I just rolled my eyes, Ig

Iggy:. . . Well, YOLO!

Fang: Shut up with that "YOLO" shit!

Iggy: heheh... YOLO! *runs*

Fang: Well... I'm going to run after him in a second but first I need to say: I need advice. Badly. Sad, but true.


~Fly on, Fang


Homologic: On what?


Igsterbigster: I thought you didn't care...

Queenofpocky: IGGY! Hi! When I read you weren't interested in anyone, I began to love you!

Fangaliciouse: you guys are all idiots! Fang, if you need help in life... That's your call bud. In love, just give the girl flowers and chocolates and hope for the best.

*Fang POV*

Geez... Iggy really has to ruin everything. My eyes wander the computer screen silently and once I reached "Fangaliciouse"'s comment, I felt something inside me stir.. Maybe I should hope for the best with Ariana, I just hope she does too.

Lifting myself from the chair at the corner cafe, I take the small corsage I bought off some stranger and begin to walk outside. The now warm air blows me into a new light of hope. Corny, I know. But that's what I'm gonna need on this date with three people.

*Iggy POV*

I replace the ice pack on my arm, with the sleeve of a soft dress shirt. Luckily, Jenny had money appear out of nowhere and told the Flock to spend it however. Damn, she's lucky.

I pat myself to make sure everything is fine, and I remember I didn't have any pants on.

After the beating Fang gave me, I had to take off my pants because my groin could not take the pain... I'm happy no body walked in on me.

No I had my jeans and shirt on. The small white rose, Jennys favorite, in my back pocket.

Opening the hotel window, I spread my white wings and jumped. I hope no one saw me, because I can't see them. Haha.

I set off, going quickly to the John Hancock building.

A/N: Ok... I feel guilty...

Fangsmine: Why? Is it because you haven't updated in two months?

Maxii: Yeah... The last time I updated that was because I didn't want to work on my paper. So I set my paper for last minute(literally, I started and finished it the night before it was due.) and I got a great grade on it. I haven't used the computer since then.

Fangsmine: *cough*liar*cough*

Maxii: Sigh... Anyways... Sorry if any characters seem OOC. I'm just sooooo tired.

Fangsmine: same. The next chapter would second to last one :(

Maxii: Yes, this fanfiction is nearing a close.

Fangsmine: Please review, and tell us: should we write a sequel?

Maxii: The sequel would definitely be better if we write it considering we are on summer break...

Fangsmine: yeah... Anyways, review! Update would be tommorow!

Maxii: or later. . . . . .. . .