So this past few months were crazy! Last semester, thesis, graduation, visits, and now I'm in India doing an internship! However, I was reading FF again, and decided it was time for an update! So I did :) Sorry it took long, but I told you I won't give up on this story!

Anyway, without any further ado...

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN SWAC!

Chapter 32: Comfortable Silence

Sonny's POV:

Chad's basement was full with movies. I hadn't seen this part of the house. It was like a cave just for teenage movie-loving guys.

The basement wasn't very big, but when you descended the stairs, you could see two of its walls covered with shelves with movies. It was ridiculous. In the middle was a big sofa which probably could turn into a sofa bed and it was placed in front of a gigantic TV Screen.

"Woah, you have quite the equipment"

Chad smiled, running his hand through his hair as he did quite often. "Of course, I have only the best. Did you see the sound system?" He pointed at the corner of his room placed high on the wall. There were the stereo tracks. However, they were tiny compared to the other devices in the room.

I glanced at Chad. He was wearing blue jeans with an orange sweater. It was the first time I had seen him wear orange and it did fit with the color of his eyes. It made them look brighter.

"What?" He asked me with a smug look on his face.

"It's the first time I see you wear orange"

"Awesome right?" He smirked, turning around so I could have a 'full view' of him.

I huffed "Stop behaving like a baby"

"I'm not behaving like a baby"

I giggled "Yes you are, listen to yourself, you even react like one"

Chad folded his arms "No, I'm not!"

I walked towards him "Yeah you areeee" I said in a baby's voice.

Chad rolled his eyes and held up his hands. "I'm not going to discuss this with you Munroe. You're here to watch a movie and enjoy my awesome and great company"

"Awww, or you're too scared to admit you're a babyyy" I poked his sides and he jumped.

"Munroe, really?"

"Really, Cooper, Really" I smiled. Chad rolled his eyes and shook his head. He then poked me back and backed away fast enough.

"Ok, let's get down to watch the movie, shall we?" He motioned to the sofa. I plopped down the couch and looked up at him.

"What movie are you going to show me?"

Chad sighed and plopped down next to me "Well, it was a tough decision, there are so many great movies. Black and white and mute movies are art, but people who are not used to see them might get bored"

I shrugged "I guess"

"I know" He smirked. "I wanted to show you a movie that was somehow multicultural and that has an awesome soundtrack"

"Ohh" I gasped "Grease?"

Chad laid back on the sofa "No, it's not a musical and everyone has seen Grease, as in everyone. Except younger generations I guess. They like High School Musical" He shuddered.

"Who doesn't? Zac Efron is hot"

Chad gasped and turned to me. He lifted a finger. "Don't you dare say that Munroe, Efron is just an actor wannabe who got lucky"

"He's a great actor, you're just jealous" I pointed out.

"Please" He smirked "I have many girls falling down to their knees for me, and I'm not famous yet. Imagine if I were to become awesome? Girls wouldn't handle my Chadeliciousness"

I raised an eyebrow "Chadeliciousness? Is that really a word now?" Had had filled his chest with air and his head with ideas. He was really a character.

"Of course, it has always been and Zac Efron won't top that"

"What would you do against him? Ban him from the movies you make?" I said sarcastically.

Chad smiled "That's actually a great idea Munroe"

"Are you serious?" I gaped at him. Was he serious? The look on his face didn't lie. He was honest and truthful. He would make that happen if the possibility ever appeared.

He arched an eyebrow and stared at me "I don't joke about such serious things like my films"

Chad looked like a little boy. His lips almost formed a pout and his baby blue eyes revealed the baby that was in him. How could I ever believe that he was evil? Well… not evil but not good either. Alright, Chad wasn't an angel, but he was a nice guy with a very high ego and a bad habit. He was showing me a nicer side of him, but that didn't mean his bad and bully side was completely gone.

"Anyway" He stood up "Let's watch a movie. The movie I have in mind is famous, but still some people haven't watched it. It has action, romance for the lady" He winked at me. "culture, an amazing soundtrack and some destiny"

My face felt a bit hot "Destiny?"

Chad nodded "Yep. Care to guess?"

I tilted my head, trying to see the dvd that he was hiding behind his back. "I… honestly have no idea"

Chad tilted his head back for a second, exposing his long neck for a bit. "Come on Munroe, doesn't destiny ring a bell?"

I shrugged "No…" I was starting to feel anxious. How was I supposed to guess out of thousands of movies, to the one he was referring to?

He sighed "Fine, I'll tell you"

"Please" I pouted.

"Slumdog Millionaire"

"I've heard of that movie!"

Chad arched his eyebrows "So you haven't watched it?"

"No, although I've heard it's good" I bit my lips.

"It's more than good; the soundtrack was composed by A.R Rahman. He's a genius! The actors are Indians but it's not a bollywood movie" He introduced the dvd into the dvd player and turned on the TV.

"Ok, I can guess the action, romance and the rest, but what about the destiny? That doesn't make sense"

Chad smiled "You'll find out that at the end, it's sort of like the whole point of the movie and actually, destiny is the whole point of our lives. Only if you believe in destiny of course"

I shrugged "I have never really thought about it" Honestly, I had never thought about destiny. I hadn't even thought whether it was true or just some made-up thought people invented to make themselves happy. I hadn't grown up with those sorts of beliefs. My mother wasn't even religious in the first place.

Chad put the dvd in the dvd player and soon the movie started. He brought a bowl of popcorn which he settled in front of us, in a small coffee table. I wasn't thirsty so I didn't get or ask anything to drink, but Chad was taking swigs of some soda every 2 minutes. He and I were sitting in the same sofa, but at opposite sides. It wasn't like the sofa was very big anyway, so I knew that if I scooted close enough, I could touch him. Not that I wanted to, pfft. I wondered how many girls he had brought here… Although now that I thought about it, Chad didn't seem to be the kind of guy to bring a girl to his house only to make out and well… I shook off my thoughts. The lights were turned off, so the only light came from the TV and the window. It was dark outside already, so the moonlight shone through it. I leaned on the arm rest, while my other hand lay on the cushion next to me.

The movie was promising and he was right, the soundtrack was very good. However, I wasn't able to concentrate properly. I didn't know why. I kept glancing at Chad, but that was only because I wanted to know if he had the same problem. Whenever I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, his gaze was directed towards the TV, so I knew it was only me.

Chad's POV

Munroe was making me uneasy. She kept fidgeting and I could feel her glances at me once in a while. I frowned, pretending to be deeply engrossed in the movie. Why was she so… distracted? I smirked. It was probably me. She must have realized who she was with now, and felt nervous in my presence. I internally chuckled, not letting her see my glee.

I yawned. I really enjoyed this movie, but I had seen it several times and some parts bored me. I rubbed my eyes, while letting one of my hands fall next to me. The other one I used to support my head. The air was hot. Not only because I was there, but summer was about to begin, and so would our graduation. Sonny, Sean and I would soon be graduating among other people. It was coming very close and I didn't want to think about it.

I was definitely going to take a gap year. I hadn't applied to any universities since I wasn't sure of what I wanted to do a few months ago. Now I knew I wanted to go into the film industry somehow. I wanted to be either acting, directing or producing.

An hour had passed since the movie started and Sonny had stopped fidgeting. I glanced at her by the corner of my eyes and saw her engrossed in the film. It seemed she was finally focusing on it. I smiled and turned to look at the TV. I didn't want to seem like a creep by glancing at her. Not that I cared what she thought, but CDC is no creep. I yawned again. There was a comfortable silence. It was nice to be like this, sitting with a girl and watching a movie. Actually watching it though, not making out or playing around. Not that I would mind, but I enjoyed watching movies, especially one that I liked such as this.

Ah, but I would not make out with Sonny and her stupid face… stupid cute… I glanced at her again and she seemed engrossed in the movie. It was fun to watch her expressions while she tried to match them according to what was happening in the film. I hadn't noticed how plump her lips were or how silky her hair seemed. I had to agree that she wasn't as plain as I made her to be. She was actually…

She yawned a yawn so big that I swore would make a bear pale in comparison.

"Jeez Munroe, your brains can't match the movie plot?"

She glared at me, breaking away her gaze from the movie "Shut up and let me watch Cooper"

I smirked. "No witty comebacks? I'm disappointed"

"I don't want to waste my wit with you, now let me watch" She seemed annoyed and I watched her with amusement. She really seemed into it. Who would have thought?

Sonny's POV

I sighed. I was finally focusing on the movie when he distracted me. The movie was so good. I tilted my head to one side. I was feeling sleepy as well. My day had been a long one and I was tired. The atmosphere in the room was very comfortable. As my mom would say, it was a comfortable silence. However, it was hard to contain my yawns. I wasn't bored, but my tiredness was winning me over. I lifted my arms over my head to stretch. After a while, I had realized that my hand was considerately warmer than before. I frowned. That was weird.

I glanced down at my hand and realized that after stretching, I had accidentally placed it over Chad's hand. My hand wasn't on his own to be exact, but tree fingers were touching his. I glanced at him with a terrified look. Had he realized? He seemed unfazed, probably too engrossed in the movie to care. I was afraid of moving the hand. If I did, he would definitely notice. I looked straight at the TV as my face grew slightly hot. I took a deep breath, and tried to focus on the movie again. No big deal, my hand could stay there, plus, it was oddly comfortable. It wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. Not that I had thought about holding Chad's hand before… of course not! But it was definitely nicer than I would have expected, considering he was who he was.

Chad's POV

I was feeling slightly hotter, and I didn't know why. I felt that the warmth came from my side, more specifically my hand. I frowned. That was weird. I glanced and noticed that Sonny's fingers were slightly grazing mine.

I didn't know what to think or say… except that it was comfortable. I wanted to keep it there. Also, I had told her that we should get to know each other better, so she wouldn't be so wary of me, and highlighting our hand situation wasn't going to help, that would be sure.

I kept my hand there, grazing hers, mostly because I didn't felt like moving it just because her hand was there. I had put my hand there first!

And also, because it was comfortable and somehow, I didn't care that I was touching hands with Sunny Munroe, or that I was Chad Dylan Cooper and she was my target. It just felt good.

Like it? Hate it? Review?!:D

I'm already scheming the next chapters!